Visão Geral
Curso Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab. Instalando o OpenShift em uma infraestrutura em nuvem, virtual ou física. O Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab ensina habilidades essenciais para instalar um cluster OpenShift em vários ambientes, desde a prova de conceito até a produção, e como identificar personalizações que podem ser necessárias devido à infraestrutura subjacente de nuvem, virtual ou física. Este curso é baseado no Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.6.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to container technology
- Describe how software can run in containers orchestrated by Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
Create containerized services
- Provision a server using container technology.
Manage containers
- Manipulate prebuilt container images to create and manage containerized services.
Manage container images
- Manage the life cycle of a container image from creation to deletion.
Create custom container images
- Design and code a Dockerfile to build a custom container image.
Deploy containerized applications on OpenShift
- Deploy single container applications on OpenShift Container Platform.
Troubleshoot containerized applications
- Troubleshoot a containerized application deployed on OpenShift.
Deploy and manage applications on an OpenShift cluster
- Use various application packaging methods to deploy applications to an OpenShift cluster, then manage their resources.
Design containerized applications for OpenShift
- Select a containerization method for an application and create a container to run on an OpenShift cluster.
Publish enterprise container images
- Create an enterprise registry and publish container images to it.
Build applications
- Describe the OpenShift build process, then trigger and manage builds.
Customize source-to-image (S2I) builds
- Customize an existing S2I base image and create a new one.
Create applications from OpenShift templates
- Describe the elements of a template and create a multicontainer application template.
Manage application deployments
- Monitor application health and implement various deployment methods for cloud-native applications.
Perform comprehensive review
- Create and deploy cloudinative applications on OpenShift.