Curso Selenium + Core Java

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Selenium + Core Java

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Selenium + Core Java. Selenium é um conjunto de ferramentas e bibliotecas de código aberto que fornece uma plataforma para automatizar navegadores da web. Ele permite que testadores e desenvolvedores de software escrevam scripts e automatizem interações com aplicativos da web, incluindo clicar em botões, preencher formulários, navegar em páginas e verificar o conteúdo da página. Core Java, muitas vezes referido como “Java Standard Edition” (Java SE), é a versão fundamental e fundamental da linguagem de programação Java.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

SECTION 1 : Manual Testing and Agile Methodology

Basics of Manual Testing

  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Testing
  3. Development life cycle
  4. Testing life cycle
  5. Bug life cycle
  6. Different development models
    A.Water fall

Agile Methodology

  1. Agile philosophy
  2. Agile Menifesto
  3. Agile Unbrella
  4. Scrum
  5. Things to do in Scrum
  6. Scrum Nutshell
  7. Reason Why Automation is necessary in Agile

SECTION 2 : Java


  1. Introduction
  2. Java programming Keywords

Literals, Data Types, Variables, Access Specifiers

Control flows

  1. If-Else
  2. Switch
  3. For loop
  4. Do while

Classes & Objects

Oops concepts

  1. Abstraction
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Inheritance
  5. Method overloading & Method overriding

Exception Handling

  1. Checked/Unchecked Exception
  2. Errors
  3. Try-catch block
  4. Finally block
  5. Thow/Throws Keywords


  1. Difference between class & Interfaces
  2. Multiple Inheritance concept
  3. Full Abstraction Concepts

Collection Framework classes

  1. ArrayList
  2. HashMap
  3. TreeSet

Exercise and Assignment

  1. Daily assignment
  2. Test

SECTION 3 : Selenium

Automation need

  1. Why
  2. When
  3. How


  1. Configuring Eclipse
  2. Write & compile Java programs
  3. Debug java code
  4. Run Java code
  5. Write and Execute sample java programs

Basics of Selenium

  1. Introduction
  2. Why selenium
  3. Selenium Vs Other automation tool (QTP)

Selenium components

  1. Selenium Core
  2. Selenium IDE
  3. Selenium Webdriver (2.0)
  4. Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE

  1. Introduction
  2. IDE features
  3. Installing & configuring IDE
  4. Inspecting elements in IDE
  5. Recording and playback the scripts
  6. Building test cases
  7. Running test cases
  8. Debugging

Selenium Webdriver (2.0/3.0/4.0)

  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring Webdriver with Eclipse
  3. Create project
  4. Create and run tests
  5. Executing tests on multiple browsers Debugging tests
  6. Using locators (Id, Class, Name, xpath, css etc)
  7. Choosing locating Strategies
  8. Handling Security popups / Alerts / Dialog boxes
  9. Error Handling
  10. Drag and Drop
  11. Working with various Web Elements
  12. Buttons
  13. Input boxes
  14. List
  15. Links
  16. Radio buttons
  17. Check boxes
  18. Comboboxes /dropdowns

Advanced Selenium Webdriver

  1. Complex xpath construction(relative xpath, xpath for tables)
  2. Attachment using native window
  3. Handling iFrame/Frame
  4. File Upload/Download
  5. Screenshots
  6. UI Mapping/Object Map
  7. Data Handling
  8. Parameterization
  9. Waits in Selenium
  10. Implicit wait
  11. Explicit wait.
  12. Automating Web Table and creating generic library.
  13. Action Class of Selenium

Selenium Grid

  1. Hub and node concepts
  2. Configuration of selenium Grid
  3. Executing test using Selenium Grid and TestNG

Automation Framework

  1. What is Automation Framework?
  2. Selenium Integration with build tool. (MAVEN)
  3. Data Driven Framework
  4. Keyword Driven Framework
  5. Hybrid Framework
  6. Page Object Model
  7. Reading the data from external files (Excel)
  8. Executing test in parallel using Selenium and TestNG
  9. Advanced Automation Framework Understanding
  10. Database testing using selenium


  1. Daily assignment
  2. Separate test for Java and Selenium
  3. Project



  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring TestNG


  1. Test
  2. Group
  3. Ignore
  4. Include/Exclude
  5. dependsOnMethods
  6. priority
  7. Package
  8. Enable/Disable
  9. BeforeSuite
  10. BeforeTest
  11. BeforeClass
  12. BeforeMethod
  13. Test Case
  14. AfterMethod
  15. AfterClass
  16. AfterTest
  17. AfterSuite

TestNG Execution

  1. Composing tests
  2. Parallel Execution
  3. Assertions
  4. Generating reports
  5. Trouble shooting

SECTION 5 : Cucumber BDD

Cucumber/BDD Basics

  1. Overview
  2. How to use cucumber
  3. TDD Vs BDD

Gherkin Introduction

  1. Basics
  2. Keywords
  3. Given
  4. When
  5. Then
  6. And
  7. But
  8. Feature
  9. Background
  10. Scenario
  11. Scenario Outline

Cucumber Implementation

  1. Scenario and Feature file
  2. Multiple scenario in feature
  3. Parameterization tests
  4. Maps in Data Table
  5. Cucumbers Tags
  6. Cucumber hooks
  7. Multiple Feature and StepDef File
  8. Report Generation

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