Visão Geral
O curso Python para Desenvolvimento Web com Flask foi criado para capacitar desenvolvedores na construção de aplicações web dinâmicas e escaláveis utilizando o framework Flask. Flask é um framework leve e flexível, que permite criar desde pequenas aplicações até projetos complexos. Ao longo do curso, os participantes aprenderão a criar APIs RESTful, trabalhar com templates HTML, gerenciar bancos de dados, e implementar autenticação e autorização de usuários.
Conteúdo Programatico
Module 1: Introduction to Flask
- What is Flask? Overview of microframeworks
- Setting up the Flask environment
- Creating your first Flask application
- Understanding the Flask project structure
Module 2: Flask Routing and Request Handling
- Working with Flask routes and URL mapping
- Handling GET and POST requests
- Using request and response objects
- Flask's request lifecycle and debugging techniques
Module 3: Templates and Static Files
- Introduction to
templating engine
- Creating dynamic content with templates
- Working with static files (CSS, JavaScript, images)
- Template inheritance and context variables
Module 4: Building RESTful APIs with Flask
- Introduction to REST architecture
- Creating RESTful routes and resources
- Handling JSON data with Flask
- Implementing CRUD operations in a REST API
Module 5: Database Integration with Flask and SQLAlchemy
- Introduction to databases in Flask
- Setting up SQLAlchemy for database management
- Creating and manipulating database models
- Performing database migrations with Flask-Migrate
Module 6: User Authentication and Authorization
- Implementing user registration and login functionality
- Password hashing and security best practices
- Creating login-protected routes
- Implementing role-based access control
Module 7: Working with Forms and Validation
- Introduction to Flask-WTF for form handling
- Building forms and validating user input
- Handling file uploads in Flask applications
- Displaying validation errors and messages
Module 8: Application Deployment and Configuration
- Configuring Flask for production environments
- Deploying Flask applications on AWS, Heroku, and other platforms
- Managing application secrets and environment variables
- Setting up Nginx and Gunicorn for Flask deployment
Module 9: Final Project - Building a Full Flask Web Application
- Designing and structuring the application
- Implementing the front-end and back-end logic
- Integrating a database and user authentication
- Deploying the application to a live server