Visão Geral
O Curso Natural Language Processing using Deep Learning, é adequado para quem deseja aprender como processar e compreender texto. Abrange as arquiteturas mais populares, incluindo Redes Neurais Recorrentes e Modelos Ocultos de Markov. Seria preferível fazer o curso Básico de Aprendizado de Máquina com antecedência para que o aluno se acostumasse com o vocabulário e os principais frameworks.
Conteúdo Programatico
NLP applications
Word vectors
- What are vectors?
- Word analogies
- TF-IDF and t-SNE
- GloVe
- Word2vec
- Text classification using word vectors
Hands-on Lab:
- Performing a basic text classification using multiple word vectors models
- Improve it by using basic text processing and language models to get the data ready for machine learning
Language modeling
- Bigrams
- Language models
- Neural Network Bigram Model
Hands-on Lab:
- Performing text classification using neural networks based on language models
- Understand the probabilistic modeling of language model, how to improve the context of a word and how synonyms can be generated and how basic neural networks generate powerful language models
Word Embeddings
- Skip-Gram
- Negative Sampling
Hands-on Lab: Understand advanced techniques for language modeling like Skip-Gram and Negative Sampling by implementing them and learn to predict the next most likely word in a conversation
NLP techniques
- What is POS Tagging?
- POS Tagging Recurrent Neural Network
- POS Tagging Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
- Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- POS vs. NER
Hands-on Lab: Use NLTK and SCIPY to improve your classification using grammar rules and POS, then use NER to highlight the most valuable content of a phrase, afterwards implement summarization
Recurrent Neural Networks
- Text Generation
Hands-on Lab:
- Implement in Keras a basic RNN architecture for word prediction, using the already studied word embeddings
- Benchmark the performances of LSTM compared to GRU and BiLSTM
Generative Neural Networks
Hands-on Lab:
- Implement in Keras your own generative model that generates lyrics similar to the ones from Shakespeare
- Learn to make Transfer Learning on text