Conteúdo Programatico
Getting Started with JavaServer Faces
- Understand common requirements for Web Applications
- Describe the JSF Web Application framework
- Describe the architecture of the JSF Web Applications
- Describe the View Description Language (VDL)
- Understand the role and structure of Managed Beans
- Describe navigation rules and cases
- Walk through a simple JSF web application
Designing JSF Pages Using Facelets
- Understand the structure of Facelet pages
- Use Tag libraries in Facelet Pages
- Describe the tag libraries supported in Facelets
- Understand the JSF Core Tag Library
- Understand the HTML RenderKit Tag Library
- Understand common attributes of the HTML tags
Using Managed Beans
- Define bean properties and bean scopes
- Declare beans using annotations
- Bind UI Components with Managed Beans
- Understand the Unified Expression Language (EL)
- Work with beans using Expression Language
- Understand the faces-config.xml Configuration File
- Configure beans in the faces-config.xml file
- Use Java EE Resources in Managed Beans
Designing Navigations
- Understand the implicit navigation rules in JSF
- Understand static and dynamic navigations
- Configure navigation rules and cases
- Understand the navigation rule declaration syntax
- Understand the navigation evaluation process
Validating and Converting Data
- Understand the data conversion and validating process
- Use standard data converters and standard data validators
- Configure default validators
- Use JSR-303 Bean Validation
- Work with conversion and validation messages
- Use Error Messages
- Use Resource Bundles in JSF Pages
- Develop custom validators and converters
Developing Complex Facelet Pages
- Use the DataTable Component
- Use the Facelets AJAX tag
- Understand the Facelets UI Tag Library
- Understand Facelet Templating
- Use ui:insert to define templates
- Use ui:composition to specify the template page
- Use ut:define to populate the template
Developing Composite UI Components
- Understand the concept of composite UI components
- Understand the elements of a composite component
- Understand JSF application resource libraries
- Design composite components
- Store composite components as resources
- Use Composite components
Working with Events
- Understand the life cycle of JSF request processing
- Understand life cycle events in JSF
- Understand value change events
- Use action events
- Register event listenets
- Understand the event model enhancements in JSF
Configuring and Deploying JSF Applications
- Understand JSF Web Application Stages
- Configure the state maintenance method
- Understand the application configuration loading process
- Install and upgrade JSF for a web container
- Deploy JSF web applications to the web container
- Test and verify the JSF application
- Configure security for JSF Web Applications