Visão Geral
Curso Objective - C. Compreender a linguagem de programação Objective-C é fundamental para se tornar um desenvolvedor de iPhone de sucesso. Este Curso Objective - C foi projetado para fornecer aos desenvolvedores as habilidades e conhecimentos básicos para se tornarem proficientes em Objective-C e usar essas habilidades e aplicá-las no desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone/iPad.
O cCurso Objective - C para desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone/iPad fornece uma visão geral básica do Objective-C, a linguagem popular para desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone e iPad, e discute como construir um aplicativo básico usando Objective-C e Xcode. Este Curso Objective - C demonstra como baixar e instalar as ferramentas de desenvolvimento, cobre todos os principais recursos da linguagem e percorre os estágios de escrita, compilação e depuração do desenvolvimento. Você também aprenderá sobre gerenciamento de memória, um aspecto vital da programação em Objective-C e na estrutura Foundation.
No Curso Objective - C, os participantes aprenderão a:
- Definir novas classes e escrever programas em Objective-C
- Compilar, editar e executar programas Objective-C no Mac OS X
- Arquivar e copiar objetos e compreender completamente os princípios do gerenciamento de memória
- Escreva aplicativos para iPhone e iPad
- Use o XCode para gerenciar o projeto de desenvolvimento de aplicativos e para compilar, editar e depurar aplicativos
- Execute aplicativos em um dispositivo
- Use o Interface Builder para projetar uma interface de usuário
- Integre elementos da interface do iPhone, como botões, interruptores e controles deslizantes, ao aplicativo
- Trabalhe com visualizações e controladores de visualização, controladores de navegação, tabelas e seletores
- Integre multimídia em aplicativos para criar efeitos sonoros e reproduzir clipes de áudio e vídeo
- Responda a controles de toque e gestos
- Manipule imagens, execute animações simples e salve e restaure dados do aplicativo
No Curso Objective - C e de Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Objective C para iPhone/iPad , os participantes aprenderão a:
- Definir novas classes e escrever programas em Objective-C
- Compilar, editar e executar programas Objective-C no Mac OS X
- Escreva subclasses, categorias e entenda os princípios de herança
- Como funciona a tipagem dinâmica e o princípio do polimorfismo
- Use as classes do Foundation Framework para trabalhar com números, strings, coleções e arquivos
- Arquivar e copiar objetos e compreender completamente os princípios do gerenciamento de memória
- Comece a escrever aplicativos para iPhone, iPod Touch e iPad
Conteúdo Programatico
Getting Started in Objective-C
- What is Objective-C?
- Your First Program
- Steps for Using Xcode
- What is a Class, Object, or Method?
- Defining a Class to Work with Fractions
- Accessing Instance Variables
Data Types and Expressions
- Basic Data Types
- Arithmetic Expressions
- Defining a Calculator Class
Loops and Making Decisions
- The for statement
- The while statement
- The do statement
- The if Statement
- The switch Statement
- The Conditional Operator and Boolean Variables
More On Classes
- Properties, Synthesized Accessor Methods, and the dot Operator
- Multiple Method Arguments
- Passing Objects as Arguments
- Local Variables; The self Keyword
- Allocating and Returning Objects in Methods
Inheritance, Categories, and Protocols
- Inheriting Methods and Instance Variables
- Subclasses: Extension through Inheritance
- Classes Owning Their Own Objects; Overriding Methods
- Categories
- Protocols
Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding
- Polymorphism; Static Typing
- Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding
The Preprocesor and Underlying C Language Features
- Preprocessor
- Arrays
- Functions
- Structures
- Pointer
- Unions
- Miscellaneous Language Features
Numbers and Strings
- Number Objects
- String Objects
- Array Objects
- Fast Enumeration
- Sorting Arrays
- Dictionary Objects
- Set Objects
Working with Files
- Managing Files and Directories: NSFileManager
- Working with Paths: NSPathUtilities.h
Memory Management
- The Autorelease Pool
- Reference Counting
- Summary of Memory Management Rules
- Garbage Collection
Copying Objects
- The copy and mutablecopy Methods
- Shallow Versus Deep Copying
- Implementing the NSCopying Protocol
- Copying Objects in Setter and Getter Methods
Archiving Objects
- Archiving with XML Property Lists
- Archiving with NSKeyedArchiver
- Writing Encoding and Decoding Methods
- Using NSData to Create Custom Archives
- Using the Archiver to Copy Objects
Writing Your First iPhone Application
- Introductin to Cocoa Touch
- The iPhone SDK
- Your First iPhone Application
Web-based vs. Native Applications
- The Difference Between the Two
Cocoa, Cocoa Touch an the iPhone SDK
- Definitions
iPhone OS Frameworks
- What is a Framework?
- Overview of iPhone SDK Frameworks
iPhone Application Development Overview
- Overview of the Tools and Process
Some Quick Reviews
- Objective-C
- Protocols
- Memory Management
Writing Your First iPhone Application
- Outlets and Actions
- Introduction to Interface Builder
- Using the iPhone Simulator
- Extending your Application: Adding an Application Icon
Simple Debugging Techniques
- Using the Preprocessor
- NSLog and the Description Method
- Using Breakpoints
Running Your App on a Device
- The iPhone Provisioning Portal
- Developer Certificates, App IDs, Device IDs, Provisioning Profiles
- XCode’s Organizer Window
Application Execution and MVC
- Applications and Events
- The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
Screen Geometry
- The iPhone and iPad Coordinate System
- The frame, bounds, center, and origin
- Supporting Structures and Functions
- Applications and Events
Understanding Views and View Controller
- Properties of Views
- Subviews and Superviews
- Creating a View Controller
- Multiple View Controller
- Creating Views Programmatically
- Understanding a View-Based Application
- Manipulating Views: Moving and Hiding
- UIImageView - Working with Images
- Adding Simple Animation
- Handling Device Rotation and Control Resizing and Repositioning
Programming for the iPad And More…
- Using the UIPickerView class
- Reading Data from the Internet
- Creating a Navigation-based Application
- Working with a Table View Controller
- Populating Data in a Table
- Handling Row Selection
- Working with UITextView’s
- Playing Audio and Video Files
- Saving an Image to the Photo Album
- Displaying Alerts
- Creating a Default.png screen
- Transforming Images
- Using Timers
- Simple Animation
- Saving and Restoring the Application State
- Handling Touch Events
- Responding to Shake Gestures
- Working with Sliders and Switches
- Adding Sound Effects
- Application Design Decision: Universal vs. Separate Apps
- Examples
- Additional Topics, Time Permitting
Objective C for iPhone Applications Development
- Introduction to xcode
- Creating and building simple applications
Principles of oops
- Working with variables and constants
- Control statements and loops in objective C
- Introduction to array and pointers
- Protocols and categories
Objective-c memory management
- Auto release pool
- Managing memory using auto release pools
Interface builder
- Document window workflow tools
- Outlets and actions
- Referencing outlets
Introduction to debugging
- Managing program execution
- Setting and viewing breakpoints
Introduction to cocoa touch
- Design pattern of cocoa-mvc design pattern
- Foundation classes, value objects, collections
- Delegation
Sample iPhone Application Development