Curso OpenAI Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT with Microsoft Services Deep Dive


Curso OpenAI Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT with Microsoft Services Deep Dive

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso OpenAI Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT with Microsoft Services Deep Dive, ensina como aproveitar e combinar o ChatGPT com vários serviços da Microsoft. O curso combina informações valiosas sobre produtos com laboratórios práticos altamente interativos, capacitando os alunos em todos os serviços distintos com o objetivo final de criar seu próprio aplicativo de mini-IA de serviço cruzado e perceber o verdadeiro valor das combinações de produtos OpenAI e Microsoft.

Publico Alvo

Este curso é para quem quer se beneficiar aprendendo mais sobre os recursos e como interagir com o ChatGPT:

  • Desenvolvedores e programadores interessados ​​em integrar processamento de linguagem natural (NLP) em seus aplicativos ou criar chatbots e assistentes virtuais.
  • Pesquisadores nas áreas de aprendizado de máquina, processamento de linguagem natural e inteligência artificial que desejam estudar e experimentar modelos de linguagem.
  • Profissionais de negócios que buscam aproveitar a tecnologia de IA para melhorar o atendimento ao cliente, aprimorar os esforços de marketing ou automatizar tarefas repetitivas.
  • Qualquer pessoa interessada em explorar os recursos da IA ​​e aprender a interagir com um chatbot ou assistente virtual.
  • Alunos e educadores que desejam estudar ou ensinar cursos relacionados a PNL e IA.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

ChatGPT Fundamentals

Introduction to OpenAI, GPT-3.5/4 and ChatGPT

  1. What is OpenAI?
  2. What is GPT-3.5/4?
  3. What is ChatGPT and how it was launched?

Understanding the architecture and functioning of ChatGPT

  1. The structure of ChatGPT
  2. ChatGPT pricing
  3. Other Models
  4. ChatGPT vs GPT-3.5/4

ChatGPT Capabilities and Limitations

  1. Capabilities of ChatGPT
  2. Limitations of ChatGPT

How to access and use ChatGPT

  1. How to access ChatGPT
  2. How to use ChatGPT
  3. Example prompts.
  4. Tips and Tricks

Discover what else you can do with ChatGPT

  1. How to make money using ChatGPT
  2. ChatGPT API integrations


  • Lab 1: Getting Familiar with ChatGPT

What are PowerApps and Power Automate

Introduction to PowerApps

  1. What is PowerApps and what can it do for you?
  2. What is Canvas App
  3. What is a Model Driven App
  4. Security and Administration in PowerApps

Microsoft Dataverse

  1. Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse
  2. Microsoft Dataverse Benefits
  3. Relational Databases and Relationships

Power Automate Overview

  1. Introduction to Power Automate
  2. Benefits of Power Automate
  3. What can we do with Power Automate
  4. Power Automate Flows types
  5. Key concepts
  6. Efficient Scale Automation
  7. Example: A purchase order approval


Lab 1: Getting Started with PowerApps

Lab 2: Getting Started with Dataverse

Lab 3: Getting Started with Power Automate

What are PowerBI and Power Virtual Agents

Introduction to PowerBI

  1. What is PowerBI?
  2. Gathering Data
  3. PowerBI Components
  4. The PowerBI building blocks
  5. Getting started with PowerBI
  6. Consuming PowerBI in Power Platform

Introduction to Power Virtual Agents

  1. What is Power Virtual Agents
  2. What can Power Virtual Agents do for you?
  3. The components of Power Virtual Agents
  4. Power Virtual Agents AI Capabilities
  5. Bot Authoring advanced AI features
  6. Topic Conversation Path Design
  7. Bot Testing and Publishing


  • Lab 1: Getting started with PowerBI
  • Lab 2: Getting started with Power Virtual Agent

Integration of GPT-3.5/4 with Power Platforms

Working with OpenAI API

  1. What is an API and how does it work?
  2. OpenAI API functionality
  3. Integrating OpenAI API with Power Platforms

Connecting OpenAI API with Power Platforms using the Microsoft Connector

  1. Microsoft’s OpenAI connector
  2. Integrating PowerApps with GPT-3.5/4
  3. Integrating PowerBI with GPT-3.5/4
  4. Integrating Power Automate with GPT-3.5/4
  5. Integrating Power Virtual Agent with GPT-3.5/4
  6. Advantages and Case Scenarios


  • Lab 1: Integrating OpenAI API with Power Platforms

Development with OpenAI SDK

OpenAI API Integration

  1. Where can we integrate OpenAI API?
  2. API vs SDK
  3. OpenAI API General how-to steps

Python Application with OpenAI SDK

  1. Python SDK Basics
  2. Creating a python application
  3. Upgrading our python application

Website .Net Core integration with OpenAI SDK

  1. Understanding the architecture of .Net core
  2. Adding OpenAI SDK to .Net core
  3. Fine tuning

Website .Net C# Core integration with OpenAI SDK

  1. C# and .NET Core Basics
  2. Creating a website with AI functionality
  3. Image generation with DALL-E


  • Lab 1: Creating a Python AI Application
  • Lab 2: Creating an AI website

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