Curso Java Web Services using JAX-WS and JAXB

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Java Web Services using JAX-WS and JAXB

24 horas
Visão Geral
  • Ganhe experiência valiosa com exercícios orientados à prática
  • Aproveite a experiência do instrutor do curso em Web Services
  • Você receberá modelos de unidades de serviço, que poderá usar em seus próprios projetos
  • Aprenda mais sobre a construção de clientes e servidores de Web Service usando os padrões Java JAX-WS, JWS e JSR-109
  • Aprenda a entender as APIs de serviços da Web JAXWS e JWS Metadata JSR-181
  • Habilidades em programação Java
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Web Services Basics

  1. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI
  2. The structure of SOAP messages: Envelope, Header and Body
  3. Describing Services using WSDL
  4. Transport via HTTP
  5. the Messagestyles: RPC/Encoded, RPC/Literal, Document/Literal, Wrapped and Bare
  6. Comparison of the SOAP Engines Axis, Axis2, Metro and CXF

Java Web Services Overview

  1. JAX-WS and JWS Metadata
  2. XML Parsing via DOM, SAX and StAX
  3. XML Java Binding by using JAXB
  4. SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
  5. Java API for XML Registries (JAXR)
  6. JAX-RPC versus JAX-WS
  7. Enterprise Web Services WSEE respectively JSR-109
  8. Relations and dependencies between the Java Standards

Java API for XML-Based Web Services JAX-WS

  1. Related specifications: JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, Annotations, JSR 109, Web Services Security (JSR 183)
  2. WSDL to Java and Java to WSDL Mapping
  3. Building clients with generated stubs
  4. Asynchronous clients with callback or polling
  5. MessageContext and WebServiceContext
  6. Handler for payload and protocol
  7. Engaging of handlers on a service, a port or the protocol layer
  8. Non-HTTP Transport
  9. Message Access and Session Management
  10. Versioning of Web Services
  11. Response Bean and AsyncHandler
  12. InOut Parameter with Holder Classes
  13. SPI with Provider and ServiceDelegate

XML Binding with JAXB

  1. JAXB Annotations
  2. Generate Schema from Java Code by using schemagen
  3. Generate XML Schemas by using the tool xjc
  4. How to use JAXB for Web Services

Web Services Metadata for the JavaPlatform JSR181 JWS

  1. Java 1.5 Annotations
  2. The Development models "Start with Java", "Start with WSDL" and "Start with WSDL and Java"
  3. Generating Web Services via Annotations
  4. The Affects of WSDL Generating with Annotations
  5. Generating of a Service Implementation Bean
  6. The Service Endpoint Interface SEI
  7. The Annotations: @WebService, @WebMethod, @WebResult, @WebParam, ...

J2EE Web Services Overview (WS4EE)

  1. EJB Introduction in 20 minutes
  2. JSR 109 Implementing Enterprise Web Services
  3. Web Service Components and Container
  4. Web Service Endpoint Interface (SEI)
  5. Wrapping of J2EE Web Services
  6. WS4EE Web Services and Tansactions
  7. JBoss.NET, JBossWS or Axis EJB Provider?

Java API for XML Registries (JAXR)

  1. Classifications Schemata
  2. JAXR Architecture
  3. Performance profiles
  4. Registries and Repositories
  5. JAXR Clients

Interoperability with the WS-I Basic Profile

  1. How does the WS-I Basic Profile complete the Web Services Standards SOAP, WSDL and UDDI?
  2. Interpretation of Document/Literal and RPC/Literal from WS-I
  3. Testing of messages and metadata for WS-I conformity with Proxy and Analyser
  4. How to generate WS-I conform Web Services
  5. Further profiles: Attachment Profile, Security Profile

Advanced Topics

  1. Sessionmanagement
  2. Exceptionhandling

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