Visão Geral
O Curso Introduction to R Programming for Programmers, ensina os programadores a usar a linguagem de programação R para explorar dados de uma variedade de fontes, construindo modelos inferenciais e gerando tabelas, gráficos e outras representações de dados.
Conteúdo Programatico
- History of R
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Downloading and installing
- How to find documentation
- Using the R console and RStudio
- Getting help
- Learning about the environment
- Writing and executing scripts
- Object-oriented programming
- Introduction to vectorized calculations
- Introduction to data frames
- Installing and loading packages
- Working directory
- Saving your work
Variable Types and Data Structures in Base R
- Variables and assignment
- Data types
- Numeric, character, boolean, and factors
- Data structures
- Vectors, matrices, arrays, dataframes, lists
- Indexing, subsetting
- Assigning new values
- Viewing data and summaries
- Naming conventions
- Objects
Getting Data into the R Environment with readr
- Built-in data
- Reading data from structured text files
- Reading data using ODBC
Dataframe manipulation with dplyr
- Introduction to tibbles, enhanced data frames
- Renaming columns
- Adding new columns
- Binning data (continuous to categorical)
- Combining categorical values
- Transforming variables
- Handling missing data
- Merging datasets together
- Stacking datasets together (concatenation)
Handling Dates in R using Lubridate
- Date and date-time classes in R
- Formatting dates for modeling
Exploratory Data Analysis (descriptive statistics)
- Continuous data
- Distributions
- Quantiles, mean
- Bi-modal distributions
- Histograms, box-plots
- Categorical data
- Tables
- Barplots
- Group by calculations with dplyr
- Split-apply-combine
- Applying functions across dimensions
- Sapply, lapply, apply
- Programming with map and purrr
Advanced R Graphics: ggplot2
- Understanding the grammar of graphics
- Quick plots (qplot function)
- Building graphics by pieces (ggplot function)
- Understanding geoms (geometries)
- Linking chart elements to variable values
- Controlling legends and axes
- Exporting graphics
General Linear Regression Models in R
- Understanding formulas
- Linear and logistic regression models
- Regression plots
- Confounding / interaction in regression
- Evaluating residuals
- Scoring new data from models (prediction)
- Useful plots from regression models