Curso Advanced Management and Leadership Techniques

  • Business Analysis

Curso Advanced Management and Leadership Techniques

Visão Geral

Ser um gerente de nível de diretor eficaz significa que você deve delegar constantemente, se tornar um agente de mudança e desempenhar um papel vital como um canal entre a gerência executiva e a equipe operacional. Este curso inclui nove módulos de tópicos principais que são relevantes para qualquer gerente que gerencie supervisores e seja responsável perante a gerência sênior para atingir objetivos estratégicos.


Ao final do curso, você aprenderá a:

  • Aprenda as funções e responsabilidades de um gerente intermediário
  • Entenda a liderança para gerentes intermediários
  • Motivar por meio de delegação eficaz
  • Gerencie o desempenho por meio do coaching
  • Gerencie a mudança e seu próprio estresse
  • Planejando o suporte aos objetivos estratégicos
  • Planejamento estratégico e o papel do gerente intermediário
  • Faça apresentações e briefings eficazes para clientes e gerentes
  • Conduza reuniões eficazes
Publico Alvo
  • Qualquer pessoa que se reporte diretamente à alta gerência ou que tenha gerentes como subordinados diretos.
  • Embora não haja pré-requisitos para este curso, será útil entender os preceitos básicos de gestão.
Informações Gerais


  • 100% On-Line na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado e docente em sala de aula.
  • In-company.
  • Presencial.


  • Noturno em noites intercaladas exemplo: terça-feira e quinta-feira das 19h às 23h,total de 4h por encontro.
  • Aos sábados das 8h às 12h, total de 4h ou das 09h às 18h, total de 8h.
  • Integral consultor disponibilidade


  • Apostila
  • Laborátorio individual
  • Exercícios práticos
Conteúdo Programatico

Roles and Responsibilities of a Middle Manager

  1. Roles and Duties
  2. Determining Your Tactical Vision
  3. Managing Managers
  4. Your Responsibilities to Senior Management
  5. Different Roles of the Supervisor vs. Middle Manager

Planning Strategic Objectives

  1. Developing Your Tactical Plans from the Corporate Mission and Objectives
  2. Strategic and Tactical Business Planning Techniques
  3. Your Role in Achieving the Mission, Objectives, Goals, and Projects

Executive Presentations and Briefings

  1. How to Plan and Present Winning Briefings
  2. Dealing with Nervousness and Tough Audiences
  3. Use of Visual Aids
  4. Practice and Critique Executive Presentations

Leadership for the Middle Manager

  1. Leadership Self-Assessment “The Leadership Challenge”
  2. Traditional and Situational Leadership Models
  3. Your Role in Challenging the Process, Inspiring a Shared Vision, Enabling Others to Act, Modeling the Way, and Encouraging the Heart
  4. Leadership Issues Specifically for Middle Managers

Managing Change and Stress on Your Team

  1. Traditional Views of Change and the Resulting Stress
  2. Signs and Symptoms of Resistance to Change and Stress in Your Staff
  3. Stages Staff Go through in Times of Change
  4. Planning and Managing Large or Small Changes
  5. Managing and Dealing with All Levels of Stress

Giving Effective Feedback and Your Role as a Coach

  1. Giving Positive and Corrective Feedback to Your Managers
  2. Coaching to Correct Performance Problems or Develop Your Stars

Planning and Running Effective Meetings

  1. Why Meetings Fail
  2. The Five Different Purposes of Meetings
  3. Planning and Running Meetings
  4. Achieving Results in the Shortest Possible Time

Delegation Skills

  1. Delegate Menial Tasks So the Job Gets Done
  2. Delegate the Tough, Important Jobs

Performance Appraisals

  1. Do’s and Don’ts of Performance Appraisals
  2. Setting up Stress-Free Appraisals or You and Your Staff

Managing Your Own Development

  1. How to Negotiate Your Own Development and Career
  2. What Is Career Planning?
  3. What Are Your Skills and Aspirations?
  4. Careers and Generational Expectations
  5. What Is the Best Field for Me?
  6. Identifying Your Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities
  7. Steps in Managing Your Career
  8. Necessary Elements of Career Success
  9. The Value of Mentoring and Networking
  10. Managing Your Career in the Short-, Mid-, and Long-Term

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