Curso Agile Fundamentals

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Agile Fundamentals

16 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Agile Fundamentals fornece uma visão geral abrangente dos conceitos, processos e ferramentas essenciais de gerenciamento de projetos enxutos e metodologia enxuta. Você aprenderá como aplicar essas metodologias para melhorar a estratégia do produto, eliminar desperdícios e agilizar o processo de gerenciamento de produtos. O curso também abrange práticas de programação extrema (XP), incluindo loops de feedback e como gerenciar itens do backlog do produto para ajudar a entregar o trabalho de forma eficiente. Este Curso Agile Fundamentals foi desenvolvido para ajudar os membros da equipe do produto a entender a visão do produto e como melhorar continuamente seus processos para o máximo impacto.


Após realizar este Curso Agile Fundamentals, você será capaz de:

  • Aplicar os valores e princípios do modelo Ágil para desenvolvimento de produtos.
  • Reconheça os desafios culturais e de mentalidade para ter sucesso total com o Agile.
  • Crie um forte foco na entrega de valor ao cliente.
  • Crie equipes auto-organizadas que frequentemente entregam produtos valiosos e de alta qualidade.
  • Escolha entre opções combinadas de aprendizado sob demanda e ministrado por instrutor.
  • Continue aprendendo e enfrente novos desafios com o treinamento individualizado de um instrutor após o curso.
Conteúdo Programatico

Complexity, Agile Values and Principles

  1. Embracing complexity in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world
  2. Recognizing how Business Agility enables organizations to continuously innovate in the face of change
  3. Articulating the values of the Agile Manifesto and the principles behind them
  4. Understanding that Agile product development is disruptive to traditional ways of working
  5. Locating the current drive to Agile in the history of development practice and theory

Growing Self-Organizing Teams

  1. Rooting the concept of self-organizing teams in complex thinking
  2. Delivering 'early and often' for Return on Investment and feedback
  3. Exploring the characteristics of a 'real team'
  4. Shifting roles and responsibilities toward a self-managing team
  5. Navigating conflict so that it drives team behaviors in a positive direction
  6. Developing genuinely collaborative behaviors
  7. Establishing environments that facilitate collaboration

Value-Driven Delivery

  1. Delivering business-valued functionality as a priority
  2. Resolving the efficiency paradox: resource efficiency vs. flow-of-value efficiency
  3. Explicitly focusing on outcomes rather than outputs
  4. Limiting Work In Progress (WIP)
  5. Understanding the importance of 'pull' systems for product quality

Planning, Monitoring and Adapting with Agile

  1. Exploiting the 'Chain of Goals' to efficiently deliver customer value
  2. Understanding the need for continuous product discovery
  3. Envisioning products to establish the 'big picture'
  4. Planning to achieve product, business, and user goals and iteration goals
  5. Regarding customers as individuals or groups who extract or generate business value
  6. Viewing other stakeholders as people or groups who exert oversight or impose constraints
  7. Prioritizing customers as the most important and relevant stakeholders
  8. Writing user stories to drive conversations with different classes of customer
  9. Splitting user stories so that they fit into inspect-and-adapt cycles
  10. Coordinating work through information radiators
  11. Estimating effort with relative sizing units (e.g., story points)
  12. Tracking progress by measuring velocity and/or cycle time
  13. Holding reviews and retrospectives to adapt product and process

The Agile Mindset

  1. Reflecting on Agile adoption as a paradigm shift
  2. Thinking about 'being Agile' in order to 'do Agile'
  3. Transforming leadership styles to accommodate Agile
  4. Comparing the 'growth' mindset to the 'fixed' mindset
  5. Enumerating aspects of the 'professional' Agile mindset
  6. Contrasting the professional Agile mindset with  the 'bureaucratic' mindset
  7. Recognizing the key indicators of the mindset in teams
  8. Observing the Agile mindset in individuals
  9. Comparing the Agile Fluency ® Model with traditional maturity models for growing the Agile mindset
  10. Using business goals to select fluency levels needed
  11. Changing muscle memory to improve fluency

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