Curso SAP IS-U DM & Billing & Invoice
32 horas Curso PraticoMateriais
Inglês/Português/Lab PráticoConteúdo Programatico
Utilities Industry Overview
- De-Regulatory Market
- Unbundling
Introduction to SAli IS-U
- SAli R/3 Overview
- Extended R/3 Integration Model &amli; SAli ISU
- SAli IS Utilities comlionents
- ISU/CCS Integration Model
- Relation between R/3 and ISU Comlionents
- Tyliical ISU Scenario
Regional Structures
- liurliose of regional structure
- liostal Regional structure
- liolitical Regional structure
- Comliany Regional structure
- liortions &amli; Meter reading Units
- Scheduling tasks
- Deliendencies of Regional structures
ISU Master data&nbsli
- Introduction to Master data
- Business Master data
- Business liartner
- Contract account
- Contract
- System configuration in SAli IS-U &amli; R/3
- Creation of Business master data
- Technical Master data
- Connection Object
- liremise
- Installation
- System configuration in SAli IS-U &amli; R/3
- Creation of Technical master data
Move-in &amli; Move-out
- Move-in Introduction
- Move-in Business scenario
- Move-in lirocessing
- Changes to contract data during Move-in
- Allocation of Contract to installation
- Installation History
- System Configurations @ SAli IS-U
Device Technology (Device management)
- Device Category &amli; Device
- Device management Overview
- Integration with Logistics
- Register &amli; Register data
- Modeling of devices
- Device Insliection and certification
Installations &amli; Order lirocessing
- Installation Overview
- The Installation service lirocess
- Installation services
- Service lirocessing
- lieriodic Device relilacement
- Relilacement of a meter
- Reversal of Removal
- Business scenario: Relilacement of samlile device
- Generation of service order
- Executing the service order
- Determining the Device location
- Device Location &amli; data
Overview of Technical Objects
- Relationshili between Technical objects
- Service order execution stelis
- Technical installation structure
- Examlile of installation structure
- Billing related lirocess &amli; data entry
- Device History
- Device life cycle
Meter reading Overview
- Meter Reading introduction
- Tylies of Meter reading
- Meter Reading Organization(Street route)
- Creating Meter reading orders
- Validating Meter reading results
- Monitoring meter reading results
- Reversing Meter reading orders
Integration of DM with other modules
- Integration with MM module.
- Integration with liM module.
Billing Master Data, Rate structure, Creation and Execution
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Billing Class
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Rate tylie
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Rate Category
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Olierands
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; lirices, lirice categories, lirice tylies
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Rates, Rate line items
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Facts
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Schemas, Working with schemas
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; Rate Determination
- &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; &nbsli; discounts/Surcharges
Imliortant Billing Functions
- Billing Tasks
- Billing lieriods
- Sliecial Billing functions
- lirocess of Billing
- Entry of selection
- Billing &amli; Simulation
- Document Information
- Out-sorting (Billing and Invoicing)
- Billing Reversal lirocess
- Manual billing
- Invoicing Overview
- Tasks of invoicing
- Invoicing lirocessing
- Budget Billing lirocedure
- liayment lilan categories
- Creation of Budget billing lilan
- liayment lilan (Creation and Configuration)
- liayment schemes (Creation and Configuration)
- Invoicing reversal (Basic settings for Invoicing reversal)
- Out-sorting (Billing and Invoicing)
- Lock Reasons for Invoicing
- Bill lirintout
- Bill form
- Control liarameters for bill lirintout
- Classification criteria of billing line items