Visão Geral
Interprete dados para informar decisões de negócios
Reconheça tendências, detecte valores discrepantes e resuma conjuntos de dados
Analise relações entre variáveis
Desenvolva e teste hipóteses
Elabore perguntas de pesquisa sólidas e tire conclusões a partir de amostras populacionais
Implementar análise de regressão e outras técnicas analíticas no Excel
Prepare-se para sua próxima oportunidade aprendendo como aplicar estatísticas básicas a problemas reais de negócios.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico
Describing and Summarizing Data
Recognize trends in data and detect outliers, summarize data sets concisely, and analyze relationships between variables.
- Visualizing Data
- Descriptive Statistics
- Relationship Between Two Variables
Featured Exercises
- Create visual representations of data in Excel
- Define and calculate descriptive statistics
- Create scatter plots and calculate the correlation coefficient
Sampling and Estimation
Create representative samples and draw conclusions about the larger population and craft sound survey questions.
Calculating Confidence Intervals
- Creating Representative and Unbiased Samples
- The Normal Distribution
- Confidence Intervals
- Amazon's Inventory Sampling
Featured Exercises
- Calculate sample statistics and apply the properties of the normal distribution
- Calculate confidence intervals to estimate the accuracy of statistics
Hypothesis Testing
Quantify the evidence in favor of or against your hypothesis in order to make managerial decisions.
Interpreting A/B Tests
- Designing and Performing Hypothesis Tests
- Improving the Customer Experience
Featured Exercises
- Develop and test hypotheses in Excel to assess the impact of changes on an entire population or estimate differences between populations
- Interpret the results of a series of website A/B tests
Single Variable Linear Regression
- Analyze the relationship between two variables and develop forecasts for values outside the data set.
- Interpreting Regression Analysis
- The Regression Line
- Forecasting
- Interpreting the Regression Output
- Performing Regression Analyses
- Forecasting Home Video Units
Featured Exercises
- Identify the best fit line for a data set and interpret its equation through an analysis of housing data
- Perform a regression analysis of box office and home video sales using Excel and interpret the output
Multiple Regression
- Identify relationships among three or more variables to improve understanding of data and provide better forecasts.
- The Multiple Regression Equation
- Adapting Concepts from Single Regression
- Performing Multiple Regression Analyses
- New Concepts in Multiple Regression
- The Caesars Staffing Problem
Featured Exercises
- Estimate the relative predictive power of different combinations of variables by performing and interpreting a multiple variable regression analysis using Excel
- Apply multiple regression analysis to a staffing challenge faced by a hotel
- Expand the range of your analysis by using dummy and lagged variables