Curso SAP Workflow Definition and Use of Customer Specific Workflows
32 horasObjetivo
- Este Curso SAP Workflow Definition and Use of Customer Specific Workflows irá prepará-lo para usar ferramentas de fluxo de trabalho e para definir e implementar seus próprios fluxos de trabalho.
Publico Alvo
- Consultor de Aplicação
- Proprietário do processo de negócios/líder de equipe/usuário avançado
- Desenvolvedor
- Consultor de Desenvolvimento
- Especialista da Indústria
- Solução de arquitetura
- Administrador do sistema
- Arquiteto de Sistemas
- Consultor de Tecnologia
- SAP Business Workflow
- Conceitos, caixa de entrada e uso de modelos
Inglês/Português/Lab PráticoConteúdo Programatico
- Describe the workflow architecture
- Name the steps involved in a workflow project
- Describe the general procedure for design and implementation
- List the different options for using organizational units in a workflow
- Create an organizational unit with positions
- Describe the different ways of assigning possible agents to units in the organizational model
Workflow Definition in the Workflow Builder
- Create a workflow template with a workflow definition
- List the possible step types in a workflow
- Use the Workflow Builder
Business Objects and Business Object Repository (BOR)
- Describe the use of the Business Object Repository
- Explain the difference between an object and an object type
- Describe the use of object types in workflow
- Create a subtype for a standard object type in the system
- Delegate the subtype, thus making it available in the standard system
- Extend the subtype by adding attributes, methods, and events
Task Structure and Use in Workflows
- Define a task
- Name the components of a task that you always have to maintain
- Understand the different ways in which synchronous and asynchronous methods are processed
- Integrate a standard task into a workflow step
- Create and maintain task groups
- Use the Business Workflow Explorer as an administration tool
Container – Interfaces in the Workflow
- Name the various containers of the Workflow Engine.
- Describe the possible binding directions between the containers
- Explain the example binding in the notification of absence workflow.
- Create a workflow container element
- Create a task container element
- Understand and check container bindings
- Create container bindings when required
Determination of Recipients of Work Items
- Name the different ways of restricting possible agents
- Describe the rule types that can be defined
- Explain example for the application of rules
- Define a rule with responsibilities
- Use this rule in a workflow
- Ensure that a workflow step never has the status "No agent found".
- Describe how the system determines the recipients of a work item.
- Explain what happens if the system cannot find an intersection between possible and responsible agents
Ad Hoc Processing Options
- Determine agents dynamically at runtime
- Define tasks for a business process step dynamically at runtime
- Use the ad hoc anchor step type to extend the workflow definition by adding an additional workflow
Monitoring Steps in Business Processes
- Define and test a simple deadline for a workflow step
- Insert a modeled deadline into a workflow definition
Events and Workflow
- Explain the logic behind how events generated by applications and find the workflows or tasks that use them
- Name the steps that you have to carry out in order to work with events
- Define an event as a triggering event for a workflow
- Activate the event linkage
- Trigger the event on a test basis in the system, to check whether the workflow starts and runs correctly
- Name the options for triggering events in the different applications
- Use different methods to trigger events
- Define additional start conditions for workflows
- Explain the event queue
- Use transaction SWU0 to check the event linkage
- Use the transaction SWUE to test the triggering of events in the system without using the application
- Use the transactions SWELS and SWEL to activate and display the event log
- Develop a procedure for testing workflows
Special Step Types and Methods of Processing
- Use the step types Fork and Document from Template
- Process multiline attributes of an object type
- Use the step types loop and form
- Enter conditions affecting the start and end of a work item in the
Workflow Builder
- Using the step type BLOCK
- Options for assessing the SWITCH construct
- Use wizards to define complete workflows for approval and circulation procedures
- Create a workflow that calls the Customizing transaction or tables in a prescribed order
- Use wizards that model missed deadlines
- Call reports
- Dynamically assign agents
- Generate object references
- Define a workflow with all its components
- Trigger a workflow using events
- Test a workflow process
Further Topics (Optional)
- Explain technical settings
- Explore transaction codes, menu paths, and the data sheet