Curso Neural Network in R


Curso Neural Network in R

16 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Neural Network in R, é uma introdução à aplicação de redes neurais em problemas do mundo real usando o software R-project.

  • Programação em qualquer linguagem de programação recomendada
Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Neural Networks


  1. What are Neural Networks
  2. What is current status in applying neural networks
  3. Neural Networks vs regression models
  4. Supervised and Unsupervised learning


Overview of packages available


  1. nnet, neuralnet and others
  2. Differences between packages and itls limitations
  3. Visualizing neural networks

Applying Neural Networks

  1. Concept of neurons and neural networks
  2. A simplified model of the brain
  3. Opportunities neuron
  4. XOR problem and the nature of the distribution of values
  5. The polymorphic nature of the sigmoidal
  6. Other functions activated
  7. Construction of neural networks
  8. Concept of neurons connect
  9. Neural network as nodes
  10. Building a network
  11. Neurons
  12. Layers
  13. Scales
  14. Input and output data
  15. Range 0 to 1
  16. Normalization
  17. Learning Neural Networks
  18. Backward Propagation
  19. Steps propagation
  20. Network training algorithms
  21. range of application
  22. Estimation
  23. Problems with the possibility of approximation by
  24. Examples
  25. OCR and image pattern recognition
  26. Other applications
  27. Implementing a neural network modeling job predicting stock prices of listed

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