Conteúdo Programatico
A Tour Of Delphi
- Delphi Overview
- The Delphi Environment
- Environment Configuration
Projects, Units, And Forms
- Projects
- Units And Forms
- Project Options
- Compiling And Linking
Form Designer
- Component Types
- Naming And Conventions
- Creating A Simple Form
- Programming Events
- Running A Forms
Component Sampler
- Overview
- View Management
Advanced Component Sampler
- Page Controls
- Dialog Components
- Common Menu Characteristics
- Designers
The Object Pascal Language
- Overview & Latest Language Features Designers
- Language Basics
- Fundamental Control Elements
- Data Types
- Data Structure
- Program Structure And Scoping
- Project Groups
- Programs
- Units
- Procedures And Functions
- Scoping
Object-Oriented Programming In Delphi
- Program Design Methodologies
- Oop And Delphi
Advanced OOP
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading
- Typecasting Objects
- The Class Explorer
- Interfaces In Delphi
VCL Frameworks
- A Short History
- Tobject And Run-Time Type Information
- The Component Hierarchy
- Component Helpers
- Help Files In Delphi
Using The Debugger
- Debugger Options
- Debugger Options Dialog
- Debug Windows
- Inspectors
- Tasks
- The Debugging Process
- Dunit-Delphi Testing Framework
- Memory Management
Exceptions In Delphi
- Run-Time Error Handling
- Exception Syntax
- User Defined Exceptions
Templates And The Object Repository
- Creating Templates
- Template Strategies
Event Driven Programming
- The Essence Of EDP
- The Order Of Events
- Programming Event Handlers
- Opening Forms
Technology Overview
- Choosing A Data Access Technology
Borland Database Engine Overview
- About The Borland Database Engine
- Deploying The BDE
Creating Database Applications
- Connecting To Databases In Delphi
- Creating A Simple Database Form
- Adding More Data-aware Controls
- Creating A Detail Form
Using Database Wizards
- Introduction
- Using The Form Wizard
- Master/Detail Forms
Using Tfield Objects
- Field Properties And The Tfield Component
- Formatting Fields With Edit Masks
- Creating Calculated Fields
- Lookup Fields
- Validations
Manipulating Datasets
- Moving Record Pointers
- Limiting Record Sets
- Searching For Records
- Bookmarking Records
- Providing Default Values
Migrating To Client/Server
- Migrating Your Database With The Data Migration Wizard
- Modifying Applications
- Client/Server Features
Using Tquery Components
- The Tquery Component
- Tquery Parameters
- The Tquery Datasource Property
- Database Form Wizard
- Editing Records
- Locating Records In Queries
- Open Vs. Execsql
- Stored Procedures
Client/Server And The Tdatabase Component
- Dbexpress Components
- Clientdataset With Dbexpress
- Sqldataset
- Reconciling Server Errors
- Deploying Dbexpress Applications
User Interface Techniques I
- Common Interface Techniques
- User Interface Techniques II
- Mdi Applications
Advanced Object Pascal
- Class Scoping
- Properties
Unit Testing
- Using Dunit In Delphi
- Using Dunit With Forms
Advanced Tdatasets
- Transaction Processing
- Cached Updates
- The Dataset State Property
- Using Packages
- Creating A Package
- An Example
- Introduction
- Creating Thread Objects
Run-time Component Creation
- Uses For Run-time Component Creation
- Creating Components At Run-time
Win 32 Web Services With Delphi