Visão Geral
Este Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible, ensina aos participantes como aproveitar a ferramenta de gerenciamento e configuração de sistema, Ansible. Os alunos aprendem métodos, técnicas e recursos para automação e implementação.
Após relizar este Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible, você será capaz de:
- Configurar um nó de controle Ansible para dar suporte a um nó gerenciado por dispositivo de rede
- Requisitos de configuração específicos de hardware de rede (para acesso Ansible)
- Use módulos de rede Ansible padrão - por meio de comandos ad hoc
- Crie módulos de rede Ansible padrão por meio de playbooks
- Adquira informações do dispositivo de rede e execute alterações de configuração
- Entenda as funções de rede: crie, instale e acesse com o Ansible Galaxy
Publico Alvo
- Administradores de rede, engenheiros, administradores de sistema e técnicos de sistema têm pouco conhecimento prático do Ansible ou experiência limitada com ele.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
- software development (cycle) considerations
- Ansible components and required environment setup
- running Ansible in escalated privilege mode
- creating and using a common Ansible account
Initial Setup and Configuration
- (Review of) Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower
- Ansible documentation
- Ansible configuration file (locations and parameter definitions)
- inventory (hosts) file contents ( for networking nodes)
- inventory file required variable definitions for network device connections
- (gathering) system facts (methods)
Network Device Managed Nodes
- resource requirements for a network device-managed node
- overview of EVE-NG setup for network device emulation
- using network cli for the Ansible network connection (type)
- inventory and access control information on the control node
- initial testing
Ansible Modules
- layout and usage of an Ansible module
- sample Linux modules: file, yum, service, shell
- sample networking modules : ios_command, ios_config, ios_facts, ios_user
- general networking modules usage and strategies
- special use Ansible modules
Ansible Playbooks
- layout of a playbook: directives, variable definitions, tasks, module modifiers
- (Methods of) variable creation and usage
- using modules and modifiers) in playbooks
- controls: loops, conditionals, tags, plugins, and filters
- protecting sensitive information with the Ansible Vault
- Jinja 2 template usage
Roles in Ansible
- overview of a role
- creating a role (structure)
- using (a) role(s)
- packaging up a role
- Ansible Galaxy - capabilities and usage with roles
- Git repo (role) repository (creation) on a non-control node
- local access of a Git repo role repository
- remote access of a Git repo role repository
- importing role definitions