Curso Retail S4hana Overview of Functions Retail

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Curso Retail S4hana Overview of Functions Retail

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Retail S4hana Overview of Functions Retail, fornece uma visão geral de alto nível do portfólio de soluções SAP for Retail e descreve os conceitos básicos, bem como os processos típicos de negócios de varejo no SAP S4hana Retail para gerenciamento de mercadorias. Existem muitos exercícios que permitem descobrir as características e funções do sistema. Este curso usa o frontend SAP Fiori e também apresenta brevemente o SAP GUI.


Apos realizare este Curso Retail S4hana Overview of Functions Retail, você será capaz de:

  • Participe de discussões de alto nível sobre o portfólio de soluções SAP for Retail
  • Descrever e usar funções e processos de negócios típicos de varejo no sistema SAP Retail
Publico Alvo
  • Empresa que está implementando o SAP Retail ou que está em processo de implementação 
  • Consultor de Aplicação
  • Analista de negócios
  • Arquiteto de Processos de Negócios
  • Proprietário do processo de negócios/líder de equipe
  • Key-User
  • Gerente de Mudanças
  • Consultor
  • Gerente de Dados
  • Consultor de Desenvolvimento
  • Especialista da Indústria
  • Gerente de Programa/Projeto
  • Solução de arquitetura
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Providing the Solution & Process Overview

Basic Concepts

  1. Understanding Organizational Structures
  2. Exploring the Business Partner, Retail Sites, and Article Groupings
  3. Distinguish between the site categories "distribution center" and "store"
  4. Explain the use of merchandise category and article hierarchies
  5. Introducing the Retail Article Master
  6. Understand how the article master is structured in SAP Retail
  7. Use the SAP Fiori app manage product master data
  8. Name article creation and maintenance options
  9. Introducing Assortment Management
  10. Describe the meaning of listing
  11. Understand the layout workbench
  12. Generate an assortment list
  13. Executing Retail Pricing

Requirements Planning from Supplier to Distribution Center

  1. Performing Requirements Planning
  2. Setting Up Purchase Order Management
  3. Display a contract and create a contract release order
  4. Maintaining Order Confirmation and Goods Receipt Process in a DC
  5. Post a goods receipt in the warehouse
  6. Executing Logistics Invoice Verification
  7. Performing Condition Contract Settlement

Replenishment Planning for Stores

  1. Explaining Store Connection with POS Sales
  2. Learn about SAP POS Data Transfer and Audit
  3. Running Replenishment Planning
  4. Distinguish between the two inventory management types in replenishment planning
  5. Explain the basic principles of the "Replenishment" and "Store Order" functions
  6. Executing the Goods Issue Process in a DC
  7. Posting Goods Receipt in a Store

Store Operations

  1. Managing Retail Store Operations
  2. Selling to Customers – Sales Order
  3. Create and process sales orders for stock reduction and direct customer delivery
  4. Performing Physical Inventory

Retail Promotion with Merchandise Distribution

  1. Performing Promotion Planning and Subsequent Processing
  2. Name the most important functions of the allocation table
  3. Executing Merchandise Distribution
  4. Generating a Collective Purchase Order

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