Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance

  • Cloud Computing

Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance

24 horas
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O Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é um curso de nível detalhado que abrange tópicos de logística e manutenção na solução SAP D&S, relevante para organizações de defesa, ajuda humanitária e socorro em desastres, policiamento e segurança.

O Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance fornece aprendizado focado da solução do setor SAP Defense and Security por meio de demonstrações de sistema, exercícios guiados, discussões de conceito e experiência no setor. Este Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é sugerido para aqueles que planejam participar da implementação, rollout e suporte do SAP D&S nas áreas de Estruturas de Logística, Estoque e Provisões, Equipamento Pessoal e Funcional, Integração de Manutenção e Suporte de Operações de Voo.

Este Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance é um treinamento da funcionalidade e técnicas da solução de defesa em SAP. Ele não fornecerá know-how de implementação específico do cliente. Ele mostrará algumas abordagens de melhores práticas do SAP D&S dentro dos exemplos usados, ao mesmo tempo em que enfatiza as inovações na solução S/4HANA D&S em Logística de Defesa.


Este Curso SAP S 4HANA Defense & Security Logistics and Maintenance irá prepará-lo para:

  • Consultoria dentro de um Projeto de implementação de D&S em S/4HANA sobre Integração Logística, Gestão de Materiais e Manutenção de Planta. 
  • Explicar o modelo de dados e orientar o cliente na tomada de decisões básicas sobre a modelagem de sua organização de logística e manutenção. 
  • Participar da implementação de processos específicos de D&S, como Equipamentos Pessoais e Funcionais e Suporte às Operações de Voo. 
  • Explique os impactos das funcionalidades de D&S na estrutura empresarial. 
  • Explique a diferença entre uma indústria de defesa e uma implementação de padrão intersetorial. 
  • Ajude a preparar sua organização apoiada pelo DFPS para uma transição para a solução S/4HANA D&S.
Publico Alvo
  • Consultor de Aplicação 
  • Arquiteto de Processos de Negócios 
  • Proprietário do processo de negócios/líder de equipe/usuário avançado 
  • Arquiteto de Soluções 
  • Consultor de Suporte 
  • Gerente de Mudanças
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

D&S Logistics Introduction

  1. Describe the motivation for D&S logistics
  2. Explain the difference between Stocks and Provisions
  3. Explain the organizational structure integration
  4. Describe the D&S Material Numbering Solution

Stocks Processes

  1. Describe the Flexible Material Planning Object (FMPO) structure
  2. Describe the Flexible Material Planning Object (FMPO) hierarchy
  3. Describe the mapping between DFPS and D&S master data
  4. Create an FMPO
  5. Create an FMPO hierarchy
  6. Assign FMPO authorizations to Force Elements and Positions
  7. Explain the FMPO assignment attributes
  8. Assign Product authorizations to Force Elements and Positions
  9. Explain and define the AAC report selection parameters
  10. Run the AAC report
  11. Read and explain the AAC report results
  12. Request Stock Material based on results from Authorized / Actual Comparison
  13. Explain the concept of Condition Code
  14. Trigger an automatic return delivery
  15. Explain the concept of loans
  16. Explain the differences between loans and returns
  17. Explain the purpose of Equipment Packages
  18. Describe the structural prerequisites to support Equipment Packages
  19. Describe the master data requirements for Equipment Packages
  20. Describe the end-to-end process for Equipment Packages


  1. Describe the Integration of Logistics for Provisions and Organizational Structures
  2. Describe Material Master Data Aspects for Provisions
  3. Describe Options to prioritize Material Requirements
  4. Plan authorized provisions of a Force Element using a Provision Package FMPO
  5. Describe the execution of the initial supply for a force element
  6. Describe how to manually request materials using SAP Fiori apps
  7. Describe how MRP Live can be used by Defense Organizations to plan material provisions
  8. Describe how requirement priorities can be used to automate the creation of Stock Transport Purchase Orders and Outbound Deliveries
  9. Initiate and Process a Material Return

D&S: Personal and Functional Equipment

  1. Describe how SAP D&S uses Personal and Functional Equipment to manage materials issued to persons
  2. Describe the definition of authorized materials for persons
  3. Describe the process to issue functional and personal equipment
  4. Monitor the equipment status of persons and force elements
  5. Describe the process to return functional and personal equipment
  6. Describe the process of transferring Personal and Functional Equipment from one person to another
  7. Describe necessary customizing settings to issue materials to persons
  8. Describe master data required to issue materials to persons

Plant Maintenance Integration

  1. Describe the differences of technical objects including master equipment and critical/site equipment
  2. Describe the configuration control
  3. Describe the Work Center Integration in SAP D&S
  4. Describe the difference between a Responsible Work Center and an Executing Work Center
  5. Describe the maintenance attributes of a Force Element
  6. Outline a corrective maintenance process in SAP D&S
  7. Describe the forwarding process in SAP D&S
  8. Understand which information is provided by the extended view for maintenance notifications
  9. Explain the Maintenance Book
  10. Describe the Technical Status
  11. Explain the Aggregation of the Technical Status
  12. Describe the Operational Status
  13. Describe the Status Board App
  14. Describe the relocation process of technical objects
  15. Explain the definition and concept of Platform Code
  16. Explain some key business needs for using the Platform Code functionalities
  17. Explain the differences to other existing D&S object hierarchies
  18. Explain what native Fiori app’s are currently available for SAP D&S

Support of Flight

  1. Describe the prerequisites to use the functionalities of support of flight operations
  2. Explain a typical line maintenance scenario
  3. Explain the different kind of statuses of D&S line maintenance
  4. Use the D&S Status Board to manage the Technical Operations of your fleet
  5. Explain how D&S supports flight operations management
  6. Explain how D&S provides decision support for selecting aircraft to be assigned to a flight
  7. Explain the debriefing procedure after flight
  8. Describe the purpose and functionalities of the staff assignment board
  9. Describe the general steps of customizing for support of flight operations

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