Curso Objective - C

  • Development

Curso Objective - C

40 horas Curso Pratico
Visão Geral

Curso Objective - C. Compreender a linguagem de programação Objective-C é fundamental para se tornar um desenvolvedor de iPhone de sucesso. Este Curso Objective - C foi projetado para fornecer aos desenvolvedores as habilidades e conhecimentos básicos para se tornarem proficientes em Objective-C e usar essas habilidades e aplicá-las no desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone/iPad.

O cCurso Objective - C para desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone/iPad fornece uma visão geral básica do Objective-C, a linguagem popular para desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone e iPad, e discute como construir um aplicativo básico usando Objective-C e Xcode. Este Curso Objective - C demonstra como baixar e instalar as ferramentas de desenvolvimento, cobre todos os principais recursos da linguagem e percorre os estágios de escrita, compilação e depuração do desenvolvimento. Você também aprenderá sobre gerenciamento de memória, um aspecto vital da programação em Objective-C e na estrutura Foundation.


No Curso Objective - C, os participantes aprenderão a:

  • Definir novas classes e escrever programas em Objective-C
  • Compilar, editar e executar programas Objective-C no Mac OS X
  • Arquivar e copiar objetos e compreender completamente os princípios do gerenciamento de memória
  • Escreva aplicativos para iPhone e iPad
  • Use o XCode para gerenciar o projeto de desenvolvimento de aplicativos e para compilar, editar e depurar aplicativos
  • Execute aplicativos em um dispositivo
  • Use o Interface Builder para projetar uma interface de usuário
  • Integre elementos da interface do iPhone, como botões, interruptores e controles deslizantes, ao aplicativo
  • Trabalhe com visualizações e controladores de visualização, controladores de navegação, tabelas e seletores
  • Integre multimídia em aplicativos para criar efeitos sonoros e reproduzir clipes de áudio e vídeo
  • Responda a controles de toque e gestos
  • Manipule imagens, execute animações simples e salve e restaure dados do aplicativo

No Curso Objective - C e de Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Objective C para iPhone/iPad , os participantes aprenderão a:

  • Definir novas classes e escrever programas em Objective-C
  • Compilar, editar e executar programas Objective-C no Mac OS X
  • Escreva subclasses, categorias e entenda os princípios de herança
  • Como funciona a tipagem dinâmica e o princípio do polimorfismo
  • Use as classes do Foundation Framework para trabalhar com números, strings, coleções e arquivos
  • Arquivar e copiar objetos e compreender completamente os princípios do gerenciamento de memória
  • Comece a escrever aplicativos para iPhone, iPod Touch e iPad
Publico Alvo
  • Programadores que desejam escrever aplicativos para Mac OS X, iPhone, iPod Touch ou iPad. Alguma experiência anterior em programação, de preferência com uma linguagem de programação orientada a objetos.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Getting Started in Objective-C

  1. What is Objective-C?
  2. Your First Program
  3. Steps for Using Xcode
  4. What is a Class, Object, or Method?
  5. Defining a Class to Work with Fractions
  6. Accessing Instance Variables

Data Types and Expressions

  1. Basic Data Types
  2. Arithmetic Expressions
  3. Defining a Calculator Class

Loops and Making Decisions

  1. The for statement
  2. The while statement
  3. The do statement
  4. The if Statement
  5. The switch Statement
  6. The Conditional Operator and Boolean Variables

More On Classes

  1. Properties, Synthesized Accessor Methods, and the dot Operator
  2. Multiple Method Arguments
  3. Passing Objects as Arguments
  4. Local Variables; The self Keyword
  5. Allocating and Returning Objects in Methods

Inheritance, Categories, and Protocols

  1. Inheriting Methods and Instance Variables
  2. Subclasses: Extension through Inheritance
  3. Classes Owning Their Own Objects; Overriding Methods
  4. Categories
  5. Protocols

Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding

  1. Polymorphism; Static Typing
  2. Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding

The Preprocesor and Underlying C Language Features

  1. Preprocessor
  2. Arrays
  3. Functions
  4. Structures
  5. Pointer
  6. Unions
  7. Miscellaneous Language Features

Numbers and Strings

  1. Number Objects
  2. String Objects


  1. Array Objects
  2. Fast Enumeration
  3. Sorting Arrays
  4. Dictionary Objects
  5. Set Objects

Working with Files

  1. Managing Files and Directories: NSFileManager
  2. Working with Paths: NSPathUtilities.h

Memory Management

  1. The Autorelease Pool
  2. Reference Counting
  3. Summary of Memory Management Rules
  4. Garbage Collection

Copying Objects

  1. The copy and mutablecopy Methods
  2. Shallow Versus Deep Copying
  3. Implementing the NSCopying Protocol
  4. Copying Objects in Setter and Getter Methods

Archiving Objects

  1. Archiving with XML Property Lists
  2. Archiving with NSKeyedArchiver
  3. Writing Encoding and Decoding Methods
  4. Using NSData to Create Custom Archives
  5. Using the Archiver to Copy Objects

Writing Your First iPhone Application

  1. Introductin to Cocoa Touch
  2. The iPhone SDK
  3. Your First iPhone Application

Web-based vs. Native Applications

  1. The Difference Between the Two

Cocoa, Cocoa Touch an the iPhone SDK

  1. Definitions

iPhone OS Frameworks

  1. What is a Framework?
  2. Overview of iPhone SDK Frameworks

iPhone Application Development Overview

  1. Overview of the Tools and Process

Some Quick Reviews

  1. Objective-C
  2. Protocols
  3. Memory Management

Writing Your First iPhone Application

  1. Outlets and Actions
  2. Introduction to Interface Builder
  3. Using the iPhone Simulator
  4. Extending your Application: Adding an Application Icon

Simple Debugging Techniques

  1. Using the Preprocessor
  2. NSLog and the Description Method
  3. Using Breakpoints

Running Your App on a Device

  1. The iPhone Provisioning Portal
  2. Developer Certificates, App IDs, Device IDs, Provisioning Profiles
  3. XCode’s Organizer Window

Application Execution and MVC

  1. Applications and Events
  2. The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

Screen Geometry

  1. The iPhone and iPad Coordinate System
  2. The frame, bounds, center, and origin
  3. Supporting Structures and Functions
  4. Applications and Events

Understanding Views and View Controller

  1. Properties of Views
  2. Subviews and Superviews
  3. Creating a View Controller
  4. Multiple View Controller
  5. Creating Views Programmatically
  6. Understanding a View-Based Application
  7. Manipulating Views: Moving and Hiding
  8. UIImageView - Working with Images
  9. Adding Simple Animation
  10. Handling Device Rotation and Control Resizing and Repositioning

Programming for the iPad And More…

  1. Using the UIPickerView class
  2. Reading Data from the Internet
  3. Creating a Navigation-based Application
  4. Working with a Table View Controller
  5. Populating Data in a Table
  6. Handling Row Selection
  7. Working with UITextView’s
  8. Playing Audio and Video Files
  9. Saving an Image to the Photo Album
  10. Displaying Alerts
  11. Creating a Default.png screen
  12. Transforming Images
  13. Using Timers
  14. Simple Animation
  15. Saving and Restoring the Application State
  16. Handling Touch Events
  17. Responding to Shake Gestures
  18. Working with Sliders and Switches
  19. Adding Sound Effects
  20. Application Design Decision: Universal vs. Separate Apps
  21. Examples
  22. Additional Topics, Time Permitting

Objective C for iPhone Applications Development


  1. Introduction to xcode
  2. Creating and building simple applications

Principles of oops

  1. Working with variables and constants
  2. Control statements and loops in objective C
  3. Introduction to array and pointers
  4. Protocols and categories

Objective-c memory management

  1. Auto release pool
  2. Managing memory using auto release pools

Interface builder

  1. Document window workflow tools
  2. Outlets and actions
  3. Referencing outlets

Introduction to debugging

  1. Managing program execution
  2. Setting and viewing breakpoints

Introduction to cocoa touch

  1. Design pattern of cocoa-mvc design pattern
  2. Foundation classes, value objects, collections
  3. Delegation

Sample iPhone Application Development



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