Curso SAP S4hana Defense and Security Overview

  • ERP SAP & Sistemas

Curso SAP S4hana Defense and Security Overview

24 horas

Este Curso SAP S4hana Defense and Security Overview irá prepará-lo para:

  • Forneça uma visão geral de alto nível da solução SAP Defense and Security
  • Apresentar ao público o sistema SAP D&S, em particular usando o launchpad e os aplicativos do SAP Fiori.
  • Demonstrar a capacidade da solução SAP D&S e como os usuários podem interagir com ela
  • Apresentar alguns dos conceitos fundamentais do SAP D&S, como Elemento de Força, Estruturas de Força, Material Autorizado e Pessoal Autorizado
Publico Alvo
  • Executivos de nível C
  • Comandantes de alto nível 
  • Principais usuários em organizações de defesa, incluindo planejadores organizacionais e logísticos
  • Consultor de Aplicação
  • Arquiteto de Processos de Negócios
  • Proprietário do processo de negócios / Líder de equipe / Usuário avançado
  • Consultor de Suporte
  • Arquiteto de Soluções
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Explore global trends
  2. Explain multi-industry entities and complexity
  3. Explain the solution in an overview
  4. Explain Asset Management for Defense
  5. Explain the intelligent enterprise
  6. Explain customer references
  7. List the advantages of using SAP D&S

Defense Organizational Flexibility and Personnel Management

  1. Define a Force Element
  2. Describe Force Element Characteristics and Sensitivity
  3. Describe the Force Element Data Model Design
  4. Define Force Structures and Usage Types
  5. Define A Position
  6. Explain Positions and Personell Data Model

Defense Logistics

  1. Describe the Flexible Material Planning Object (FMPO) structure, variants and hierarchy
  2. Explain how SAP Solution for Defense Represents the Authorized Material chapter in the TOE
  3. Explain the Authorized-Actual Comparison report in D&S
  4. Explain the process requirements of stock and fulfillment based on AAC Results
  5. Explain the concept of Condition Code
  6. Explain the concept of loans
  7. Explain the manual and automated Return Delivery
  8. Explain the differences between loans and returns
  9. Explain how SAP D&S uses Personal and Functional Equipment to manage materials issued to persons
  10. Describe the definition and assignment of authorized materials for persons
  11. Deduce the process to issue Functional Equipment and Personal Equipment
  12. Explain the process to return functional and personal equipment
  13. Explain the process of transferring Personal and Functional Equipment from one person to another

Defense Maintenance

  1. Describe the different maintenance master data in general
  2. Describe the D&S specific equipment enhancements (Master Equipment, Critical Equipment and Site Equipment)
  3. Describe the maintenance attributes of Force Elements
  4. Describe the installing and dismantling process
  5. Describe the configuration check
  6. Explain corrective and preventive maintenance processes
  7. Describe the status board
  8. Describe the support of flight operations
  9. Setup Configuration Status
  10. Explain the Flight scenario

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