Curso Introduction to Angular 10 Programming

  • Development

Curso Introduction to Angular 10 Programming

Visão Geral

Este curso abrange todos os tópicos essenciais e foi projetado para colocar os alunos em funcionamento com o desenvolvimento do Angular 10 no menor tempo possível. Desenvolvedores e designers de aplicativos, bem como aqueles encarregados de oferecer suporte a aplicativos Angular 10, obterão conhecimento valioso necessário para o sucesso em suas funções de trabalho ao fazer este curso. Angular 10 é uma estrutura JavaScript que suporta o desenvolvimento de aplicativos de página única que são executados em navegadores e também podem ser usados ​​para desenvolver sites responsivos e aplicativos móveis híbridos.

Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores e gerentes da Web que têm uma base sólida de HTML e JavaScript.
  • Experiência em JavaScript, incluindo conceitos de JavaScript orientado a objetos.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 24h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Introducing Angular

  1. What is Angular?
  2. Central Features of the Angular Framework
  3. Appropriate Use Cases
  4. Building Blocks of an Angular Application
  5. Basic Architecture of an Angular Application
  6. Installing and Using Angular
  7. Anatomy of an Angular Application
  8. Running the Application
  9. Building and Deploying the Application

Introduction to TypeScript

  1. Programming Languages for Use with Angular
  2. TypeScript Syntax
  3. Programming Editors
  4. The Type System – Defining Variables
  5. The Type System – Defining Arrays
  6. Type in Functions
  7. Type Inference
  8. Defining Classes
  9. Class Methods
  10. Class Constructors
  11. Class Constructors – Alternate Form
  12. Interfaces
  13. Working with ES6 Modules
  14. Visibility Control
  15. var vs let
  16. Arrow Functions
  17. Arrow Function Compact Syntax
  18. Arrow Function and Caller Context
  19. Template Strings
  20. Generics in Class
  21. Generics in Function
  22. Generics - Restricting Types
  23. TypeScript Transpilation


  1. What is a Component?
  2. An Example Component
  3. Creating a Component Using Angular CLI
  4. The Component Class
  5. The @Component Decorator
  6. Registering a Component to Its Module
  7. Component Template
  8. Example: HelloComponent Template
  9. Example: The HelloComponent Class
  10. Using a Component
  11. Run the Application
  12. Component Hierarchy
  13. The Application Root Component
  14. The Bootstrap File
  15. Component Lifecycle Hooks
  16. Example Lifecycle Hooks
  17. CSS Styles

Component Templates

  1. Templates
  2. Template Location
  3. The Mustache {{ }} Syntax
  4. Setting DOM Element Properties
  5. Setting Element Body Text
  6. Event Binding
  7. Expression Event Handler
  8. Prevent Default Handling
  9. Attribute Directives
  10. Apply Styles by Changing CSS Classes
  11. Example: ngClass
  12. Applying Styles Directly
  13. Structural Directives
  14. Conditionally Execute Template
  15. Example: ngIf
  16. Looping Using ngFor
  17. ngFor Local Variables
  18. Manipulating the Collection
  19. Example - Deleting an Item
  20. Item Tracking with ngFor
  21. Swapping Elements with ngSwitch
  22. Grouping Elements
  23. Template Reference Variable

Inter Component Communication

  1. Communication Basics
  2. The Data Flow Architecture
  3. Preparing the Child to Receive Data
  4. Send Data from Parent
  5. More About Setting Properties
  6. Firing Event from a Component
  7. @Output() Example - Child Component
  8. @Output() Example - Parent Component
  9. Full Two Way Binding
  10. Setting up Two Way Data Binding in Parent

Template Driven Forms

  1. Template Driven Forms
  2. Importing Forms Module
  3. Basic Approach
  4. Setting Up a Form
  5. Getting User Input
  6. Omitting ngForm Attribute
  7. Initialize the Form
  8. Two Way Data Binding
  9. Form Validation
  10. Angular Validators
  11. Displaying Validation State Using Classes
  12. Additional Input Types
  13. Checkboxes
  14. Select (Drop Down) Fields
  15. Rendering Options for Select (Drop Down)
  16. Date fields
  17. Radio Buttons

Reactive Forms

  1. Reactive Forms Overview
  2. The Building Blocks
  3. Import ReactiveFormsModule
  4. Construct a Form
  5. Design the Template
  6. Getting Input Values
  7. Initializing the Input Fields
  8. Setting Form Values
  9. Subscribing to Input Changes
  10. Validation
  11. Built-In Validators
  12. Showing Validation Error
  13. Custom Validator
  14. Using a Custom Validator
  15. Supplying Configuration to Custom Validator
  16. Sub FormGroups - Component Class
  17. Sub FormGroups - HTML Template
  18. Why Use Sub FormGroups

Services and Dependency Injection

  1. What is a Service?
  2. Creating a Basic Service
  3. The Service Class
  4. What is Dependency Injection?
  5. Injecting a Service Instance
  6. Injectors
  7. Injector Hierarchy
  8. The Root Injector
  9. Registering a Service with a Component's Injector
  10. Where to Register a Service?
  11. Dependency Injection in Other Artifacts
  12. Providing an Alternate Implementation
  13. Dependency Injection and @Host
  14. Dependency Injection and @Optional

HTTP Client

  1. The Angular HTTP Client
  2. Using The HTTP Client - Overview
  3. Importing HttpClientModule
  4. Service Using HttpClient
  5. Making a GET Request
  6. What does an Observable Object do?
  7. Using the Service in a Component
  8. The PeopleService Client Component
  9. Error Handling
  10. Customizing the Error Object
  11. Making a POST Request
  12. Making a PUT Request
  13. Making a DELETE Request

Pipes and Data Formatting

  1. What are Pipes?
  2. Built-In Pipes
  3. Using Pipes in HTML Template
  4. Chaining Pipes
  5. Internationalized Pipes (i18n)
  6. Loading Locale Data
  7. The date Pipe
  8. The number Pipe
  9. Currency Pipe
  10. Create a Custom Pipe
  11. Custom Pipe Example
  12. Using Custom Pipes
  13. Using a Pipe with ngFor
  14. A Filter Pipe
  15. Pipe Category: Pure and Impure
  16. Pure Pipe Example
  17. Impure Pipe Example
  18. Summary
  19. Chapter 11. Introduction to Single Page Applications
  20. What is a Single Page Application (SPA)
  21. Traditional Web Application
  22. SPA Workflow
  23. Single Page Application Advantages
  24. HTML5 History API
  25. SPA Challenges
  26. Implementing SPA's Using Angular
  27. Summary
  28. Chapter 12. The Angular Component Router
  29. The Component Router
  30. View Navigation
  31. The Angular Router API
  32. Creating a Router Enabled Application
  33. Hosting the Routed Components
  34. Navigation Using Links and Buttons
  35. Programmatic Navigation
  36. Passing Route Parameters
  37. Navigating with Route Parameters
  38. Obtaining the Route Parameter Values
  39. Retrieving the Route Parameter Synchronously
  40. Retrieving a Route Parameter Asynchronously
  41. Query Parameters
  42. Supplying Query Parameters
  43. Retrieving Query Parameters Asynchronously
  44. Problems with Manual URL entry and Bookmarking
  45. Summary

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