Visão Geral
Este Curso Python for Web Development with Django oferece uma introdução abrangente ao desenvolvimento web utilizando o framework Django com a linguagem Python. Os alunos aprenderão a construir aplicações web completas, desde o design de bancos de dados até a criação de interfaces de usuário dinâmicas. O Django é um dos frameworks mais populares e robustos para desenvolvimento de aplicações web, e este curso capacita os alunos a dominá-lo através de exercícios práticos e um projeto final.
Conteúdo Programatico
Module 1: Introduction to Django
- What is Django and why use it?
- Installing Django
- Structure of a Django project
- First Django project: Creating your "Hello World" application
Module 2: Fundamentals of Web Development with Django
- Setting up development environments
- Virtualenv and package managers
- Initial project setup
- URL structure in Django
- Views and templates
- Rendering dynamic HTML
- Django template system
- Variables, tags, and filters
Module 3: Models and Database with Django ORM
- What is ORM and how it works in Django
- Defining and creating models
- Database migrations
- CRUD with Django ORM
- Creating, reading, updating, and deleting objects
- Model relationships
Module 4: Authentication and Authorization System
- Implementing login and logout system
- Creating user registration forms
- Managing permissions and user groups
- Password recovery system
Module 5: Working with Forms in Django
- Creating forms using Django Forms
- Data validation in Django Forms
- Working with model forms
- Handling file uploads (images, documents)
Module 6: Django Admin
- Setting up and customizing Django Admin
- Adding and removing fields in Django Admin
- Creating custom filters in Admin
Module 7: RESTful APIs with Django Rest Framework
- Introduction to Django Rest Framework
- Serializers in Django
- Creating views and routes for APIs
- Implementing authentication in APIs
Module 8: Testing and Deployment
- Testing your Django application
- Unit and integration testing
- Deploying Django applications
- Deploying to Heroku
- Configuration for production servers (NGINX, Gunicorn)
Module 9: Final Project
- Development of a complete web application with Django
- User management system
- Advanced CRUD functionalities
- Integration with external APIs