Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible, ensina aos participantes como aproveitar a ferramenta de gerenciamento e configuração de sistema, Ansible. Os alunos aprendem métodos, técnicas e recursos para automação e implementação.  


Após relizar este Curso Managing Network Automation with Ansible, você será capaz de:

  • Configurar um nó de controle Ansible para dar suporte a um nó gerenciado por dispositivo de rede
  • Requisitos de configuração específicos de hardware de rede (para acesso Ansible)
  • Use módulos de rede Ansible padrão - por meio de comandos ad hoc
  • Crie módulos de rede Ansible padrão por meio de playbooks
  • Adquira informações do dispositivo de rede e execute alterações de configuração
  • Entenda as funções de rede: crie, instale e acesse com o Ansible Galaxy 
Publico Alvo
  • Administradores de rede, engenheiros, administradores de sistema e técnicos de sistema têm pouco conhecimento prático do Ansible ou experiência limitada com ele.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. software development (cycle) considerations
  2. Ansible components and required environment setup
  3. running Ansible in escalated privilege mode
  4. creating and using a common Ansible account

Initial Setup and Configuration

  1. (Review of) Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower
  2. Ansible documentation
  3. Ansible configuration file (locations and parameter definitions)
  4. inventory (hosts) file contents ( for networking nodes)
  5. inventory file required variable definitions for network device connections
  6. (gathering) system facts (methods)

Network Device Managed Nodes

  1. resource requirements for a network device-managed node
  2. overview of EVE-NG setup for network device emulation
  3. using network cli for the Ansible network connection (type)
  4. inventory and access control information on the control node
  5. initial testing

Ansible Modules

  1. layout and usage of an Ansible module
  2. sample Linux modules: file, yum, service, shell
  3. sample networking modules : ios_command, ios_config, ios_facts, ios_user
  4. general networking modules usage and strategies
  5. special use Ansible modules 

Ansible Playbooks

  1. layout of a playbook: directives, variable definitions, tasks, module modifiers
  2. (Methods of) variable creation and usage
  3. using modules and modifiers) in playbooks
  4. controls: loops, conditionals, tags, plugins, and filters
  5. protecting sensitive information with the Ansible Vault
  6. Jinja 2 template usage

Roles in Ansible

  1. overview of a role
  2. creating a role (structure)
  3. using (a) role(s)
  4. packaging up a role
  5. Ansible Galaxy - capabilities and usage with roles
  6. Git repo (role) repository (creation) on a non-control node
  7. local access of a Git repo role repository
  8. remote access of a Git repo role repository
  9. importing role definitions

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