Curso UML Analysis & Design Using UML

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Curso UML Analysis & Design Using UML

16 horas
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Curso UML Analysis & Design Using UML, o curso Análise e Design com UML é uma introdução aprofundada à teoria contemporânea de desenvolvimento de software e prática usando UML.

Depois de concluir com êxito este curso, os participantes deverão ser capazes de ter um bom entendimento de Análise e Design OO, criar artefatos UML OOA&D e relacioná-los a um processo iterativo de desenvolvimento de software.

Publico Alvo
  • Arquitetos de Software
  • Designers de software
  • Analista de sistemas
  • Gerentes de projeto
  • Engenheiros de software
  • Engenheiros de garantia de qualidade
  • Analistas de negócios
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Analysis and Design-Core Concepts

  1. What is UML?
  2. Goals of UML
  3. Characteristics of UML
  4. UML Conceptual Model
  5. Building Blocks
  6. Things
  7. Relationship
  8. Diagrams
  9. Rules
  10. Common Mechanism
  11. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  12. Object Oriented Analysis
  13. Object Oriented Design
  14. Object Oriented Implementation
  15. Roles of UML in Object Oriented Design

UML Notation Basics

  1. What is the UML Notation?
  2. Class Notation
  3. Object Notation
  4. Interface Notation
  5. Collaboration Notation
  6. Use Case Notation
  7. Actor Notation
  8. Initial State Notation
  9. Final State Notation
  10. Active Class Notation
  11. Component Notation
  12. Node Notation
  13. Interaction Notation
  14. State Machine Notation
  15. Package Notation
  16. Note Notation
  17. Dependency Notation
  18. Association Notation
  19. Generalisation Notation
  20. Extensibility Notation

Object and Class Diagrams

  1. What is a Class Diagram?
  2. Purpose of Class Diagram
  3. Vital Components of Class Diagram
  4. Relationships
  5. Multiplicity, Aggregation, and Composition
  6. How to Draw a Class Diagram?
  7. Class Diagram Example
  8. Uses of a Class Diagram
  9. What is an Object Diagram?
  10. Purpose of an Object Diagram
  11. How to Draw an Object Diagram?
  12. Uses of an Object Diagram
  13. Class Diagram Vs Object Diagram

Architecture and Design Patterns

  1. UML Architecture
  2. Use Case View
  3. Design View
  4. Implementation View
  5. Process View
  6. Deployment View
  7. Design Patterns in UML
  8. Usage of Design Pattern
  9. Types of Design Pattern
  10. Creational Pattern
  11. Structural Patterns
  12. Behavioural Patterns

Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

  1. What is a Sequence Diagram?
  2. Notation of a Sequence Diagram
  3. Common Message Symbols
  4. Sequence Fragments
  5. Types of Fragments
  6. Benefits of a Sequence Diagram
  7. Drawback of Sequence Diagram
  8. What is a Collaboration Diagram?
  9. Notation of a Collaboration Diagram

State Charts and Activity Diagrams

  1. What is a State Diagram?
  2. State Transition
  3. Types of State and State Transition
  4. Types of Events
  5. How to Draw a State Diagrams?
  6. Use of State Diagram
  7. What is an Activity Diagram?
  8. Activity Diagram Notation
  9. How to Draw an Activity Diagrams?
  10. Uses of an Activity Diagrams

Use Case Diagrams

  1. What is a Use Case Diagram?
  2. What are Use Cases?
  3. What are Actors?
  4. What are Association?
  5. How to Draw a Use Case Diagram?

Development Processes

  1. UML and Software Development 
  2. UML Diagram in Software Development

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