Curso High-Performance Python with C Programming

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso High-Performance Python with C Programming

24 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso High-Performance Python with C Programming, se concentra no suporte a código C legado para extensões Python e na escrita de novo código de alto desempenho com Cython. Este Curso High-Performance Python with C Programming, também ensina os participantes como empregar a API NumPy C para disponibilizar arrays NumPy em rotinas C.


Após realizar este você Curso High-Performance Python with C Programming, será capaz de:

  • Crie perfis de aplicativos Python para identificar gargalos de desempenho
  • Entenda os ganhos de velocidade das extensões Cython e C e como escolher a melhor opção para determinada aplicação.
  • Interface Python com C usando ctypes FFI, extensões C e Cython
  • Depurar código Python e C usando VS Code
  • Use a API NumPy C
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


Profiling and Debugging

  1. Debugging Python and C code with VS Code
  2. Profiling Python Applications
  3. Speed Gains of Cython
  4. Speed Gains of C Extensions
  5. CPU-bound vs. IO-bound
  6. How to Choose the Best Option

Interfacing Python with C

  1. CTypes FFI
  2. C Extensions
  3. Cython

CTypes FFI

  1. Compile C code to a Shared Object
  2. Load Shared Object into Python
  3. Call C Functions from Python
  4. Python Structure Class
  5. Python Binary Formatted Strings

C Extensions

  1. Learn to use the Python C API documentation
  2. Basic Structure of a C Extension
  3. Compiling C Extensions
  4. Import C Extensions in Python
  5. Packaging C Extensions
  6. Using PyObject
  7. Managing Memory and Reference Counting
  8. Challenges of Multithreaded Programming and the GIL
  9. Challenges of Asynchronous Programming

NumPy and C Extensions

  1. Learn to use the NumPy C API documentation
  2. Using NumPy Arrays with C Code
  3. Passing NumPy Arrays to a C Extension
  4. Creating NumPy Arrays in a C Extension
  5. Using the NumPy C API


  1. What is Cython?
  2. Installing Cython
  3. Compile Python Code
  4. Python Code Decorations with Cython
  5. Create Python Extensions with Cython
  6. Challenges of Multithreaded Programming and the GIL
  7. Challenges of Asynchronous Programming

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