Curso Docker with Kubernetes

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Docker with Kubernetes

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Docker with Kubernetes. Docker e Kubernetes são nomes conhecidos no mundo do desenvolvimento e implantação de software. Docker oferece plataformas de contêineres e as duas palavras Docker e Containers quase se tornaram sinônimos ultimamente. Os contêineres revolucionaram a implantação de software por serem leves e funcionarem de maneira muito semelhante às máquinas virtuais, sem o sistema operacional para fazer o software funcionar. Eles tornaram possível construir aplicativos portáteis e seguros de forma ágil, onde as empresas conseguem economizar bastante em termos de custos e infraestrutura. Dockers usados ​​por gigantes da tecnologia como Microsoft e Google continuarão em tendência.

Embora seja fácil orquestrar vários contêineres e aplicativos de uma só vez, o desafio cresce exponencialmente quando os números chegam a centenas ou milhares. É aqui que o Kubernetes e a orquestração de contêineres entram em ação para ajudar no gerenciamento, automação e dimensionamento de aplicativos em contêineres. Embora de uma perspectiva geral o Docker e o Kubernetes pareçam semelhantes, eles operam em camadas diferentes e também podem ser usados ​​juntos. Eles podem ser considerados análogos a um aeroporto. Se os contêineres são aeronaves, o Kubernetes é o controle de tráfego aéreo.


Após realiza este Curso Docker with Kubernetes com êxito você será capaz de:

  • VMs e Containers Conheça os Containers e entenda a diferença entre VMs e Containers.
  • Aplicações Monolíticas e Microsserviços Conheça os conceitos que diferenciam aplicações Monolíticas de Microsserviços.
  • Instalação do Docker Aprenda a instalar o Docker e entenda todos os conceitos da arquitetura e componentes do Docker.
  • Docker Registry Aprenda a trabalhar com o Docker Registry para extrair e enviar imagens e explorar os outros recursos.
  • Volumes e redes Docker Obtenha uma compreensão clara dos conceitos que cercam os volumes Docker, bem como as redes Docker.
  • Docker Orchestration Aprenda a usar os Docker Orchestration Services, que incluem Docker Compose e Docker Swarm.
  • Kubernetes Aprenda a instalar o Kubernetes e também entenda o que é o Kubernetes e sua importância.
  • Docker Swarm e Kubernetes Obtenha conhecimento sobre a diferença entre Docker Swarm e Kubernetes e como implantar aplicativos.
  • Crie com Kubernetes Obtenha conhecimento para trabalhar com Kubernetes para criar Pods, implantações e também serviços.
  • Não existem pré-requisitos para frequentar este curso. Mas seria benéfico para você ter o seguinte conhecimento:
  • Virtualização
  • Fundamentos de Linux e redes
  • Experiência com instalação e configuração de aplicativos
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Dockers and Containers:

Learning Objectives:

This module provides an introduction to containers and the benefits of using containers as opposed to VMs. You will learn use cases of Containers and Docker, and be able to describe Docker architecture and its components.


  1. Evolution of Dockers and Containers
  2. Differences between VM's and Containers
  3. Docker Use Cases
  4. Benefits of using Containers
  5. Working with Docker Commands

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Learn various Docker Commands for creating, stopping, removing and copying containers.

Docker Installation and Architecture

Learning Objectives:

In this module, you will explore the prerequisites for installing Dockers. Learn to install and configure Docker toolbox on Windows OS, and install and configure Docker on Amazon EC2. Validate the Docker installation. Get deeper into Docker Architecture and components.


  1. Installing and Configuring Docker toolbox on Windows
  2. Installing and configuring Docker in Amazon Linux EC2

Hands-on workshop description:

Installing and Configuring Dockers.

Docker Images, Docker Volumes and Docker Networking:

Learning Objectives:

Create images by starting a container using a base image and interactively make changes to it, create a Docker file that will let Docker build the image automatically.Learn to create and work with Docker Volumes.Understand the three types of Docker Network – Local, Host and Bridge.


  1. Images and Layers
  2. Container Layers
  3. Working with Docker Images
  4. Building own Images using Dockerfile
  5. Working with Docker Volumes and Docker Networking

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Pulling and pushing images. Creating own images using Dockerfile and push to Docker Hub, Creating Automated Build using Docker Hub, Creating Docker Volumes and copying the data , Creating Bridge Network for container communication.

Docker Registries:

Learning Objectives:

Learn to create Public and Private Repositories using Docker Hub. You will also be able to share your image using Docker Hub, deploy your own Docker images registry and set up your own automated build.


  1. Overview of Registries- Public and Private
  2. Deep Dive into Docker Hub
  3. Other Public and Private Registries

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Creating Public and Private Repositories using Docker Hub, Share your image using Docker Hub , Deploy your own Docker images registry, Set up your own automated build, Creating Organizations and teams in Docker Hub

Docker Orchestration:

Learning Objectives:

Get an overview of Docker Compose and Swarm. Learn to build High Availability Structures needed for critical applications, and understand how to filter and schedule nodes for optimal deployment


  1. Overview of Docker Compose
  2. Defining and running multi-container applications
  3. Overview of Docker Swarm
  4. Build your own Docker Swarm Cluster
  5. Filtering and Scheduling Containers

Case Study Hands-On Workshop Description:

Building multi-container applications using Docker Compose, Creating Swarm cluster and adding the worker nodes, Creating Services and scheduling nodes for optimal deployment

Introduction to Kubernetes:

Learning Objectives:

Learn what / why Kubernetes is required and study Kubernetes Use Cases.

Sub Topics:

  1. Evolution of Kubernetes
  2. What is Kubernetes
  3. Kubernetes Use Cases
  4. Differences between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm

Kubernetes Architecture:

Learning Objectives:

Understand the key components of Kubernetes Cluster- Master, Nodes and AddOns.

Sub Topics:

  1. Understand Kubernetes Architecture
  2. Introduction to Kubernetes Master
  3. Components of Kubernetes Master
  4. Introduction to Node Components

Installing Kubernetes :

Learning Objectives:

Gain knowledge on installing and Kubernetes Cluster on Virtualbox, AWS Cloud and Google Cloud Platforms.

Sub Topics:

  1. Installing and Configuring Kubernetes locally via Minikube
  2. Creating Kubernetes Cluster in Google Cloud
  3. Creating Kubernetes Cluster in AWS Cloud

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Creating 2 VM's in Virtual Box, Download kubectl and minikube and install them, Start Minikube and Deploy sample deployment and expose to and external network, List all the nodes of the clusters, Stopping and deleting the cluster, Working with Kubernetes Dashboard

Deploying applications on Kubernetes Cluster:

Learning Objectives:

Here you will understand about Pods and how to deploy an app using kubectl commands.

Sub Topics:

  1. Introduction to Pods
  2. Pods Lifecycle
  3. Working with Pods to manage multiple containers
  4. Deploying Pods via Replication Controllers

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Services, Labels and Replica Sets:

Learning Objectives:

This module helps you to learn what is a Service, how to scale up and down the application replicas, provide updates to the application and autoscaling containers.

Sub Topics:

  1. Overview of Services
  2. Labels and Selectors
  3. Scale out deployment using Replicas
  4. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
  5. Load Balancing
  6. Rolling Updates

Case Study Hands-on workshop description:

Creating a Service, Using Service to expose App, Working with labels , Scale Up / Down the deployment to maximum and minimum replicas, Check the rollout status and rollback an update, Delete the services created

Managing State with Deployments:

Learning Objectives:

On completing this module, you will be able to deploy both stateless applications and stateful applications. You will also be able to scale the stateful sets and provide rolling updates.


  1. Working with StatefulSet
  2. Pod Management policies
  3. OnDelete and Rolling Update Strategies
  4. Cluster DNS
  5. Persistent Volumes

Hands-On Workshop Description:

Deploy Stateful and Stateless applications, Creating Persistent Volumes


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