Curso Node js Software Development

  • Development

Curso Node js Software Development

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Node js Software Development foi desenvolvido para apresentar aos alunos o Node.js como uma plataforma. Node.js é uma estrutura de código aberto que roda em várias plataformas, como Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. Ele é construído no tempo de execução do JavaScript do Chrome para criar facilmente aplicativos de rede rápidos e escaláveis. Node.js usa JavaScript no servidor. O Node.js pode ser usado para criar console, desktop, serviços da web e aplicativos da web. Node.js fornece uma rica biblioteca de vários módulos JavaScript que simplifica o desenvolvimento de aplicativos da Web usando Node.js em grande extensão.


Após a conclusão deste Curso Node js Software Development você serão capaz de:

  • Saiba o que é Node.js e como é melhor usá-lo
  • Instalar e configurar Node.js usando pacotes de instalação de plataforma e código-fonte
  • Gerenciar pacotes Node.js com o Node Package Manager
  • Use e crie módulos Node.js
  • Configurar e proteger um aplicativo da Web
  • Utilize recursos de arquivo e streaming com Node.js
  • Entenda os padrões comuns de programação do Node.js
  • Explorar problemas de desempenho com Node.js
  • Solucionar problemas do Node.js
  • Os alunos devem estar familiarizados com os conceitos de JavaScript e Web App
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Node.js

  1. What Is Node.js?
  2. Applications of Node.js
  3. Installing Node.js and NPM
  4. 'Hello, Node World!'
  5. How It Works
  6. Node.js is built on JavaScript: Benefits
  7. Traditional Server-Side I/O Model
  8. Disadvantages of the Traditional Approach
  9. Event-Driven, Non-Blocking I/O
  10. Concurrency
  11. Using Node Package Manager (NPM)
  12. The Express Server Framework

Module and Dependency Management

  1. Nature of a Node.js Project
  2. Introduction to Modules
  3. A Simple Module
  4. Using the Module
  5. Directory Based Modules
  6. Example Directory Based Module
  7. Using the Module
  8. Making a Module Executable
  9. Core Modules
  10. Loading Module from node_modules Folders
  11. Dependency Management Using NPM
  12. Installing a Package
  13. About Global Installation
  14. Setting Up Dependency
  15. Package Version Numbering Syntax
  16. Updating Packages
  17. Uninstalling Packages
  18. Alternate Dependency Management

The File System Module

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic File Manipulation
  3. Getting File/Directory Meta Data
  4. Read an Entire File
  5. The Buffer Class
  6. Writing to a File
  7. Reading in Chunks
  8. Writing in Chunks
  9. The open() Method
  10. Stream API
  11. The Readable Interface
  12. Example Reading Data in Chunks
  13. The Writable Interface

Events in Node JS

  1. Event Driven Programming
  2. Event Driven Programming (Contd.)
  3. Event Emitter
  4. EventEmitter Class
  5. EventEmitter Class – Inheritance
  6. The Event Loop and Event Handler
  7. Phases Overview
  8. Event Handlers
  9. Example (Using EventEmitter as an Object)
  10. Example (Inheriting from EventEmitter)
  11. EventEmitter Functions
  12. Issue with 'this' Keyword in Callback Functions
  13. Handling this Problem
  14. Controlling Event Callbacks in the Event Loop

Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks

  1. Synchronous and Asynchronous
  2. Callbacks
  3. Creating a Callback Function
  4. Calling The Callback Function
  5. Callback - Another Example
  6. Issue with 'this' Keyword in Callback Functions
  7. Handling this Problem
  8. Handling this Problem – Method 1 (Storing in Another Variable)
  9. Handling this Problem – Method 2 (Using Bind Function)
  10. Handling this Problem – Method 3 (Using ES6 Arrow Functions)
  11. Error Handling without Callback
  12. Error Handling with Callback
  13. Asynchronous Callback
  14. setImmediate() and nextTick()
  15. API Example

Asynchronous Programming with Promises

  1. The Problems with Callbacks
  2. Introduction to Promises
  3. Requirements for Using Promises
  4. Creating Promises Manually
  5. Calling the Promise-based Function
  6. Making APIs that support both callbacks and promises
  7. Using APIs that support both callbacks and promises
  8. Chaining then Method / Returning a Value or a Promise from then Method
  9. Promisifying Callbacks with Bluebird
  10. Using Bluebird
  11. Bluebird – List of Useful Functions
  12. Benefit of using Bluebird over ES6 for Promisification
  13. Error Handling in Promise-based asynchronous functions

Build and Dependency Management

  1. Introduction
  2. Bower Package Manager
  3. Managing Packages Using Bower
  4. Using Bower Packages
  5. Describing Dependency
  6. Grunt Build Manager
  7. Installing Grunt Components
  8. Writing a Grunt Build Script
  9. Running Grunt
  10. Running the JSHint Task
  11. Compiling 'Less' Files
  12. Compressing CSS Files
  13. Gulp Build Manager
  14. Gulp vs. Grunt
  15. Installing Gulp Components
  16. Writing a Build Script
  17. Running Gulp
  18. Compiling Less Files

Basic Web Application Development

  1. Introduction to the HTTP Module
  2. The Request Handler Callback Function
  3. The Server Object
  4. Example Use of Server Object
  5. The Request Object
  6. The Response Object
  7. Parsing Request Body
  8. Serving Static Files
  9. The HTTP Client API
  10. Making POST/PUT/etc. Requests
  11. Where To go from Here?

Debugging and Unit Testing

  1. Problem Determination Options
  2. Using console.log
  3. Using the 'debug' Logging Package
  4. Configure Logging
  5. The 'Node Inspector' Debugger
  6. Basic Usage of the Debugger
  7. Unit Testing Node.js Applications
  8. Getting Setup
  9. Writing a Test Script
  10. Running Unit Test
  11. Testing Asynchronous Code
  12. Using the Chai Assert API
  13. The Chai Expect API

Introduction to Express

  1. Introduction to Express
  2. Basic Routing Example
  3. Defining Routing Rules
  4. Route Path
  5. The Response Object
  6. Supplying URL Parameters
  7. Ordering of Routes
  8. Defining Catch All Route
  9. Full Example Web Service

Express Middleware

  1. Introduction to Express Middleware
  2. Writing a Middleware Function
  3. Binding to a Path
  4. Order of Execution
  5. Raising Error
  6. Handling Error
  7. Serving Static Files
  8. Handling POST Request Body
  9. Enable Response Compression

Accessing MongoDB from Node.js

  1. Getting Started
  2. The Connection URL
  3. Obtaining a Collection
  4. Inserting Documents
  5. Updating a Document
  6. Querying for Documents
  7. Deleting a Document
  8. Connection Pooling

Pug Template Engine

  1. Introduction to Pug
  2. Using Pug
  3. A Simple Template
  4. Passing Data to a Template
  5. Basic HTML Tag Rendering
  6. Rendering Values
  7. Conditional Rendering
  8. Rendering a List
  9. Layout Template
  10. Creating a Layout Template
  11. Creating a Content Template

Clustering and Failover

  1. Process Management
  2. Managing the Process Using OS Tools
  3. Installing a Service in Windows
  4. Create an Upstart Script in Ubuntu
  5. Process Management Using forever
  6. Clustering Basics
  7. Example Clustered Application
  8. More About Clustering
  9. Child Process Failover

Microservices with Node.js

  1. Microservices
  2. Microservices with Node.js
  3. The Express Package
  4. Installing and Using Express
  5. Defining Routing Rules in Express
  6. Route Path
  7. The Response Object
  8. A Simple Web Service with Express Example
  9. Composite Services
  10. Example - Call an API Using a Promise
  11. Using the callApi() Function

Supertest, Spy, and Nock

  1. SuperTest
  2. Sample Service
  3. Test without a Testing Framework
  4. Test with a Testing Framework
  5. Using Promises with SuperTest
  6. Nock
  7. Example
  8. Example – Request Body
  9. Using Query String
  10. Specifying Replies

New Features in Node.JS Version 4, 6, and 8

  1. Node History
  2. Node Version Policy
  3. LTS Release Schedule
  4. Changes in Node.js
  5. 'npm' Modules and Native Code
  6. Node 4.x
  7. Arrow Functions
  8. Arrow Functions As Parameters
  9. Using 'this' Within Arrow Functions
  10. ES2015 Classes
  11. Declaring Classes
  12. Declaring Instance Methods
  13. Accessor Methods
  14. Static Methods
  15. Inheritance With Classes
  16. Generator Functions
  17. Generator Example
  18. Controlling Generator Execution - next(value)
  19. Controlling Generator Execution - return(value)
  20. Controlling Generator Execution - throw(exception)
  21. Generator Recursion With 'yield*'
  22. Tail Call Optimization
  23. 'const' and 'let'
  24. Variable Scope
  25. Shadowing Variables
  26. Node 5.x
  27. Spread Operator
  28. Node 6.x
  29. Rest Parameter
  30. Node 7.x
  31. Node 8.x

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