Visão Geral
Este Curso Web Component Development with Servlets & JSP, ensina aos desenvolvedores experientes de aplicativos de tecnologia Java o conhecimento e as habilidades para construir rapidamente aplicativos da Web adequados a qualquer servidor de aplicativos Java EE usando tecnologias JSP e servlet. Você ganha experiência na construção e implantação de aplicativos da Web de pequena e média escala encontrados na intranet e em sites comerciais de baixo volume.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Java Servlets
- Describe web applications, CGI, and the role of Java
- Describe benefits of Java servlet technology
- Create a simple Java Servlet
- Define three-tier architecture
- Define Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
Introduction to Java Server Pages
- Describe why Servlets are not the whole solution
- Describe essentials of JSPs
- Understand the fundamentals and reasons for MVC architecture
Implementing an MVC Design
- Code a controller using a servlet
- Code a view using a JSP
- Forward control from a servlet to a JSP
- Understand fundamentals of EL
- Implement a simple MVC system
The servlet's environment
- Understand more details of the HTTP protocol
- Understand fundamentals of HTML forms
- Understand fundamentals of the HttpServlet and related APIs
- Write code that manages client sessions and cookies
Container facilities for servlets and JSPs
- Understand the purpose and structure of deployment descriptors
- Control context root and servlet mapping
- Create and use context and init parameters
- Use annotations to configure servlets
More view facilities
- Understand the four data scopes
- Understand and use EL dot ‚”.”, and array access ‚”[“ operators with Java Beans, arrays, and collections
- Understand and use EL implicit objects
- Create and use arithmetic expressions in EL
- Identify the need for iteration and selection in the view, and use JSTL tags to address those needs
Developing JSP pages
- Understand the origins, benefits, and weaknesses of JSPs
- Describe JSP technology, the conversion of JSPs to servlets, and the lifecycle of JSPs
- Understand JSP scripting elements, declarations and directives
- Use JSP implicit variables
- Understand and use jsp: tags
Developing JSP pages using custom tags
- Relate the JSTL to common job roles in web application development and understand the use of tags in JSP development
- Recognize correct syntax for tags
- Configure a JSP to use tags from the JSTL
- Write JSP code using several standard tags
- List capabilities of JSTL tags
More Controller facilities
- Understand the servlet lifecycle
- Describe and use more advanced elements of the servlet APIs
- Create filters and use them in web applications
More options for the Model
- Understand the roles of JDBC and JPA
- Understand the many elements that make up the model
- Understand fundamentals of connecting to a database using JDBC or JPA
Asynchronous web applications
- Understand the interactions that are essential to asynchronous web pages
- Understand the role of AJAX-style client side programming
- Implement asynchronous servlets using the facilities of Java EE 6
Web application security
- Understand the role of the container in security
- Describe and implement four authentication models
- Force the use of encryption between a web application and the client browser
- Understand the role of JAAS in pluggable/extensible authentication for web applications