Visão Geral
O Curso Enterprise Architecture é uma experiência de aprendizado intensivo que abrange os elementos essenciais da Arquitetura Empresarial.
O Enterprise Architecture de Arquitetura Empresarial orienta você com o desenvolvimento de arquitetura de referência de desenvolvimento de arquitetura e informações arquitetônicas necessárias que podem ser fornecidas com antecedência a uma empresa para permitir práticas recomendadas de arquitetura consistentes. A arquitetura da empresa orienta os proprietários de negócios a atualizar suas estratégias, visão, objetivos e princípios. As empresas que usam o treinamento de Arquitetura Empresarial da Tonex dizem que se beneficiaram do uso de frameworks e padrões de Arquitetura Empresarial (EA) úteis, comprovados e testados e são capazes de falar a mesma linguagem de EA.
Após realizar este Curso Enterprise Architecture, você será capas de:
- Entenda os conceitos básicos da Arquitetura Empresarial (EA)
- Identificar o valor agregado da EA
- Explore por que e como construir um EA
- Compreender os desafios da implementação da EA, incluindo as questões técnicas e organizacionais
- Identificar os elementos de um plano de implementação de EA
- A estratégia articulada é gradualmente implementada arquitetonicamente em sistemas, estratégias de seleção de fornecedores, processos e em estruturas organizacionais que dão suporte aos sistemas
- Listar processos arquitetônicos, governança arquitetônica e padrões arquitetônicos
- Traços e competências auxiliares necessários aos arquitetos, tecnologias particulares e sua utilização
- Desenvolver um plano de trabalho da EA
- Determine arquiteturas específicas necessárias para sua organização
- Identificar as etapas para melhorar as práticas de arquitetura empresarial
- Desenvolver uma boa compreensão da Arquitetura, Arquitetura Corporativa e Arquitetura Corporativa em termos de definição, desafios e benefícios competitivos
- Entender de forma mais eficaz a necessidade de atividades multifuncionais de Arquitetura Empresarial
- Realizar de forma mais eficaz o valor do TOGAF, 4+1, TM Forum no desenvolvimento de estratégias específicas e na medição do seu impacto
- Identificar diferentes estruturas de EA, incluindo: TOGAF, DoDAF, FEAF, NAF, Zachman, NASCIO, CEAF e mais
- Entenda o Rational Unified Process (RUP) e o Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
- Selecionar, organizar e implementar um projeto de EA
- Selecione entre TOGAF, Zachman Framework (ZF), 4+1, RUP/EUP, IEEE 1471, DoDAF, MODAF, NAF e FEAF
- Identificar sintomas típicos de disfunção da EA
- Redesenhar EA e estruturar com sucesso dentro da empresa
- Desenvolver as melhores práticas no desenvolvimento de EA
- Garantir as melhores práticas por meio da aplicação da EA
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Architecture and Architects
- Architects
- What is Architecture?
- Concepts behind Architecting
- Architecture and Architecting
- Why, How, When on Architecting
- Architecture in the Context
- Architecture Domains
- Architectural Challenges
- Concepts behind Architecture Frameworks
What is Enterprise Architecture (EA)?
- EA Defined
- Basic Concepts
- The Enterprise Architecture Domain
- EA Vision and Benefits
- EA Segments
- EA Frameworks and Selection Principles
- EA Interfaces
- EA Governance
- EA Products
- EA Implementation Strategy
- EA Domains
- Business drivers for Enterprise Architecture
- Key Issues for EA
- EA implementation essentials
- Strategies, architectures, models, skills, approaches and tools
- Developing and managing an EA
- EA Budget Allocation and Roles
- EA Performance Measurement
- EA Budget / Performance Integration
- Component-Based Architectures
- Enterprise Architecture (EA) Choices
- TOGAF, Zachman Framework (ZF) and RUP/EUP, DoDAF, MODAF, AGATE, FEAF, CEAF and NASCIO
Concepts behind Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Architecture Frameworks and EA
- Architecture Principles and Practices
- AS-IS vs. TO-BE Architecture
- Concepts behind Gap Analysis
- Business and IT/Technology Alignment Issues
- The Framework Dilemma
- Types of Architecture Frameworks
- TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
- 4+1 View Model
- TM Forum Framework
- Zachman Framework
- Differences between Frameworks
- Frameworks that Follow a Process Approach
Basic Architecture
- Alignment of IT and Business
- From Business Architecture Blueprint to system blueprint
- Enterprise architecture frameworks, target architectures
- SOA design concepts
- Integration concepts: API and service management, REST, JSON, standard interfaces and protocols.
- Databases, data modeling
- Typical data structures
- Developing a current and future architecture model using standardized modeling tools
- Ways of implementing via a greenfield approach
- Way of implementing via brownfield transformations
- Tools and communication
- Architecture Governance
- How to create reusable architectural building blocks that promote business transformation (principles of modular design)
- Optimizing the interplay between a large number of systems or applications within an enterprise portfolio
- EA tools and using them in the communication with the Solution Architects
- Enterprise Architecture Domains: Business, Application, Data and technology
Information Architecture
- What is a Model?
- Typical Kinds of Model
- Business Process Model
- Business Information Model
- System requirements Model
- System Design Model
- Data model
- Business data versus application data; Common Object Models
- Cross domain view: normalization of IT and other data models
- Data design and management principles
- Information models and tools
- RDBMS, SQL, PLSQL assessment
- Non- relational data management
- Performance management
- Data policies, security. Customer data protection acts, regulation
- Addressing the issues with Architecture
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Model Driven Architecture
- Architecture Driven Modernization
- What is Architecture?
- Architecture as a Product
- Architecture as a Practice
- What is Architecture Driven Modernization?
- Business Architecture
- System Architecture
- Technical Architecture
- System Implementation
- Leveraging Service-Oriented and Model Approach to Architecting your Enterprise
- Purpose of Reference Architecture
- Common pitfalls for Telecom Service Providers
- Drivers of Reference Architecture
- The drivers of the Reference Architecture are Reference Architecture Goals, Principles, and
- Enterprise Vision and Telecom Transformation
- Completeness of the design
- Common understanding across organization
- functionality, availability, scalability, etc.
Integration Architecture
- Integration technologies, middleware platforms, architecture
- Integration principles
- Service governance
- Integration performance and management
- Data conversion
- Integration Security and Reliability
- Service Policies
- Design workshop (hands-on service design)
Current State and Future Directions of the IT Industry
- The IT Challenge
- Alignment of IT to Business
- Role of EA
- IT Strategic Planning
- IT Program and Portfolio Management
- IT Development vs. Operations
- IT Governance
- Regulatory and Compliance (SOX)
- IT Infrastructure Architecture Domains
- Integrated Architecture Framework
- Architecture and Architecture Framework Defined
- Trends in IT
- Social Networking
- Web 2.0/Mashups/Wiki/Widgetization
- Enterprise 2.0
- Virtualization
- Green Computing
EA Components
- Application and Technology Architecture
- Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Views
- Application Architecture
- Application Patterns
- Technology Architecture
- Technology Patterns
- Business Architecture
- Information Architecture
- Data Architecture
- Systems Architecture
- Systems Management
- Privacy
- Security and Directory
- Capacity Planning
- Disaster Recovery
- Computer Architecture
- The Business Architecture
- Access Architecture
- Integration Architecture
- Network Architecture
- Platform Architecture
EA Implementation Plan Examples
- EA Planning, Acquisition and Requirements Generation
- Strategies for EA Management
- Implementing EA Strategies
- Integration of EA, Security, and Capital Planning Processes
- Building Support for EA Across Independent Organizations
- Using the EA to Assess and Improve Performance
- Using the EA to Make Intelligent Management Decisions
- Tactical Issues for Applying EA Investments
- Designing an EA for Business Value and Relevance
- The Change Management Challenge of Implementing a Successful EA Program
- Lessons Learned from EA Implementations
- Architecture and Transformation
- Essential Elements for Creating a Usable Enterprise Architecture
A Comparison of the Top Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies
- Using the Enterprise Architecture to Quantify the Benefits of IT Projects
- The Zachman Framework (ZF) for Enterprise Architecture
- Using the Zachman Framework to Integrate Security and EA
- Enterprise knowledge artifacts
- Extended framework
- Rules of the Framework
- The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)
- Architecture Development Method (ADM)
- Enterprise Continuum
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)
- The Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
- Spewak’s EAP
- Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) v1.5 and v2
- All View (AV)
- Operational View (OV)
- Systems View (SV)
- Technical Standards View (TV)
- DoDAF v2 Views and DoDAF Metamodel
- NATO Architecture Framework (NAF)
- The UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF)
- Strategic goals of the enterprise, and the people, processes and systems
- Business architecture: describes organizations and Business processes
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- Logical architecture of the system
- Physical architecture of the systems
- Hardware and software products used in the architecture
- EAI, BPM, SOA, and Web Services to Support Your Enterprise Architecture
4+1 View Model
- Conceptual vs. Physical
- Logical View (Functionality)
- Implementation View (Configuration Management)
- Deployment View
- Process View (Performance Scalability and Throughput)
- Scenarios
- Correspondence between views
Case Studies
- The Governance Enterprise Architecture (GEA)
- Definition and Motivation
- GEA models
- GEA Implementation directions
- e-Government development
EA Boot Camp Workshops
- EA Program Guidance
- Milestones
- Performance Architecture
- Business Architecture
- Data Architecture
- Service Component Architecture
- Technology Architecture
- Gap Analysis
- Transition Strategy
- Establishment of appropriate EA governance processes
- EA Governance and EA Program Management
- EA Change Management and EA Deployment
- Usage milestones map to the enterprise assessment Criteria
- Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance
- Transition Strategy Performance
- Measuring EA Program Value
- Development and execution of EA value measurement plan to demonstrate the value of enterprise architecture (EA) in achieving enterprise objectives
- Implementing an Enterprise Architecture Program
TONEX Enterprise Architecture (EA) Exercises
- Developing an Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Using an Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- EA Selection Principles
- EA Implementation Templates
- EA Implementation Checklist
- EA Gap Analysis
- EA Case Studies