Visão Geral
Este Curso Neural Network in R, é uma introdução à aplicação de redes neurais em problemas do mundo real usando o software R-project.
- Programação em qualquer linguagem de programação recomendada
Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Neural Networks
- What are Neural Networks
- What is current status in applying neural networks
- Neural Networks vs regression models
- Supervised and Unsupervised learning
Overview of packages available
- nnet, neuralnet and others
- Differences between packages and itls limitations
- Visualizing neural networks
Applying Neural Networks
- Concept of neurons and neural networks
- A simplified model of the brain
- Opportunities neuron
- XOR problem and the nature of the distribution of values
- The polymorphic nature of the sigmoidal
- Other functions activated
- Construction of neural networks
- Concept of neurons connect
- Neural network as nodes
- Building a network
- Neurons
- Layers
- Scales
- Input and output data
- Range 0 to 1
- Normalization
- Learning Neural Networks
- Backward Propagation
- Steps propagation
- Network training algorithms
- range of application
- Estimation
- Problems with the possibility of approximation by
- Examples
- OCR and image pattern recognition
- Other applications
- Implementing a neural network modeling job predicting stock prices of listed