Visão Geral
Curso DevOps Implementation ICP-FDO,
Aprenda a implementar a cultura DevOps em todas as suas equipes e em todas as suas cadeias de valor de TI.
Uma prática de DevOps é construída sobre uma base de cultura, ferramentas e colaboração estruturada. A multifuncionalidade das equipes é crítica, assim como o suporte contínuo de líderes e gerentes. Ferramentas de automação e alta eficiência dão suporte a tudo. Acima de tudo, o ingrediente essencial é a transformação da mentalidade de suas equipes de TI de um foco em funções de trabalho individuais para uma missão de equipe unificada. Essa transformação requer confiança, novas ferramentas e um plano tangível. Requer velocidade, alta visibilidade e uma mentalidade Agile para todos os envolvidos no desenvolvimento, implantação e manutenção de aplicativos.
Este Curso DevOps Implementation ICP-FDO, é repleto de ferramentas e técnicas práticas do mundo real. Do maior instrutor de desenvolvimento ágil do país, vem um programa abrangente para você começar no caminho para o sucesso do DevOps. Você sairá deste curso totalmente alfabetizado em toda a gama de ferramentas e lições DevOps disponíveis, pronto para selecionar o que é certo para você e traçar um caminho para o sucesso de TI totalmente realizado em sua própria organização.
Conteúdo Programatico
1. DevOps Defined
- DevOps (Then and Now)
- Infrastructure as Code
- BizDevOps
- DevSecOps
- AIOps
- DataOps
2. High-Performance IT Organizations
- Elite Performers
- Use of the Cloud
- Work-Life Balance
- Optimized Change Review
3. Origins and History of DevOps
- The Quality Movement and W Edwards Deming
- The Lean Movement and the Toyota Production System
- The Agile Movement – Mindset, Value, Principles & Practices
- The Continuous Delivery Movement
4. Argument for DevOps
- Business Value of DevOps
- Net Effect of DevOps
- Exercise: Argue for the value of DevOps in your organization
Maturing a DevOps Practice in the Enterprise
1. CALMS – The 5 DevOps Principles
2. The 5 Cultural Challenges
3. 5 Cultural Dimensions
4. Value Stream Mapping
- Value Stream Definition and Examples
- Exercise: Choose and Map a Case Study Value Stream
- Analyze: Value Stream Lead Time, Quality, Involvement
- Exercise: Analyze a Value Stream
Your DevOps Journy – Optimize Flow
1. Principles of Flow
- 6 Principles of Flow from the DevOps Handbook
- 8 Principles of Continuous Delivery from the Continuous Delivery book
- Exercise: Apply Principles to your Case Study Value Stream
2. Infrastructure as Code
3. Infrastructure & Application Configuration Management
- Configuration Management Tools
- Exercise: Configuration Management in your Case Study Value Stream
4. Deployment Pipeline
- Deployment Pipeline Stages and Tools
- Deployment Orchestration Tools
- Deployment Pipeline: Everything in Version Control
- Exercise: Deployment Pipeline in your Case Study Value Stream
5. DevOps Quality Management
- Quality Foundations
- Quality Principles
- Quality Practices
- Test Automation Architecture
- Test Automation Pyramid
- Strategies for Managing Test Data
- Code Analysis Tools
- Automated Testing Tools
- Exercise: DevOps Quality Management in your Case Study Value Stream
6. CI/CD
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Delivery
- Exercise: CI/CD in your Case Study Value Stream
7. Database Continuous Integration (DBCI)
- Exercise: DBCI in your Case Study Value Stream
8. Application Management Strategies
9. Application Architecture – SOA, Microservices, Strangler Pattern
10. Infrastructure Architecture – Virtualization & The Cloud
11. Containerization
12. Exercise: Optimize Flow in Your Case Study Value Stream
Your DevOps Journey – Amplify Feedback
1. Objective & Principles of Feedback
2. Telemetry Definitions & Concepts
- Telemetry Principles
- Exercise: Telemetry Principles in your Case Study Value Stream
- Integrating Security into Production Telemetry
- Telemetry Layers & Levels
- Ensuring Effective Alerts
- System Monitoring, Log Agregation, and Alerting Tools
- DevOps Metrics
3. Advanced uses of Telemetry
- Using Telemetry to Anticipate Problems
- Feedback for Safe Deployment of Code
- Developers Follow Their Apps Downstream
- Hypothesis-Driven Development and A/B Testing
- Exercise: Telemetry in your Case Study Value Stream
4. Change Review and Coordination
5. Exercise: Amplify Feedback in Your Case Study Value Stream
Your DevOps Journey – Continual Learning & Experimentation
1. Learning Culture
- Blameless Postmortems
- Responses to Failure
- Blameless Postmortems
2. Knowledge Sharing
3. Innovation Culture
- Institutionalize the Improvement of Daily Work
- Encouraging Experimentation
- Holding Learning and Improvement Events (Hackathons, Kaizen Blitzes, Rehearsing Large-Scale Failures, Fault Injection)
4. Role of Leadership
5. Exercise: Learning & Innovation Culture in your organization
Planning Your DevOps Journey
1. Cultural challenges
2. Organizational challenges
3. Transformation Patterns You Can Follow
- Lean Startup Teams
- Collaboration Tools
- Automate Everything You Can
- Reserve Time for Improvement
4. Planning DevOps Transformation
5. Exercise: Your DevOps Action Plan