Visão Geral
O curso on-line TensorFlow/Keras permite uma exploração mais aprofundada dos métodos de aprendizado de máquina no mundo das imagens. Para compreender facilmente os conceitos listados abaixo, o aluno já deve estar familiarizado com o Aprendizado de Máquina Básico.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Deep Learning in Image Processing
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Neural Network Anatomy
- Types of Convolutions
- Keras Workflow
Basic Image Processing and Computer Vision
- Pixels and Images
- Coordinate System
- Channels
- OpenCV
- Channel Ordering
- Blur and Sharpen kernels
Hands-on Lab:
- Learn basic Image Processing using OpenCV
- Learn to apply different filter kernels on images for blur generation or basic edge detection
Supervised Neural Networks and Regularization
- Underfitting
- Overfitting
- Reducing the networks size
- Weight Regularization: L1, L2, Elastic
- Dropout
- Batch Normalization
Hands-on Lab: Implement your first basic neural network, learn how to benchmark it and learn how to avoid overfitting on a Computer Vision classification task
Convolutional Neural Networks
- Convolutional Layers
- Depthwise Convolutions
- Building Convolutional Neural Networks in Keras
- 1×1 Convolutions
- Data Augmentation
Hands-on Lab: Improve your previous neural network by adding Convolutional Layers, benchmark them and compare them with the Fully Connected ones
Common Convolutional Neural Networks Architectures
- ImageNet
- AlexNet
- VGGNet
- ResNet
- MobileNet
Hands-on Lab: Learn how to use already state of the art models from the Keras Hub
Reusing Convolutional Neural Networks
- Object Localization
- Object Segmentation
- Reusing VGG
- Fine-tuning
Hands-on Lab: Learn how to fine parameter tune your already trained Convolutional Neural Network to fit your task
Explainable AI
- Visualizing intermediate activations
- Visualizing convnet
- Visualizing heatmaps
Unsupervised Generative Models for Image Processing
- Autoencoders for Images
- Deblurring
- Image generation
Hands-on Lab:
- Generate a new image similar to the ones from the dataset by using a random seed
- Face generation techniques
Real World Machine Learning
- Tensorboard
- Deploying Deep Learning Models
- Choosing the algorithm