Curso Kofax


Curso Kofax

32 horas
Visão Geral

No Curso Kofax , você aprenderá como usar o Processo de Automação Robótica para automatizar processos de negócios, bem como tarefas.


Após concluir esteCurso Kofax, você será capaz de:

  • Automatizando Processos de Negócios
  • Capture informações apropriadas do banco de dados
  • Extraia dados de documentos importantes
  • Digitalização de Documentos
Publico Alvo
  • Funcionários de processos de negócios
  • Analistas
  • Profissionais de TI
  • Usuários finais
  • Conhecimento de conceitos de programação
  • Fundamentos de bancos de dados SQL
  • Gerenciador de serviços de informações da Internet da Microsoft (IIS)
Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Kofax

  1. Use Case Scenario
  2. What is Kofax TotalAgility?
  3. Single Platform for Smart Process Applications
  4. Business Process Management
  5. Dynamic Case Management
  6. Mobility Services
  7. Capture Services
  8. Transformation Services
  9. Awareness and Collaboration Services
  10. Analytics & Business Intelligence Services
  11. Data Integration Services

Installing Kofax TotalAgility

  1. Installation Prerequisites
  2. Server Operating System
  3. .NET Framework 4.0
  4. Silverlight
  5. Microsoft IIS
  6. MS SQL Server
  7. TCP/IP Protocol
  8. Database user
  9. Transformation Server user
  10. Installation steps
  11. Confirming Services and Applications after Installation

Creating a Capture Workflow Process

  1. Process Designer Module
  2. Basic Process Features, Naming, Properties
  3. Design a Process with Classification, Document Review, Extraction, Validation, and Verification Nodes
  4. Moving nodes, Connecting Nodes
  5. Auto Align a Process
  6. Save, Release, and Close
  7. Lock, Unlock a Process
  8. Create a Category
  9. Assign a Process to a Category
  10. Search for a Process

Creating Resources

  1. What are Resources?
  2. Resources Designer Module
  3. Create a Resource and Group Resource
  4. Basic Workflow Rules
  5. Assign a Resource to a Manual Activity

Configuring Kofax

  1. Data Designer Module
  2. Separation Profiles
  3. Document and Folder Level Separation
  4. Create a Separation Profile – Document and Folder
  5. Extraction Group
  6. What is an Extraction Group?
  7. Create an Extraction Group
  8. Create Fields Groups and create Document Types

Classification Group

  1. What is the Classification Group?
  2. Create a Classification Group
  3. Add an Extraction Group to a Classification Group

Folder Type

  1. What is a Folder Type?
  2. Create a Folder Type and create Folder Fields

Capture Process Properties, Process Variables, and Capture Node Configuration

  1. What are Variables?
  2. Configure Process Capture Properties – Initialize from Scan, Classification group, and Separation
  3. Create Variables – Document and Folder
  4. Classification Node Configuration
  5. Document Review Node Configuration
  6. Extraction Node Configuration
  7. Validation Node Configuration
  8. Configure an Activity SLA

Site, Forms and Navigation

  1. Kofax TotalAgility Workspace
  2. Form Designer Module
  3. Create a Site (website)
  4. Create a Manual Login form
  5. Create a Scan Create New Job Form
  6. Create Take Activity Forms
  7. Add Site Navigation
  8. Access a Site and Forms

Introduction to Transformation Designer/Classification

  1. Project Types - Classification, Extraction and Shared
  2. Opening Projects
  3. Connection to Kofax TotalAgility Extraction and Classification Groups
  4. Classification
  5. What is Classification?
  6. Layout Classification and Configuration
  7. Document Sets
  8. Assign Sample Documents to Classes
  9. Layout Classification Setup
  10. Training
  11. Test Classification


  1. What is Extraction?
  2. Document Sets
  3. Available Locator Methods
  4. Locator Properties
  5. Configure the Advanced Zone Locator
  6. Cleanup Profiles and Anchors
  7. OMR Group Zones
  8. Map Locator Values to Extraction Fields
  9. Anchors
  10. View Extraction Results
  11. Text Extraction

Create a Case-Based Process

  1. Case v Business Process
  2. Case and Process Design Components, Configuration, Implementation
  3. Categories
  4. Node Types: Common, Capture, Microsoft, CMIS, HP TRIM, Script, Other
  5. Loan Application Use Case scenario

Variables and Data Access

  1. Process Variables
  2. Server Variables
  3. System Variables
  4. Document Variables
  5. Folder Variables
  6. Data Access
  7. Creating a real-time connection to an External Database
  8. Different Types of Database access (Table, Stored Procedure, View)

Email Notifications and Document Creation

  1. Activity and Email Notifications
  2. Document Creation

Building Additional Forms, Navigation and Security

  1. Building forms for the Loan Application Process
  2. Changing Navigation
  3. Navigation Security
  4. Form Security

Formatting/Customizing Forms

  1. Formatting/customizing Forms
  2. Adding Images
  3. Adding controls
  4. Repositioning controls

Configuring end-to-end Capture Enabled Process

  1. Connect the Capture Applications Process to the Loan Process
  2. Loop Node
  3. Create New Job Node

Setting Email and Watched folders as Input Sources

  1. Setting Email Integration
  2. Configuring Watched Folders Integration

Exporting to Systems of Record

  1. Text Export Connector
  2. Downloading and Installing the Connector
  3. Configuring the Process
  4. Configuring the Export Connector

Configuring an MFP as an Input Source

  1. Creating the Device Create New Job form
  2. Configuring the process with a Precondition
  3. Managing Devices
  4. Download and install the Multi-Functional Peripherals (MFPs) Emulator
  5. MFP Emulation

Optional – Configuring Mobile Integration as an Input Source

  1. Configuring the Device Create New Job form
  2. Mobile Devices and the Mobile App
  3. App Settings: Connecting to the Kofax TotalAgility Server

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