Visão Geral
Este Curso SOA and Java Web Services foi desenvolvido para permitir acesso baseado na Web a software distribuído e serviços de negócios. Eles trazem uma arquitetura de serviço aberta e padrão para o desenvolvimento de componentes que permite que sejam acessados pela Web com protocolos padrão, como HTTP e formatos XML padrão para mensagens e descrições de serviço.
Este Curso SOA and Java Web Services fornecerá uma compreensão completa da arquitetura atual de serviços da Web e das tecnologias que suportam serviços da Web, incluindo as novas APIs Java, como JAX-WS e JSR-181. Os tópicos incluem: SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, SAAJ, JAXB, XML, UDDI, MTOM, serviços da Web baseados em EJB e os padrões WS-*. Os serviços da Web são projetados para permitir o acesso baseado na Web a software distribuído e serviços de negócios.
Publico Alvo
- Desenvolvedores que irão implementar código de cliente ou servidor de serviço da Web em Java.
- Experiência em programação Java e um bom conhecimento prático de XML são necessários.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services
- SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Overview
- Web Services Overview / Relationship to SOA
- Web services Architecture
- SOAP and WSDL Overview
Introduction to Java Web Services
- Java Web Services
- JAX-WS and JSR-181
- A Simple Service definition with @WebService
- JSR-181
- @WebService, Modifying the Generated Service
- Other Annotations (@WebMethod, @SOAPBinding)
- The SEI (Service Endpoint Interface
- JAX-WS Capabilities
- WSDL to Java Mapping
- Capabilities (XML Messaging, Handlers, SOAP/HTTP, Client Programming
- JAX-WS Clients
- Programming Model, Generating Classes from WSDL
- Writing a JAX-WS client
- Dynamic Clients
WSDL – Web Services Description Language
- XML Namespace and XML Schema Overview
- Namespaces and Schema in WSDL Documents
- WSDL Structure and Elements
- A WSDL Document
- SOAP 1.1 Binding for WSDL
- SOAP Overview
- Message Structure
- SOAP Faults, Attachments
- SOAP Messaging and HTTP Binding
- SOAP Styles and Encoding
SAAJ, DOM, and SOAP Handlers
- SAAJ Overview, Message Structure and API
- Creating/Sending Messages
- DOM Overview
- Using DOM with SAAJ
- Soap Handlers
JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding
- Overview and Architecture
- Generating Java Classes from XML Schema
- Customizing Generated Java
- Generating XML Schema from Annotated Java Classes
- Web Services, WSDL, JAXB
Start from WSDL/Start from WSDL & Java
- Starting from WSDL
- Binding Customizations
- Starting from WSDL and Java
XML-Based (Bare) Web Services
- XML Messaging Overview
- JAX-WS Providers
- A SOAP Provider an Source Provider
- XML Clients with Dispatch
- XML/HTTP Messaging with Provider
- Overview of REST and JAX-RS
Handling Binary Data
- Overview and Issues
- Default Handling
- MTOM Overview
- Using MTOM in Services and Clients
- Using DataHandler
- Java EE Security / Role Based Security
- Securing Web Services with BASIC Authentication
- Transport Security / HTTPS
- WS-Security (WSS)
EJB-Based Web Services
- EJB Overview
- Session Beans
- Programming EJB
- Creating/Configuring EJB Based Web Services
WS-* Overview
- WS-Interoperability (WS-I)
- The WS-I Basic Profile
- WS-Addressing
Best Practices
- Coarse Grained Web Services
- Optimization and Caching
- XML Handling
- Interoperability
- Top Down / Bottom Up