Visão Geral
O Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é um curso de nível detalhado que abrange tópicos de logística e manutenção na solução SAP D&S, relevante para organizações de defesa, ajuda humanitária e socorro em desastres, policiamento e segurança.
O Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance fornece aprendizado focado da solução do setor SAP Defense and Security por meio de demonstrações de sistema, exercícios guiados, discussões de conceito e experiência no setor. Este Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é sugerido para aqueles que planejam participar da implementação, rollout e suporte do SAP D&S nas áreas de Estruturas de Logística, Estoque e Provisões, Equipamento Pessoal e Funcional, Integração de Manutenção e Suporte de Operações de Voo.
Este Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é um treinamento da funcionalidade e técnicas da solução de defesa em SAP. Ele não fornecerá know-how de implementação específico do cliente. Ele mostrará algumas abordagens de melhores práticas do SAP D&S dentro dos exemplos usados, ao mesmo tempo em que enfatiza as inovações na solução S/4HANA D&S em Logística de Defesa.
Conteúdo Programatico
D&S Logistics Introduction
- Describe the motivation for D&S logistics
- Explain the difference between Stocks and Provisions
- Explain the organizational structure integration
- Describe the D&S Material Numbering Solution
Stocks Processes
- Describe the Flexible Material Planning Object (FMPO) structure
- Describe the Flexible Material Planning Object (FMPO) hierarchy
- Describe the mapping between DFPS and D&S master data
- Create an FMPO
- Create an FMPO hierarchy
- Assign FMPO authorizations to Force Elements and Positions
- Explain the FMPO assignment attributes
- Assign Product authorizations to Force Elements and Positions
- Explain and define the AAC report selection parameters
- Run the AAC report
- Read and explain the AAC report results
- Request Stock Material based on results from Authorized / Actual Comparison
- Explain the concept of Condition Code
- Trigger an automatic return delivery
- Explain the concept of loans
- Explain the differences between loans and returns
- Explain the purpose of Equipment Packages
- Describe the structural prerequisites to support Equipment Packages
- Describe the master data requirements for Equipment Packages
- Describe the end-to-end process for Equipment Packages
- Describe the Integration of Logistics for Provisions and Organizational Structures
- Describe Material Master Data Aspects for Provisions
- Describe Options to prioritize Material Requirements
- Plan authorized provisions of a Force Element using a Provision Package FMPO
- Describe the execution of the initial supply for a force element
- Describe how to manually request materials using SAP Fiori apps
- Describe how MRP Live can be used by Defense Organizations to plan material provisions
- Describe how requirement priorities can be used to automate the creation of Stock Transport Purchase Orders and Outbound Deliveries
- Initiate and Process a Material Return
D&S: Personal and Functional Equipment
- Describe how SAP D&S uses Personal and Functional Equipment to manage materials issued to persons
- Describe the definition of authorized materials for persons
- Describe the process to issue functional and personal equipment
- Monitor the equipment status of persons and force elements
- Describe the process to return functional and personal equipment
- Describe the process of transferring Personal and Functional Equipment from one person to another
- Describe necessary customizing settings to issue materials to persons
- Describe master data required to issue materials to persons
Plant Maintenance Integration
- Describe the differences of technical objects including master equipment and critical/site equipment
- Describe the configuration control
- Describe the Work Center Integration in SAP D&S
- Describe the difference between a Responsible Work Center and an Executing Work Center
- Describe the maintenance attributes of a Force Element
- Outline a corrective maintenance process in SAP D&S
- Describe the forwarding process in SAP D&S
- Understand which information is provided by the extended view for maintenance notifications
- Explain the Maintenance Book
- Describe the Technical Status
- Explain the Aggregation of the Technical Status
- Describe the Operational Status
- Describe the Status Board App
- Describe the relocation process of technical objects
- Explain the definition and concept of Platform Code
- Explain some key business needs for using the Platform Code functionalities
- Explain the differences to other existing D&S object hierarchies
- Explain what native Fiori app’s are currently available for SAP D&S
Support of Flight
- Describe the prerequisites to use the functionalities of support of flight operations
- Explain a typical line maintenance scenario
- Explain the different kind of statuses of D&S line maintenance
- Use the D&S Status Board to manage the Technical Operations of your fleet
- Explain how D&S supports flight operations management
- Explain how D&S provides decision support for selecting aircraft to be assigned to a flight
- Explain the debriefing procedure after flight
- Describe the purpose and functionalities of the staff assignment board
- Describe the general steps of customizing for support of flight operations