Curso Servlet and JSP Programming with JSTL and Spring MVC

  • Development

Curso Servlet and JSP Programming with JSTL and Spring MVC

Visão Geral

O Curso Servlet and JSP Programming with JSTL and Spring MVC, foi projetado para permitir que desenvolvedores de software se tornem produtivos usando Servlets e JavaServer Pages (JSP), a base do desenvolvimento de aplicativos Web em J2EE. Você aprenderá a escrever, empacotar e implementar aplicativos da Web em um ambiente de produção do WebSphere.


Após concluir este Curso Servlet and JSP Programming with JSTL and Spring MVC, você será capaz de:

  • Descrever os princípios fundamentais do J2EE Web Container no WebSphere
  • Empregue a API Servlet para produzir código que atenda a qualquer requisito de desenvolvimento web
  • Gerenciar sessões em uma conexão HTTP
  • Aplique os fundamentos do JavaServer Pages
  • Crie e aplique tags JSP personalizadas
  • Aplicar Spring MVC a uma solução baseada na web
Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores de aplicativos
  • Programadores Java
  • Programadores cliente-servidor
  • Desenvolvedores de software
  • Compreenda os fundamentos da Programação Orientada a Objetos
  • Compreenda os fundamentos da linguagem e as principais APIs do Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to J2EE

  1. J2EE definition
  2. J2EE history
  3. Applications on the web
  4. Creating an application
  5. Creating source code
  6. application.xml
  7. web.xml
  8. Application deployment
  9. XML in J2EE

Introduction to Programming Servlets

  1. Servlets and the web container
  2. init()
  3. service()
  4. destroy()
  5. HttpServlet
  6. doGet()
  7. doPost()
  8. Additional handling methods
  9. Additional methods
  10. Servlets and performance
  11. Servlets and threading
  12. Consequences of threading
  13. Configuring a servlet for deployment
  14. Servlet entry in web.xml
  15. URL mappings

ServletContext and SrvletConfig

  1. ServletContext interface
  2. Initialization parameters
  3. Scope of a ServletContext interface
  4. Context attributes
  5. Multiple hosts and servlet contexts
  6. ServletConfig

Request and Response Objects

  1. The request object
  2. getParameter
  3. Other request object methods
  4. Request path elements
  5. Path translation methods
  6. Attributes
  7. Cookies
  8. Lifetime of the request object
  9. The response object
  10. Buffering
  11. Headers
  12. Convenience methods
  13. Lifetime of the response object


  1. Definition
  2. How sessions work
  3. Cookies
  4. Introduction
  5. Scope
  6. Cookies and sessions
  7. URL rewriting
  8. Using sessions with J2EE
  9. Using getSession
  10. Session Timeout
  11. Configuration
  12. Details
  13. Binding attributes into a session
  14. Last accessed times
  15. Sessions and threading
  16. Threads and clusters

Dispatching Requests

  1. Obtaining a request dispatcher
  2. Query strings in request dispatcher paths
  3. Using a request dispatcher
  4. The include method
  5. Included request parameters
  6. The forward method
  7. Query string
  8. Forwarded request parameters


  1. Definition
  2. ServletContext event handling
  3. Working with the interfaces
  4. ServletContext creation/destruction
  5. ServletContext event handling
  6. ServletContext listeners
  7. Attribute
  8. XML for context attribute listeners
  9. Handling session events
  10. Session life-cycle event handling
  11. HttpSessionEvent
  12. HttpSessionBindingListener
  13. HttpSessionBindingEvent
  14. HttpSessionActivationListener
  15. Session attribute event handling
  16. Session attribute interfaces


  1. History
  2. Introduction


  1. Definition
  2. Filtering components
  3. Basic procedure
  4. Filter life-cycle
  5. Wrapping requests and responses
  6. Filter environment
  7. Filter mapping in web.xml
  8. Filters and the RequestDispatcher

Introduction to JSP

  1. Introduction
  2. Adding Java code to a JSP
  3. JSP implicit objects
  4. Using request and out
  5. Using the session object
  6. Other elements of a JSP
  7. Declarations
  8. Directives
  9. JSP expression language
  10. Standard action tags
  11. Custom action tags

JSP Declarations and Directives

  1. Declarations
  2. Invoking declarations
  3. Attributes and methods
  4. Directives
  5. Directive syntax
  6. The include directive
  7. The page directive
  8. page directive attributes
  9. page attributes
  10. The taglib directive

Using Beans - Accessing JavaBeans Via Tags

  1. Introduction
  2. Specifying a bean to use
  3. useBean : id and class
  4. useBean : scope, type and beanName
  5. getProperty
  6. useBean with child tags
  7. setProperty
  8. setProperty : value
  9. setProperty : property and param
  10. Mapping properties to a new bean
  11. Mapping parameters to attributes
  12. Data conversions when mapping parameters

Error Handling

  1. Introduction
  2. Run-time errors
  3. Using error pages
  4. Using JSPs as error pages

JSP Expressive Language (EL)

  1. Introduction
  2. EL Values
  3. pageContext
  4. The scope expression
  5. pageScope
  6. requestScope
  7. sessionScope
  8. The paramExpression
  9. Working with maps
  10. Working with lists
  11. EL operations
  12. Arithmetic
  13. Unary
  14. Comparative
  15. Choice expressions

Tag Files

  1. Introduction
  2. Including tag files
  3. Passing attributes to a tag file
  4. The attribute directive
  5. The doBody tag
  6. Returning data
  7. Storing tag files in a JAR
  8. The tag file TLD
  9. Using the JAR

JSP Standard Tag Library

  1. Installing JSTL
  2. Syntax
  3. Online documentation
  4. The core library
  5. out tag
  6. if tag
  7. choose, when and otherwise
  8. forEach
  9. forTokens
  10. import
  11. import and param
  12. import and scope
  13. url
  14. url and scope
  15. set and remove
  16. Setting a variable
  17. Working with JavaBeans
  18. catch
  19. The functions library
  20. contains
  21. join and split
  22. split
  23. join
  24. escapeXml
  25. The xml library
  26. Loading and parsing a file
  27. Using XPath
  28. XPath functions
  29. out tag
  30. foreach tag
  31. transform tag
  32. param tag
  33. the if tag
  34. the choose tag
  35. set tag
  36. The fmt library
  37. the locale and bundle tags
  38. Creating a bundle in a Properties
  39. files
  40. setLocale tag
  41. setBundle tag
  42. formatMessage tag
  43. Using Java classes as bundles
  44. Dates and numbers
  45. The sql library

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