Visão Geral
No Curso Deep Learning for Beginners, você aprenderá a ter uma compreensão básica do Deep Learning e suas aplicações.
Ao participar do Curso Deep Learning for Beginners, os participantes aprenderão:
- Aprendizado de máquina
- Aprendizado profundo
- Estúdio de aprendizagem profunda
- Classificação de dígitos manuscritos
- Classificação de imagens
- Análise Sentimental
- Modelagem de Tópico
Publico Alvo
- Cientistas de Dados
- Analistas de dados
- Engenheiros
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
Overview of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- What is Machine Leanring?
- Real Life Applications of Machine Learning
- Types of Machine Learning
- What is Neural Network
- What is Deep Learning
- Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
Deep Learning Studio Desktop
- Install Deep Learning Studio Desktop
- Exploring Deep Learning Studio Desktop Interface
HandWritten Digit Classification
- MNIST Handwritten Digit Dataset
- MNIST Classification with Feedforward Neural Nework
- What is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- MNIST Classification with CNN
Image Classification
- CIFAR10 Image Dataset
- CIFAR10 Classification with Feedforward Neural Nework
- CIFAR10 Classificatio with CNN
Sentimental Analysis
- IMDB Movie Review Dataset
- What is Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
- What is Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
- IMDB Sentimental Analysis with LSTM RNN
Topic Modeling
- Reuters Newswire Dataset
- Reuters Topic Modeling with LSTM RNN