Visão Geral
Curso Python and Django Foundation, começa ensinando aos alunos o básico do Python e, em seguida, ensina os alunos a desenvolver aplicativos da Web usando o framework Django. Esta aula cobre os fundamentos da criação de aplicativos básicos usando o padrão de design MVC (model-view-controller), bem como tópicos mais avançados, como administração, gerenciamento de sessão, autenticação e teste automatizado.
Nota: Este curso pode ser ministrado com Django 1.x ou 2.x em versões compatíveis do Python (conforme documentado nas primeiras notas de lançamento para sua versão geral do Django [1.11, 2.0, etc.] em https: //docs.djangoproject .com / en / 2.0 / releases / ).
Conteúdo Programatico
- The Python Environment
- Starting Python
- Using the interpreter
- Running a Python script
- Python scripts on Unix/Windows
- Editors and IDEs
Getting Started
- Using variables
- Built-in functions
- Strings
- Numbers
- Converting among types
- Writing to the screen
- Command line parameters
Flow Control
- About flow control
- White space
- Conditional expressions
- Relational and Boolean operators
- While loops
- Alternate loop exits
Lists and Tuples
- About sequences
- Lists and list methods
- Tuples
- Indexing and slicing
- Iterating through a sequence
- Sequence functions, keywords, and operators
- List comprehensions
- Nested sequences
Working with Files
- File overview
- The with statement
- Opening a text file
- Reading a text file
- Writing to a text file
- Raw (binary) data
Dictionaries and Sets
- About dictionaries
- Creating dictionaries
- Iterating through a dictionary
- About sets
- Creating sets
- Working with sets
- About sequences
- Function parameters
- Global variables
- Global scope
- Returning values
- Sorting data
Errors and Exception Handling
- Syntax errors
- Exceptions
- Using try/catch/else/finally
- Handling multiple exceptions
- Ignoring exceptions
Using Modules
- The import statement
- Module search path
- Zipped libraries
- Creating Modules
- Function and Module aliases
- About o-o programming
- Defining classes
- Constructors
- Instance methods and data
- Class/static methods and data
- Inheritance
Django Architecture
- Sites and apps
- Shared configuration
- Minimal Django layout
- Built-in flexibility
Configuring a Project
- Executing
- Starting the project
- Database setup
- The development server
Adding an Application
- Generate the application files
- Defining models
- Related objects
- SQL Migration
- App configuration
- Accessing models
Login for Nothing and Admin for free
- Setting up the admin user
- Running the admin site
- Tweaking the admin interface
- Changing the admin index page
Basic Views (AKA Controllers)
- What is a view
- HttpResponse
- URL route configuration
- Shortcut: get_object_or_404()
Basic Views (AKA Templates)
- About templates
- Django template syntax
- Static files
- Loading templates
- The url tag
- Shortcut: template.render()
Querying the Models
- QuerySets
- Field lookups
- Chaining filters
- Slicing QuerySets
- Related fields
- Q objects
Working with Templates
- Variable lookups
- Comments
- Inheritance
- Filters
- Escaping HTML
- Custom filters
- Forms overview
- GET and POST
- The Form class
- Processing the form
- Widgets
- Validation
- Forms in templates
- Beyond the basics
Automated Testing
- Why create tests?
- When to create tests
- Using Django's test framework
- Using the test client
- Running tests
- Checking code coverage