Curso JEE Internals & Enterprise Architecture Patterns

  • Development

Curso JEE Internals & Enterprise Architecture Patterns

Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

RMI : RMI/IIOP : JNDI Internals

  1. RMI as the base of all technologies
  2. RMI architectural details
  3. Serialization and its limitation
  4. Benefit of IIOP Communication
  5. IIOP detailed architecture
  6. JNDI Tutorial

Java Management Extension Internals

  1. Introduction
  2. Standard MBeans
  3. Dynamic MBeans
  4. Model MBean
  5. Open Mbean
  6. JMX Notification model
  7. JMX Remoting(JSR 160,262)
  8. Advanced Features(Advanced Loading,relationship)
  9. JEE Management(JSR 77)
  10. Several Management Consoles(MC4J etc.)

Java Message Service Internals

  • Introduction
  1. Messaging
  2. JMS
  1. JMS Provider
  2. Administered Object
  3. Point-to-Point Messaging Domain
  4. Publish/Subscribe Messaging Domain
  5. JMS API Programming Model
  6. Message Acknowledgement
  7. Persistent Message
  8. Durable Subscription
  • JMS Resource Local Transaction
  • JMS Distributed Transaction
  • MDB
  • MDB and Managed Transaction

Java Transaction Internals

  • Introduction
  1. ACID
  • Transaction Basics
  1. Atomic
  2. Consistent
  3. Isolated
  4. Durable
  • Types of Concurrency
  1. Pessimistic
  2. Optimistic
  • Resource Local Transaction
  • Distributed Transaction
  1. XA
  2. 2PC
  3. Transaction Logs
  4. Heuristics

Managed Transactions

  1. JEE components interaction with transaction

JEE Connector Architecture Internals

  • Introduction
  • OutBound
  1. Outbound Communication
  2. Transaction Management Contract
  3. Managed Connection Factory
  4. Managed Connection
  • The Java EE Connector API
  1. The javax.resource Package
  2. The javax.resource.cci Package
  3. The javax.resource.spi Package
  4. The javax.resource.spi.endpoint Package
  5. The Package
  6. The Package
  • Inbound
    1. Inbound Communication
    2. Life Cycle Management Contract
    3. Work Management Contract
    4. Message Inflow
    5. Activation Spec
    6. Transaction Management
  • JMS Based MDBs
  • Connector Based MDBs(SMTP MDBs)

Enterprise Architecture Patterns

  • Introduction
    1. Patterns
    2. Design Principles
  • Layering
  • Domain Logic Patterns
  1. Transaction Script
  2. Table Module
  3. Service Layer
  • Data Source Architectural Patterns
  1. Table Data Gateway
  2. Row Data Gateway
  3. Active Record
  4. Data Mapper
  • Object-Relational Behavioural Patterns
  1. Unit of Work
  2. Identity Map
  3. Lazy Load
  • Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Patt
  1. Metadata Mapping
  2. Query Object
  • Object-Relational Structural Patterns
  1. Identity Field
  2. Foreign Key Mapping
  3. Association Table Mapping
  4. Embedded Value
  5. Serialized LOB
  6. Single Table Inheritance
  7. Class Table Inheritance
  8. Concrete Table Inheritance
  9. Inheritance Mappers
  • Offline Concurrency Patterns
  1. Optimistic Offline Lock
  2. Pessimistic Offline Lock
  • Session State Patterns
  1. Client Session State
  2. Server Session State
  • Web Presentation Patterns
  • Model View Controller
  • Page Controller
  • Front Controller

JEE Internals

  • JEE Architecture
  1. Server-Side Components
  2. Persistence and Entity Beans
  3. Asynchronous Messaging
  4. Web Services
  • Enterprise Applications
  1. The Entity Bean
  2. The Enterprise Bean Component
  3. Using Enterprise and Entity Beans
  4. The Bean-Container Contract
  5. Resource Management
  6. Primary Services
  • Session Beans
  1. The Stateless Session Bean
  2. SessionContext
  3. The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean
  4. The Stateful Session Bean
  5. The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
  6. Stateful Session Beans and Extended Persistence Contexts
  7. Nested Stateful Session Beans
  • OR Mapping
  1. Persistence Annotations
  2. Accessing Entity State
  3. Mapping to a Table
  4. Mapping Simple Types
  5. Mapping the Primary Key
  6. Relationships
  • Entity Manager
  • Persistence Contexts
  1. Tx-scoped
  2. Extended
  3. Application Managed
  4. Entity Managers
  5. Transaction Management
  6. Choosing an Entity Manager
  7. Entity Manager Operations
  8. Synchronization with the Database
  9. Detachment and Merging
  • Queries
  1. Java Persistence QL
  2. Defining Queries
  3. Parameter Types
  4. Executing Queries
  5. Bulk Update and Delete
  6. Query Hints
  7. Query Best Practices
  • Query Language
  1. Select Queries
  2. Aggregate Queries
  3. Update Queries
  4. Delete Queries
  • Advanced OR Mapping
  1. Embedded Object
  2. Compound Primary Keys
  3. Advanced Mapping Elements
  4. Advanced Relationships
  5. Multiple Tables
  6. Inheritance
  • Advanced Topics
  1. SQL Queries
  2. Concurrency
  3. Refreshing Entity State
  4. Locking
  5. Optimistic Locking
  6. Versioning
  7. Additional Locking Strategies
  8. Transaction Strategies
  • Recovering from Optimistic Failures
  • Recovering from Other failures
  • Requires New Attribute and exception
  1. Schema Generation
  • Entity Listeners
  1. Callback Events
  2. Callbacks on Entity Classes
  3. Entity Listeners
  4. JMX Listeners
  • Interceptors
  1. Intercepting Methods
  2. Interceptors and Injection
  3. Intercepting Life Cycle Events
  4. Exception Handling
  5. Interceptor Life Cycle
  6. Bean Class @AroundInvoke Methods
  • Writing Mail Interceptors
  • Writing Monitoring interceptors
  • Linking Interceptors with JMX
  • MDBs
  1. The Life Cycle of a Message-Driven Bean
  2. Connector-Based Message-Driven Beans
  3. MDB and Transaction
  4. Poison Message
  5. Design Strategies with MBD
  6. Message Linking
  • Timer Service
  1. Timer Service API
  2. Transactions
  3. Stateless Session Bean Timers
  4. Message-Driven Bean Timers
  • Advanced Managed Transactions
  1. Declarative Transaction Management
  2. Nontransactional EJBs
  3. Explicit Transaction Management
  4. Exceptions and Transactions
  5. Transactional Stateful Session Beans
  6. Conversational Persistence Contexts(Extended)
  • EJB3.0 and Web Services
  1. Accessing Web Services with JAX-RPC
  2. Defining a Web Service with JAX-RPC
  3. Using JAX-WS
  4. Other Annotations and APIs

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