Curso Chef Fundamentals

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Chef Fundamentals

16 horas
Visão Geral

Neste Curso Chef Fundamentals, você aprenderá como usar o Chef para transformar infraestrutura em código para automatizar a configuração, implantação e gerenciamento de seus servidores. 

Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros DevOps
  • Administradores de sistemas Linux
  • Engenheiros de lançamento
  • Engenheiros de automação de infraestrutura
  • Engenheiros de projeto de sistemas
  • conhecimentos básicos de administração do Linux (gerenciamento de usuários, trabalho com linha de comando, permissões de arquivo, etc.)
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to DevOps – Positioning Chef in a CI/CD pipeline

  1. DevOps Culture
  2. DevOps Tools overview
  3. Continuous Integration
  4. Continuous Delivery
  5. Continuous Deployment
  6. Delivery vs. Deployment

What is Chef?

  1. What is Chef?
  2. Why use Chef?

Module 3: Chef Core Components

  1. Chef Architecture
  2. ChefDK vs. Chef Workstation
  3. Overview of Chef Server, Nodes and Supermarket
  4. Hands-on Lab: Installing Chef Workstation and running the first “Hello world!” recipe

Chef Core Concepts

  1. Resources
  2. Recipes
  3. Cookbooks
  4. Run Lists
  5. Configuration Drift

Hands-on Lab:
Creating simple recipes and making use of the “file” resource to create specific files, using the “user” and “group” resources to create a new user.
Generating cookbooks and using the “package” and “service” resources to install system packages and activating services. Using the “bash” resource to execute arbitrary code. Conditioning with “guards”.


  1. Ohai Overview
  2. Ohai Configuration
  3. Hands-on Lab: Using the Ohai plugin to acquire system attributes

Chef Server

  1. Chef Server Overview
  2. Chef Server Components
  3. Dimensioning of the Chef Server
  4. Installation of the Chef Server
  5. The chef-client run

Hands-on Lab:

  1. Installing and configuring Chef Server
  2. Creating a local Chef repository (chef repo) and “talking” to the Chef Server

Knife & Bootstrapping a node

  1. What is Knife
  2. Bootstrapping a node with knife
  3. Knife common options
  4. Hands-on Lab: Bootstrapping a node with the “Knife” tool

Cookbooks & Run-lists in the context of a Chef Server

  1. Creating and applying a run-list
  2. Good practices
  3. Hands-on Lab: Applying a run-list to a bootstrapped node and executing Chef remotely (running the chef-client). Creating a basic “web-server” on the remote node. Managing a remote node.

Working with Templates

  1. How to work with Templates – examples
  2. Hands-on Lab: Using templates to generate dynamically populated files.

Module 10: Attributes

  1. Attributes Overview
  2. Types of Attributes
  3. How chef-client uses attributes
  4. Hands-on Lab: Using attributes and templates to generate a “sudoers” file as well as a “hosts” file.

Using Libraries

  1. Libraries overview
  2. Libraries use cases
  3. Hands-on Lab: Creating simple libraries and wrapper functions. Using custom code to determine OS family.

The Chef Test Kitchen – a safe space for trial and error

  1. What is Test Kitchen?
  2. Kitchen Configuration
  3. Kitchen use cases
  4. Hands-on Lab: Creating a test environment inside a Docker container with Test Kitchen.

Module 13: Kitchen “InSpec”

  1. What is InSpec?
  2. InSpec profiles
  3. Making sure your recipes hit home
  4. Hands-on Lab: Validating your test environment and recipes with Kitchen InSpec.

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