Visão Geral
Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices. Uma arquitetura orientada a eventos utiliza eventos para comunicar e coordenar entre serviços desacoplados. Os aplicativos criados usando princípios orientados a eventos podem ser altamente escalonáveis, resilientes e extensíveis – essencial para grandes aplicativos modernos. Essas arquiteturas também se alinham e aproveitam os recursos dos provedores de nuvem modernos. Este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices ensina os participantes a compreender e aplicar arquiteturas orientadas a eventos.
Após realizar este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices você será capaz de:
- Entenda a relação entre microsserviços e arquiteturas orientadas a eventos
- Trabalhar com tipos de eventos e estruturas de eventos que os suportam
- Gerenciar questões de dependência de esquema
- Entenda os serviços de streaming em arquiteturas orientadas a eventos
- Resolva problemas com fluxos de trabalho e transações de longa duração
- Gerenciar interações com outros sistemas
Este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices, é destinado a arquitetos de soluções, engenheiros de software e desenvolvedores. Os alunos devem ter uma visão geral da arquitetura ou design de aplicativos. Experiência anterior com APIs RESTful, mensagens ou desenvolvimento usando aplicativos assíncronos/multithread é útil, mas não obrigatória. O Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices, é tecnologicamente neutro e não pressupõe conhecimento de nenhuma tecnologia de desenvolvimento específica.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Event-Driven Architectures
- Event-driven thinking and motivation for event-driven architectures
- Characteristics of event-driven architectures and high-level parts
- Benefits, challenges, and use cases
- Relationship between microservices and event-driven architectures
The Fundamentals of an Event-Driven Architecture
- Foundational definitions
- Event types and the event structures that support them
- Producers, consumers, and server events
- Kinds of event consumers - simple, complex, and streaming.
Illustration - UberBeats 0.1
- Throughout the course, an example - the hypothetical UberBeats application - is developed to illustrate the concepts discussed and show how each section builds on the previous material in practical terms.
Workshop 1 - An Event-Driven architecture
- Working in groups, students develop an event-driven architecture. Workshops present a problem and guide students toward a solution while groups have creative freedom to exercise their understanding of the material and develop their solutions. Workshops are taken up as a class so groups see different solutions and learn from each other.
Event Brokers
- Role of event broker in event-driven architectures
- Queuing and pub/sub
- Overview of Kafka
Data Schema Management
- Contracts in event-driven architectures
- Explicit and implicit contracts, pros and cons
- Role of a schema in formalizing data format and meaning
- Data representations - JSON, Protocol Buffers, Avro, and CML
- Motivation for schema evolution and strategies
- Principles of event modelling
Illustration - UberBeats 0.2
Workshop 2 - Data contracts
Integration Patterns
- Common integration patterns - change data capture, event sourcing, and Kafka streams
- The CAP theorem and implications for distributed systems
- Good practices to manage consistency concerns
- Managing schema dependency concerns
- Single and multiple consumers, consumer groups, and Kafka Connect.
Streaming services
- Role of streaming services in event-driven architectures
- Pros, cons, and use cases
- Components to implement a streaming service
- Good practices
Illustration - UberBeats 0.3
- Definition and characteristics of microservices
- Relationship between microservices and event-driven architectures
- Integration concerns with services not designed for event-driven architectures
Implementing Event-Driven Workflows
- Definition and characteristics of a workflow
- Challenges with workflows and long-running transactions
- Orchestration patterns
- Role and pros/cons of compensating transactions
- Good practices
Illustration - UberBeats 0.4
Event Reprocessing and Deterministic Behaviour
- Event stream concepts, motivation for event reprocessing (what problems does it solve)
- Illustrative use cases
- Requirements - immutability, idempotence
- Managing changes to history (retroactive events)
- Challenges and good practices
- Managing interactions with other systems