Curso Vue.JS Foundation

  • Development

Curso Vue.JS Foundation

40 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Vue.JS Foundation, Vue.JS é uma estrutura JavaScript. É uma alternativa leve ao Angular JS. Ele foi projetado para aprender a construir interfaces web interativas com o framework Vue.js. Nesta aula de treinamento, você também aprenderá os fundamentos do Vue.js e desenvolverá aplicativos da Web completos usando seus componentes reativos.


Após realizar este Curso Vue.JS Foundation, você será capaz de:

  • Introdução ao Vue.js
  • Trabalhando com modelo e modelo de visualização
  • instância Vue revisitada
  • Tratamento de eventos
  • Trabalhando com formulários e vinculação bidirecional
  • Introdução aos componentes
  • Passando dados para componentes
  • Distribuição de conteúdo com slots
  • Componentes dinâmicos
  • Diretivas personalizadas
  • Mixins
  • Filtros revisitados
  • Comunicação remota com Vue.js
  • Roteamento
  • Gerenciamento de estado
  • Entendendo as Mutações
  • Teste de Unidade
Publico Alvo
  • Este curso é recomendado para desenvolvedores e designers que desejam usar o Vue.js para criar aplicativos da web.
  • Conhecimentos Básicos de Informática.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introducing Vue.js

  1. Why Should I Care About Vue.js?
  2. The Simplicity of Vue
  3. Running Fast with Vue
  4. Other Considerations for Vue
  5. Installing and Setting up Vue
  6. Installing Vue.js
  7. Installing Axios
  8. Initializing an Instance of Vue
  9. Mounting an Instance of Vue
  10. Lifecycle of a View

Creating Vue.js Templates

  1. Introducing Templates
  2. Defining Template Data
  3. Loading Data Properties
  4. Naming Properties
  5. Understanding Property Values
  6. Binding Content to a Template
  7. Binding Text
  8. Semantic Bindings
  9. Declarative Bindings
  10. One Time Bindings
  11. Bindings to HTML
  12. Binding to HTML Attributes
  13. Introducing the Bind Directive
  14. Binding to CSS Properties
  15. Binding to CSS Classes
  16. Using JavaScript Expressions

Binding with Forms in Vue.js

  1. An Introduction to Binding with Forms
  2. Using Input Bindings
  3. Binding to Text Fields
  4. Binding to Checkboxes
  5. Binding to Radio Buttons
  6. Binding to Drop Down Lists
  7. Modifying Bound Values
  8. Using the Trim Modifier
  9. Using the Number Modifier
  10. Lazily Binding Values (Lazy Binding)

Responding to User Events in Vue.js 1. Responding to User Events in V

  1. Responding to User Events in Vue.js
  2. Using Event
  3. Defining Event Handlers
  4. Examining Events and Passing Parameters
  5. Altering Event Behaviours
  6. Understanding Event Propagation
  7. Event Capturing
  8. Using the Prevent Modifier
  9. Using the Stop Modifier
  10. Using the Self Modifier
  11. Using the Once Modifier
  12. Reacting to Keyed Events
  13. Creating Key Modifiers
  14. Reacting to Mouse Button Events
  15. Reacting to Special Keys

Conditional Rendering and Rendering of Lists

  1. Conditional Rendering and Rendering of Lists
  2. Rendering Elements Conditionally
  3. Rendering Conditionally on Load
  4. Rendering Conditionally During Runtime
  5. Rendering Lists of Items
  6. Looping a Specific Number of Times
  7. Traversing Object Properties
  8. Iterating Through Arrays
  9. Using v-for and v-if Together
  10. Detecting Array Changes
  11. Using the Sort Function
  12. Using the Reverse Function
  13. Pushing and Popping Array Items
  14. Using the Shift and Unshift Function
  15. Splicing an Array
  16. Updating an Array Element

Reacting to Data Changes with Filters, Computed Properties, and Watchers

  1. Introduction
  2. Monitoring Data Changes with Watchers
  3. Defining a Watcher's Behaviour
  4. Defining a Watcher's Depth
  5. Faster Rendering with Computed Properties
  6. Initializing Computed Properties
  7. Using Computed Properties as Accessors
  8. Formatting with Filters
  9. Defining Filters
  10. Programmatically Calling a Filter
  11. Chaining Filters Together
  12. Comparing Filters to Methods

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