Implementing a Service-Oriented Architecture with XML Web Services in Java

  • Development

Implementing a Service-Oriented Architecture with XML Web Services in Java

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Implementing a Service-Oriented Architecture with XML Web Services in Java, Este workshop avançado e aprofundado explicará a necessidade de uma arquitetura orientada a serviços (SOA), melhores práticas para integração entre sistemas corporativos usando SOA e fornecerá detalhes concretos sobre a implementação e orquestração de serviços da Web com a API Java para XML Web Services (JAX-WS) e a API Java para XML RESTful Services (JAX-RS). Este curso também fornece uma introdução abrangente ao XML e como analisar, criar, transformar e vincular ao XML a partir de programas Java.


Após realizar este Curso Implementing a Service-Oriented Architecture with XML Web Services in Java, você será capaz de:

  1. Projetar uma arquitetura orientada a serviços com XML Web Services
  2. Descrever a estrutura de um documento XML usando esquema
  3. Interaja com documentos XML de programas Java usando SAX, DOM, JAXB e TRaX
  4. Crie serviços e clientes da Web em nível de XML usando as APIs Provider e Dispatch
  5. Crie serviços da Web RESTful usando JAX-RS
  6. Crie clientes para serviços RESTful usando a API Jersey Client
  7. Monitorar mensagens SOAP entre serviços da Web e clientes
  8. Gravar e implantar WSDL para serviços da Web que priorizam o WSDL
  9. Criar serviços da Web que priorizam o WSDL e o primeiro código
  10. Criar clientes de serviço da Web síncronos e assíncronos
  11. Interponha manipuladores SOAP personalizados no lado do cliente e no lado do servidor
  12. Orquestrar serviços da Web
  13. Habilite a otimização, confiabilidade e segurança de mensagens
Publico Alvo

Este é um curso de programação Java de nível intermediário, projetado para arquitetos e desenvolvedores que desejam implementar arquiteturas de integração usando serviços Web XML em Java. O aluno deve ser um programador JEE/Java experiente, com experiência prática de desenvolvimento.


Os participantes devem ter proficiência em Java equivalente ao nível do ROI's Course 430: Essential Java.

Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to SOA and Web Services

  1. What Is SOA?
  2. Why SOA?
  3. SOA Implementation Options
  4. SOA in the Real World
  5. Quick Introduction to Eclipse, Ant, and Tomcat
  6. Exercise 1: Exploring the Case Study

Designing a SOA with XML Web Services

  1. Designing a SOA Integration Architecture
  2. Implementing a SOA with Web Services
  3. What SOA Does Not Provide
  4. Business Process Modeling with SOA
  5. Exercise 2: Designing Integration Layer

XML in the Enterprise

  1. XML: Syntax and Grammar
  2. XML Namespaces
  3. Exercise 3: Writing XML
  4. XML Schema
  5. Simple Types, Complex Types
  6. Interoperability Limitations
  7. Binary Data
  8. Facets, Enumeration, Union
  9. Exercise 4: Writing XML Payload to Conform to a Schema
  10. XPath
  11. XSLT
  12. Try It Now: Invoke XSLT from Command-Line

Java and XML

  1. Java APIs for XML Parsing
  2. SAX, DOM, and JAXB
  3. Try It Now: SAX
  4. Try It Now: DOM
  5. Binding XML to Objects
  6. JAXB Limitations
  7. Exercise 5: JAXB Exercise: Creating JavaBeans from Permanent Exhibit Document
  8. Java Transformation API
  9. Try It Now: TRaX
  10. Provider API
  11. Dispatch API
  12. Try It Now: XML-Level Web Services

RESTful Services and Clients

  1. Limitations of Provider API
  2. JAX-RS
  3. Path and Query Parameters
  4. Exercise 6: JAX-RS Web Service
  5. Dispatch API Client
  6. Try It Now: Dispatch Client
  7. Limitations of Dispatch API
  8. Jersey Client API
  9. Posting Forms
  10. Exercise 7: JAX-RS Client
  11. Limitations of JAX-RS

Web Service Ingredients (SOAP and WSDL)

  1. Role of SOAP in Web Services
  2. Structure of a SOAP Message
  3. WS-I Headers
  4. Types of SOAP Messages
  5. Exercise 8: Monitoring SOAP Using soapUI
  6. Role of WSDL in Web Services
  7. Try It Now: Accessing WSDL
  8. Interface
  9. Implementation
  10. Deploying a WSDL
  11. Exercise 9: Write and Deploy WSDL

Creating a Web Service from WSDL

  1. Why Choose WSIT/JAX-WS
  2. Importing a WSDL and Generating a Web Service Endpoint
  3. Best Practices in Dealing with Generated Code
  4. Customizing the Generated Code
  5. Structure of a Web Service WAR
  6. Exercise 10: Create Service from WSDL
  7. SOAPHandler and LogicalHandler
  8. Try It Now: SOAP Handling (Server-Side)

Building Web Service Clients

  1. Generating Client Code from WSDL
  2. Customizing the Created Client Code
  3. Exercise 11: Creating JAX-WS Client
  4. Synchronous, Polling, and Asynchronous Services
  5. Asynchronous Clients
  6. Java Executor Framework
  7. Try It Now: Asynchronous Client
  8. SOAPHandler and SOAPMessage
  9. LogicalHandler
  10. Changing SOAP Messages Using DOM, TRaX and JAXB
  11. Try It Now: SOAP Handling (Client-Side)

Code-First Web Services

  1. Service Annotations
  2. Generating a Web Service Tie
  3. Exercise 12: Exposing a Java Class as a Web Service

Orchestrating Web Services

  1. Orchestrating Web Services in Java
  2. Exercise 13: Orchestrating Web Services in Java
  3. Orchestrating Web Services with BPEL

Security, Reliability, and Addressing

  1. Message Optimization
  2. Reliability, Addressing
  3. Security
  4. Enabling WS-* Features

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