Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices

  • Architecture

Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices

24 horas
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Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices. Uma arquitetura orientada a eventos utiliza eventos para comunicar e coordenar entre serviços desacoplados. Os aplicativos criados usando princípios orientados a eventos podem ser altamente escalonáveis, resilientes e extensíveis – essencial para grandes aplicativos modernos. Essas arquiteturas também se alinham e aproveitam os recursos dos provedores de nuvem modernos. Este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices ensina os participantes a compreender e aplicar arquiteturas orientadas a eventos.


Após realizar este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices você será capaz de:

  • Entenda a relação entre microsserviços e arquiteturas orientadas a eventos
  • Trabalhar com tipos de eventos e estruturas de eventos que os suportam
  • Gerenciar questões de dependência de esquema
  • Entenda os serviços de streaming em arquiteturas orientadas a eventos
  • Resolva problemas com fluxos de trabalho e transações de longa duração
  • Gerenciar interações com outros sistemas

Este Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices, é destinado a arquitetos de soluções, engenheiros de software e desenvolvedores. Os alunos devem ter uma visão geral da arquitetura ou design de aplicativos. Experiência anterior com APIs RESTful, mensagens ou desenvolvimento usando aplicativos assíncronos/multithread é útil, mas não obrigatória. O Curso Event Driven Architecture Theories Patterns and Best Practices, é tecnologicamente neutro e não pressupõe conhecimento de nenhuma tecnologia de desenvolvimento específica.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Event-Driven Architectures

  1. Event-driven thinking and motivation for event-driven architectures
  2. Characteristics of event-driven architectures and high-level parts
  3. Benefits, challenges, and use cases
  4. Relationship between microservices and event-driven architectures

The Fundamentals of an Event-Driven Architecture

  1. Foundational definitions
  2. Event types and the event structures that support them
  3. Producers, consumers, and server events
  4. Kinds of event consumers - simple, complex, and streaming.

Illustration - UberBeats 0.1

  1. Throughout the course, an example - the hypothetical UberBeats application - is developed to illustrate the concepts discussed and show how each section builds on the previous material in practical terms.

Workshop 1 - An Event-Driven architecture

  1. Working in groups, students develop an event-driven architecture. Workshops present a problem and guide students toward a solution while groups have creative freedom to exercise their understanding of the material and develop their solutions. Workshops are taken up as a class so groups see different solutions and learn from each other.

Event Brokers

  1. Role of event broker in event-driven architectures
  2. Queuing and pub/sub
  3. Overview of Kafka

Data Schema Management

  1. Contracts in event-driven architectures
  2. Explicit and implicit contracts, pros and cons
  3. Role of a schema in formalizing data format and meaning
  4. Data representations - JSON, Protocol Buffers, Avro, and CML
  5. Motivation for schema evolution and strategies
  6. Principles of event modelling

Illustration - UberBeats 0.2

Workshop 2 - Data contracts

Integration Patterns

  1. Common integration patterns - change data capture, event sourcing, and Kafka streams
  2. The CAP theorem and implications for distributed systems
  3. Good practices to manage consistency concerns
  4. Managing schema dependency concerns
  5. Single and multiple consumers, consumer groups, and Kafka Connect.

Streaming services

  1. Role of streaming services in event-driven architectures
  2. Pros, cons, and use cases
  3. Components to implement a streaming service
  4. Good practices

Illustration - UberBeats 0.3


  1. Definition and characteristics of microservices
  2. Relationship between microservices and event-driven architectures
  3. Integration concerns with services not designed for event-driven architectures

Implementing Event-Driven Workflows

  1. Definition and characteristics of a workflow
  2. Challenges with workflows and long-running transactions
  3. Orchestration patterns
  4. Role and pros/cons of compensating transactions
  5. Good practices

Illustration - UberBeats 0.4

Event Reprocessing and Deterministic Behaviour

  1. Event stream concepts, motivation for event reprocessing (what problems does it solve)
  2. Illustrative use cases
  3. Requirements - immutability, idempotence
  4. Managing changes to history (retroactive events)
  5. Challenges and good practices
  6. Managing interactions with other systems

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