Curso TypeScript Advanced
32 horasVisão Geral
Curso TypeScript Advanced, tem como objetivo leva os desenvolvedores experientes de JavaScript / TypeScript a se aprofundar no mundo em constante evolução do ECMAScript - dentro e fora do navegador.
Neste Curso TypeScript Advanced você adquire, experiência prática usando técnicas avançadas, como programação funcional e sobrecarga de funções, mixins, genéricos e testes.
frameworks JS e bibliotecas favoritas, como:
- Angular,
- React,
- GraphQL,
- Node.js
Após realizar este Curso TypeScript Advanced, você será capaz de:
- deep-dive into Types
- learn functional programming techniques
- project structure good practices
- explored Modules and Functions
Publico Alvo
Este Curso TypeScript Advanced , é adequado para desenvolvedores experientes de JavaScript / TypeScript que buscam resolver problemas complexos e por meio de projetos TypeScript bem estruturados.
Os participantes devem ter participado de nossa introdução ao curso de treinamento TypeScript ou ter experiência semelhante com JavaScript / TypeScript.
Português/InglêsConteúdo Programatico
Reasons to use Typescript
- The benefits of compile-time error checking
- A gradual migration path from JavaScript to TypeScrip
- How TypeScript changes your team workflow
- The limitations of TypeScript
- Understanding type inference and structural typing
Defining custom types
- What is a type?
- Creating interfaces and types
- The differences between interfaces and types
- Union and intersection types
- Crafting precise types to minimise errors
Advanced types
- Using the built-in TypeScript utilities.
- Working with Partial, Record, Pick, and Parameters
- Understanding generics and constraints
- Definining function signatures as types
Building real projects with TypeScript
- TypeScript and the Angular framework
- TypeScript and the React framework
- Debugging tools for TypeScript
- Working with TypeScript in Node
- Adding types to asynchronous code.
Quick Review of TypeScript
- Why Typescript is such a stonkingly good idea
- Remember – Typescript is (currently) design-time only
How to get there from here
- Adding TypeScript to existing JS files
- Use as little or as much TypeScript as you like
- Towards an agreed code style: using TypeScript consistently
- Get out of jail free with <any> type and its relatives (and when not to use them)
Advanced TypeScript
- Checking against permitted members with Type Guards
- Partial, ReturnType, Required and other Utility types
- Assigning Type based on conditions
- Deriving Types from collection index members
- New types for old with maps types
Close of Day Discussion and Q&A
- Leading-Edge ECMAScript
- Keeping up with the code-ashians: ECMAScript just keeps getting better every year
- What’s new since ES6:
- …and you are making use of back ticks and interpolation, aren’t you?
- So how do we do it this week?
- Who’s driving the ECMAScript agenda (and how you can have your say)
- What’s coming
Functional Programming
- Why pure functions turn out to be a good idea
- Scalable encapsulation, testability and stateful apps
- What that means for coding style
Mixins, Generics and Testing
- Are we there yet? What the RxJS library is teaching ECMAScript
- Exploring functional helpers and the underlying thinking
- Popular helpers from lodash
- Benefits when it comes time to test
- Close of Day Discussion and Q&A
Function Overloading and Type overloading
- Can we fix it? Yes we can
- Can we fix it? Yes we can and so can my wife
- These types are really cool … and flexible!
- Modules and Namespaces
- Import, Export (and not a trade deal in sight)
- Dependency injection, inversion of dependency and all that jazz
- These aren’t just and old components, they’re namespaced components
Project Structuring
- Towards architectural conventions
- Automated tree-shaking, dehydration and module refactoring (oh my!)
- When you say compile, you really mean…
- The wonderful world of automated testing
ES2020 and beyond
- So how do we do it this week?
- Who’s driving the ECMAScript agenda (and how you can have your say)
- What’s coming next