Visão Geral
Curso RabbitMQ Arquitetura, Configure facilmente uma arquitetura orientada a mensagens confiável e eficiente com RabbitMQ
Este Curso RabbitMQ Arquitetura, intensivo de 24 horas, cobre a instalação, configuração e desenvolvimento de aplicativos orientados a mensagens com RabbitMQ.
O curso começa com a instalação e configuração do RabbitMQ.
Ele continua com uma discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de aplicativos com a API Java.
O curso também cobre tópicos avançados, como clustering para scale-out e alta disponibilidade, bem como monitoramento de um cluster RabbitMQ.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to messaging and AMQP
- Advantages of messaging and asynchronous systems
- Why Java Message Service (JMS) is not enough
- The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) model
- Differences between AMQP and JMS
RabbitMQ overview
- Description and main features
- Installation, directory structure, configuration
- Persistence with the Mnesia database
- Web management console
- Multi-tenant architecture with virtual hosts
- Logging with the firehose tracer
Development and integration
- Client bindings (Java, C #, Python, Ruby, etc.)
- Focus on Java binding
- Higher level abstractions (Spring AMQP, Pika)
- AMQP routing with exchanges and queues
- Messaging patterns
Reliability of messaging applications
- Tail, exchange and message level sustainability
- Transactions with AMQP and JMS
- Transaction and acknowledgment
- Dead lettering
- Good practices for making message flows more reliable
- Scalable message-oriented architecture with clustering
- Configuring a cluster
- Disk and RAM type nodes
- Administering a cluster
- Load balancing
- Authentication with LDAP
- AMQP exposure via the STOMP protocol
- Integration of different brokers with Shovel
- Federation of RabbitMQ instances across a WAN
High availability
- Handling a node crash
- "Mirrored tails"
- Synchronization between slave nodes
- Customer side failover
- Performance impacts of configuration and client code
- Memory flow control
- Good practices
- AMQP template
- Configuring AMQP resources with Spring
- Sending and receiving messages
- Why secure AMQP communication
- User Management
- Secure RabbitMQ at the protocol level (SSL / SASL)
- Setting up permissions with virtual hosts
- Management API
- Integration with supervision tools
- Metrics to monitor