Curso Python Test Automation with Robot Framework


Curso Python Test Automation with Robot Framework

32 horas Curso Pratico
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Este Curso Python Test Automation with Robot Framework orienta os alunos desde o básico da automação de testes até recursos mais avançados, como a construção de uma estrutura de automação de testes personalizada, configuração de dados de teste e utilização de práticas recomendadas para criar soluções eficientes, robustas e fáceis de usar. manter scripts automatizados. Ênfase extra é colocada no uso do Python para criar novas palavras-chave do robô (funções do Python) para estender as bibliotecas do robô e para criar casos de teste do robô autodocumentados que sejam fáceis de ler e valiosos para todos os membros da equipe do projeto.


Após realizar este Curso Python Test Automation with Robot Framework você será capaz de:

  • Domine os fundamentos da automação de testes
  • Construa uma estrutura de teste do zero
  • Use scripts no estilo Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) para melhorar a colaboração da equipe Scrum
  • Estenda o Robot Framework usando funções Python personalizadas.
  • Crie scripts de teste fáceis de ler
  • Crie scripts de teste automatizados robustos e fáceis de manter.
  • Crie testes de API com Python no Robot Framework
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Robot Framework Fundamentals

  1. Install & Setup Robot Framework 
  2. The Settings Section of a Robot file
    1. Importing Resources
    2. Importing Existing Python Libraries (e.g., the Selenium Library)
    3. Suite Setup & Suite Tear Down
    4. Test Setup & Test Tear Down
  3. Creating a Variables section in a Robot file
  4. Creating a Keywords section in a Robot file
  5. Basics of Robot Syntax
    1. Using Existing Robot Keywords
    2. Importing Python Libraries
  6. Creating a Test Cases section in a Robot file
    1. Test Cases naming convention
    2. Documenting Test Cases with Documentation attribute
    3. Tags attribute
    4. Writing a simple Robot Test
  7. Executing a Robot Test
    1. Using the terminal execute tests
  8. Analyzing Results 
    1. Viewing the log file
    2. Finding Root Cause of Test Script Failures
    3. How to read and explain the Report File to your Project team

Locators / Finding Elements in a Web Application

  1. Setting up a Locator file
  2. How to find locators using Developer Console and XPath Helper
  3. Using id’s or CSS to find elements
  4. When and how to use XPath Axes for Locators
  5. Dealing with elements that have the same attributes

Page Object Model Pattern

  1. What is the Page Object Model?
  2. What are the benefits of the Page Object Model?
  3. How to benefit from Utilities Library when using Page Object Model

Behavior-Driven Development

  1. What is BDD?
  2. What are the benefits of BDD?
  3. How to create easy-to-read test cases
  4. How to align BDD test cases with Agile team
  5. Converting BDD style tests to Automation “stubs”

Designing a Test Automation Framework

  1. What are the components of a Test Automation Framework?
  2. What are the factors that make a robust Test Automation Framework?
  3. How to benefit from using Robot Framework extensibility when customizing your framework
  4. Be a “Subject Matter Expert” of the application before building your framework

Building a Test Automation Framework

  1. Working with Keywords from existing libraries
  2. Creating your project’s Utilities library
  3. Extending Robot with custom Keywords
  4. Creating Page Object files
  5. Creating organized Test Case files
  6. Generating Test Data

Enhancing Test Automation with Best Practices

  1. Creating Test Automation Scripts that are adaptable for many test cases
  2. Enhancing your project’s utilities library
  3. Reducing the amount of locators you have with “polymorphic” locators
  4. Making scripts more robust with proper waits
  5. Using Keyword Args for Python Functions
  6. When to use Exception Handling
  7. Generating Robot Docs to help with Documentation

API Testing Fundamentals

  1. What is API Test Automation?
  2. What are the benefits of API Test Automation?
  3. When should I use API Test Automation vs. UI Automation?

API Test Automation

  1. Setting up a simple API Test in Robot Framework
  2. Creating an API Test Suite
  3. Using API Tests to generate Test Data

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