Visão Geral
Este curso é para arquitetos e desenvolvedores que desejam usar o Fuse ESB? baseado no Apache ServiceMix para construir soluções de integração usando os Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) com Camel e serviços usando CXF, enquanto aproveita a poderosa tecnologia de kernel ServiceMix baseada em OSGi. A classe usa a distribuição FuseSource de ServiceMix e Camel, Fuse ESB para exercícios práticos de programação.
Conteúdo Programatico
Overview of Apache ServiceMix
Installing, Building and Configuring ServiceMix
Introduction to the ServiceMix Kernel
Working with the Kernel
- Bundles
- Features
- Services
Overview of OSGi
Developing Artifacts for ServiceMix
Overview of Apache Camel
Installation, Building and Development Environment for Camel
Overview of the CXF Project
Core Web Services Technologies
Installing and Building CXF
Development Environment
Overview of JAX-WS Development
Client-side Programming Issues
- Overriding URLs
- Message contexts
- Setting HTTP basic-authentication headers
Server-side Programming Issues
- Threading concerns
- Accessing message contexts
Code-first Service Development
CXF Configuration
CXF Logging
Support for MTOM (message attachments)
Servlet Deployment
Spring Deployment
Developing EIPs with Camel
Testing Camel Routes
Core Camel Components
- Web Services
- JMS/ActiveMQ
- E-Mail
- Apache MINA
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Java Beans
- Velocity
- Jakarta Logging
Camel Expressions, Predicates and Marshalling
Understanding Camel Routes
Threading and Transactions in Camel
Understanding Camel Components