Visão Geral
O curso é destinado a especialistas em TI que desejam configurar uma solução baseada em RabbitMQ, o sistema de mensagens corporativas altamente confiável que implementa o Protocolo de Enfileiramento de Mensagens Avançado (AMQP).
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to RabbitMQ
- Setting up the required folders
- Downloading and installing RabbitMQ
Understanding messaging
- The role of a consumer
- The role of a producer
- Bindings consumers and producers
- Messages and durability
- How to verify delivery
Administering RabbitMQ
- Starting and stopping nodes
- RabbitMQ configuration files
- How to manage privileges
- Viewing statistics and analyzing logs
- Sending alerts
- How to set up parallel processing
High availability with cluster
- Architecture of a cluster
- Queues in a cluster
- Setting up a test cluster
- Distributing the nodes to more machines
- How to preserve messages: mirrored queues
A programmer perspective
- Writing robust code
- Installing and configuring HAProxy
- Failing clients between servers
Implementing failover and replication
- Setting up a load balancer-based master/slave
- Installing the Shovel plugin
- Configuring and running Shovel
Web tools to administer RabbitMQ
- The RabbitMQ Management plugin
- Managing RabbitMQ from the web console
- Administering users from the web console
- Managing queue from the web console
- Using the command line interface
RabbitMQ and the REST API
- REST API features
- Accessing statistics
- vhost and user provisioning
Monitoring and securing RabbitMQ
- Message durability and Message acknowledgement
- Memory usage and process limits
- Setting up SSL