Visão Geral
Este curso fornece um estudo abrangente da construção de aplicativos de banco de dados relacionais baseados na Internet com as linguagens SQL e RUBY e o produto de banco de dados mySQL. A classe inclui cobertura do uso da linguagem SQL e alguns conselhos administrativos sobre o produto mySQL. A classe inclui palestra, discussão e workshops práticos e progressivos "hands-on". Também estuda o ambiente de desenvolvimento, teste e implantação de aplicativos RILS para criação de aplicativos de internet que visualizam e atualizam dados de bancos de dados relacionais.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to the Rails environment
- Characteristics of "agile" development
- Installing RUBY and RAILS under your operating system
- Back-end relational database support
- The RAILS application and philosophy
- Overview of MVC: the Model-View-Controller framework
- Starting and running a sample application
- Using digg
- Testing and debugging applications
- mySQL tools in Rail
The Ruby Language
- Review of Object-Oriented Design Methodology
- Objects, variables, classes, methods, instantiation, scope, encapsulation, and inheritance – implemented as Ruby conventions
- RUBY commands and IRB – Interactive Ruby
- Core (built-in) Ruby classes and modules
- Collections, arrays, hashes, strings, numbers, and constants
- Operators and Iterators
- Conditional logic (If, Case, Unless, While, For, Until, Break, Redo, Next, Retry, etc)
- Working with Blocks
- Creating and calling Methods
- Exception classes and error handling
The mySQL Relational Database environment
- Using the mySQL client program
- Starting and stopping mySQL
- Connecting and disconnecting from mySQL
- Specifying connection parameters with Option Files
- Setting up mySQL user accounts
- Obtaining and using metadata
- Importing and exporting data
- Designing transactions in Ruby programs
- mySQL-based session management techniques
- Working with the CGI::Session class
The SQL Language
- Coding SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
- Using aggregate and scalar functions
- Error handling options
- Cursor management
- Event-driven capabilities in SQL
- Transaction management issues
Database Management and ActiveRecord
- ActiveRecord models and Ruby classes
- mySQL database object creation commands
- Rails-friendly SQL code
- Data integrity in the relational database model
- Validates_method
- Automatic and custom migrations
ActionController and ActionView
- Understanding controllers and views and how they interact
- Rendering commands
- RHTML templating
- Master and partial templates
- Erb: Embedded Ruby
- Layouts and the user interface
- Working with Forms under Rails: form helper methods and ActionPack
- RJS templates and AJAX
- Scaffolding in Rails
Project Automation and Rails Plugins
- Review of available plugins
- Plugin repositories
Debugging, Testing, and Production deployment
- The Ruby test framework
- Session management
- User authentication and login
- Fixtures
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- Your production environment
- Capistrano