Curso Angular Foundation

  • Development

Curso Angular Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Angular Foundation: Aprenda o Angular 11 e crie aplicativos responsivos de força empresarial que funcionem perfeitamente em desktops e dispositivos móveis com este curso de treinamento Angular. O Angular fornece uma estrutura robusta que facilita o desenvolvimento de aplicativos ricamente interativos em execução em várias plataformas. Ganhe experiência na construção de componentes, criação de diretivas, modularização de aplicativos e construção de formulários orientados a modelos.


  • Experiência no desenvolvimento de páginas da web no nível de JavaScript
  • Conhecimento de HTML e CSS
  • Ou similar 
Inglês | Português
Conteúdo Programatico

Angular Introduction

  1. Architectural overview
  2. Simplifying development of complex modern applications
  3. The organization of an Angular app
  4. Supporting multiple client devices
  5. Configuring an Angular development environment
  6. Bootstrapping your first Angular application

Getting started with TypeScript

  1. Transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript
  2. Building an app with TypeScript

Constructing User Interface (UI) Components

  1. Defining components
  2. Structure of a component
  3. Introducing the component hierarchy
  4. Declaring metadata with the @Component decorator
  5. Controlling HTML5 generation with Templates
  6. Displaying repeating data with *ngFor
  7. Conditional generation of DOM content

Debugging techniques and strategies

  1. Interpreting framework error messages
  2. Exploring the component hierarchy with Augury

Reducing code complexity with Dependency Injection (DI)

  1. Principles of DI
  2. Creating loosely coupled applications
  3. Configuring providers and declaring Injectables
  4. Satisfying dependencies with Provider metadata

Testing Angular Components & Functionality

  1. Structuring test strategies
  2. Unit testing vs. integration testing
  3. Working with mock Angular components
  4. Asynchronous testing with ES6 arrow functions

Leveraging 3rd party tools

  1. Defining tests with Jasmine
  2. Automating tests with Angular CLI and Karma
  3. Building and running a Protractor test

Adding Interactivity to Your Applications

  1. Coordinating Component interaction
  2. Passing data from parent to child with Input bindings
  3. Listening for property changes with ngOnChanges
  4. Binding a model to display with interpolation

Managing events

  1. Detecting and responding to user interaction
  2. Capturing browser events
  3. Emitting custom events to trigger behavior

Navigation and Data Transformation

  1. Creating modular applications
  2. Controlling application flow with the Component Router
  3. Dividing application functionality across multiple Component trees
  4. Parameterizing routes for dynamic navigation

Manipulating data with Pipes

  1. Formatting dates for display
  2. Chaining pipes to combine functionality
  3. Filtering data with custom Pipes

Building Interactive Forms

  1. Displaying and capturing data
  2. Developing forms with ngFormModel and FormBuilder
  3. Creating a form from a business object
  4. Two-way binding between input controls and data model

Validating form input

  1. Leveraging HTML5 and custom validation
  2. Providing user feedback from validators

Managing Asynchronous Behavior

  1. Keeping the App responsive
  2. Subscribing to Observables
  3. Converting stream data types with the Observable map function
  4. Optimizing change detection with immutability and onPush

Interacting with a REST Web service

  1. Retrieving data with the HTTP object
  2. Sending data asynchronously with POST
  3. Invoking different HTTP methods
  4. Gracefully handling errors

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