Visão Geral
O Curso JavaScript fornece uma cobertura aprofundada do JavaScript, incluindo validação de formulário, programação modular, AJAX, envio de solicitações GET e POST. Você aprenderá a criar páginas da Web interativas usando manipulação de eventos Javascript e a usar Ajax para enviar solicitações assíncronas a páginas da Web e manipular as respostas. Você aprenderá a escrever código JavaScript para validação de formulário, cálculo do total de pedidos, navegação condicional (levar o usuário a uma página com base nas informações inseridas), rollovers de imagens (por exemplo, ter um botão aceso quando o usuário move o mouse sobre ele) , e mais.
O Curso JavaScript ensina aos desenvolvedores JavaScript experientes as habilidades necessárias para construir software robusto e escalável. Este Curso JavaScript cobre algumas das partes complexas da linguagem JavaScript e discute a programação de servidores em JavaScript, bem como várias outras opções para integração cliente-servidor.
Conteúdo Programatico
Basic Display and Objects
- A standard JavaScript template
- where is JavaScript placed
- alert, prompt & confirm windows
- objects, properties & methods
Syntax and Grammar
- lexical structure
- literal constants
- escape characters
- operators
- variables, scope and arrays
- expressions, conditions, statements
Control Flow and Functions
- conditional statements
- loops and switches
- continue, break and return
- functions: structure
- functions: examples
- functions: recursion
Working with Forms
- accessing form & control objects
- accessing control content
- radio button confirmation
Dynamic Form Examples
- dynamic select lists
- background color function
- select list color picker
- radio button color selector
- hexadecimal color picker
- event handlers
- event listeners
- example: time on page
- example: mouse rollover
- timed ad cycler
- the events list
Form Validation
- common validations needed
- validating before submission
- validating on a by entry basis
- validating on a keystroke basis
- multiple field validation
- validating numeric data
String Validation & Date
- brute force string validation
- multiple valid strings
- text analysis
- text formatting
- project: order form
- accessing elements using DOM
- style - color & fontsize changes
- visibility - collapsing text
- visibility - the noscript issue
- content - toggle buttons
- positioning - 'sticky' elements
- object explorer tool
- window dimensions
- object position|dimension
- equalized column heights
- cursor location
- jumping to a new location
Animation & Multimedia
- scrolling marquees
- flying text
- news scroller
- embedding audio
- transitions & viewports
- presentations & slideshows
- required cookie ingredients
- baking a cookie
- eating a cookie
- tossing a cookie
- saving user preferences
- saving a user 'agreement'
User-Defined Objects
- object constructors
- defining methods in constructors
- strictly typed properties
- function constructor methods
- inheritance based prototypes
- subclasses
- objects as associative arrays
- JavaScript object notation
Regular Expressions
- escaper characters
- character classes
- boundaries & quantifiers
- regular expression modifiers
- testing regular expressions
- using regular expressions
Menu Systems
- tabbed menus
- autoflagging
- select lists
- dropdown and pullout menus
- floatout, popup & tree menus
JavaScript - Advanced
JavaScript Review
- JavaScript setup, testing and debugging
- Data Types and variables in JavaScript
- Statement and control flow structures
- Basic event model
- Data manipulation: strings and numbers
Advance Constructs
- Arrays
- Validation with regular expressions
- External Scripts
- Using function references
- Understand the use of event propagation, capturing, and rerouting
- Use the correct syntax for cookie request and response
- Use single and multiple cookies in JavaScript
- Session only cookies
- Client support
JavaScript Object Model
- Understand the JavaScript object models
- Data from objects
- Modifying objects
- User created objects
Dynamic Programming
- Tables: creating, sorting, and filtering
- Forms: modification forms
- Menus and popups
Browser and Window Objects
- Moving, scrolling, and resizing
- Onerror events
- How to use history object
- Working with multiple windows and frames
Style Sheets
- Review of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- JavaScript Interaction with CSS
Keyboard and Printer Interactions
- Working with keyboard events
- Accessing the printer