Visão Geral
Este Curso Supply Chain Cyber Security Risk Management, fornece uma introdução aos conceitos fundamentais de gerenciamento de riscos de segurança cibernética e como eles são aplicados às cadeias de suprimentos modernas. Os participantes aprenderão como identificar fornecedores críticos, avaliar riscos em relacionamentos com terceiros e quartos e identificar estratégias de mitigação. O curso cobre riscos associados a hardware, software e serviços adquiridos de fontes externas, e os participantes aprenderão estratégias para analisar, tratar e monitorar riscos cibernéticos em toda a cadeia de suprimentos.
Conteúdo Programatico
Risk Management Basics
In this module, you will learn to:
- Define Risk and determine its likelihood and probability.
- Assess Risk’s financial, reputational, and revenue impact.
- Define Threats and Threat Actors.
- Identify threat modeling approaches.
- Define Vulnerabilities to networks and organizations.
- Discuss methods of risk assessment: qualitative vs. quantitative.
- Identify ways to mature risk assessment processes over time through an Iterative risk assessment.
Build a risk register for your fictional company.
- Evaluate Risk Treatment options: Avoid/Mitigate/Accept/Transfer.
- Determine when are certain options most appropriate?
- Ask what decision factors must be considered when selecting a risk option?
- Define what limitations exist in choosing options.
Exercise 2: Document risk treatment plans.
Supply Chain Basics
In this module, you will learn about:
- Define Supply Chain, Vendor, Third/Fourth Party, and key parts of a supply chain.
- Operational risk and understanding the business impact of prioritizing critical suppliers.
- Common supply chain risks arising from Hardware (HW), Software SW), and Open-source software (OSS).
- Inherited/platform risks (e.g., operating system risks that impact an application, underlying modules included in a larger application like Log4j).
- Risks from services such as key vendors, third parties, etc.
- Identifying vulnerabilities - What do attackers target?
- What motivates supply chain attacks, and who are the victims?
Exercise 3: Assess supply chain risks.
SCRM Tools & Practices
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Build an SCRM plan.
- Leverage existing security and privacy controls in the organization.
- Identify common framework elements that push compliance to other organizations, such as Business Associates in HIPAA and data subprocessors in GDRP.
Exercise 4: Identify inputs and key outputs of SCRM planning. Document the required process elements needed.
- Define the purpose of contracts and typical use cases.
- Define service level requirements, service level agreements (SLAs), and the purpose/typical use cases of each.
- Define assurance and how the level of risk will impact the level of assurance required.
- Conduct due diligence at contract initiation and then routinely throughout the service lifetime.
- Implement due care, such as supplier audits and identifying alternate suppliers.
- Ensure adequate insurance coverage for third- and fourth-party risks.
- Consume vendor-supplied audit reports and identify gaps against the organization’s internal compliance requirements.
- Build an audit methodology and implement the program.
- Treat previously discussed hardware, software, and service supply chain risks.
Case Studies: SolarWinds, Kaseya, and Target breaches.
Compliance Frameworks, SCRM Vendors, and Tools
In this module, you will learn about:
- Using a compliance framework to build SCRM capability internal to an organization.
- Requirements to comply with a framework as a vendor to other organizations.
- CMMC & NIST SP 800-171.
- CMMI for Acquisition
- SOC 2
- Identify as a proactive measure; service providers can undergo an audit and have a documented report of compliance available to share with business partners.
- Discuss various SOC reports (1, 2, 3) and types (I, II).
- Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ), and the CSA STAR Registry.
Exercise: Review a sample CAIQ-Lite report or excerpts from a SOC 2 Type II.
- Vendor Security Alliance (
- Vendor security questionnaires.
- Ongoing risk monitoring/supplier monitoring platforms (Security Scorecard, BitSight. etc.).
- GRC platforms (ZenGRC, TugBoat Logic, etc.).