Curso C Programming

  • Development

Curso C Programming

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso C Programming oferece um estudo abrangente da linguagem de programação C. As palestras em sala de aula enfatizam os pontos fortes do C, que fornece aos programadores os meios de escrever código eficiente, sustentável e portátil. As aulas teóricas são complementadas com exercícios laboratoriais.


Ao participar do Curso C Programming , os participantes aprenderão:

  • Para entender a programação de soquete em C
  • Para criar servidores e clientes e comunicar-se entre eles
  • Programação TCP
  • Programação de servidor HTTP
Publico Alvo

Este Curso C Programming é para programadores que tiveram experiência em qualquer linguagem de programação ou foram encarregados de um projeto de programação C, e outros tipos técnicos, incluindo gerentes e engenheiros de suporte ao cliente que precisam aprender C.

Programação de soquete em C é para programadores C que desejam aprender programação avançada de soquete usando C

  • Experiência com programação ou linguagem assembly.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Using C with UNIX

  1. Writing the Program
  2. Compiling the Program
  3. The C Compiler (cc)
  4. Make, a Program Builder
  5. Improved Type Checking Using Link
  6. Running the Program

Constant and Variable Types

  1. Variables
  2. Variable Names
  3. Global Variables
  4. External Variables
  5. Static Variables
  6. Constants
  7. Arrays

Expressions and Operators

  1. Assignment Statement
  2. Arithmetic operators
  3. Type conversion
  4. Comparison
  5. Logical Connectors

Control Statements

  1. The if else Statement
  2. The switch Statement
  3. Loops
  4. The while Loop
  5. The do while Loop
  6. The for Loop
  7. The break Statement
  8. The continue Statement
  9. The goto Statement

Functions in C

  1. Scope of Function Variables
  2. Modifying Function Arguments
  3. Pointers in C
  4. Arrays and Pointers
  5. Recursive Functions

Pointers in C

  1. What is a pointer?
  2. Advantages of a pointer
  3. Declaring pointers
  4. Using pointers to access the memory locations
  5. Changing pointers
  6. Passing and returning pointers to and from the functions
  7. Pointers to arrays
  8. Changing pointers
  9. Passing and returning pointers to and from the functions
  10. Pointers to arrays

Dynamic Memory Allocation

  1. Why dynamic memory allocation?
  2. Allocating memory dynamically with malloc ()
  3. Using realloc ()
  4. Using calloc()
  5. Working with strings in a dynamically allocated memory

Input and Output

  1. The Standard Input Output File
  2. Character Input / Output
  3. getchar
  4. putchar
  5. Formatted Input / Output
  6. printf
  7. scanf
  8. Whole Lines of Input and Output
  9. gets
  10. puts

Handling Files in C

  1. UNIX File Redirection
  2. C File Handling - File Pointers
  3. Standard file pointers in UNIX
  4. Closing a file using fclose
  5. Input and Output using file pointers
  6. Character Input and Output with
  7. Files
  8. Formatted Input Output with File
  9. Pointers
  10. Formatted Input Output with Strings
  11. Whole Line Input and Output using
  12. File Pointers
  13. Special Characters
  14. NULL, The Null Pointer or Character
  15. EOF, The End of File Marker
  16. Other String Handling Functions

Structures in C

  1. Defining a Structure
  2. Accessing Members of a Structure
  3. Structures as Function Arguments
  4. Further Uses of Structures

Multithreading in C

  1. Pthreads Overview
  2. What is a Thread?
  3. What are Pthreads?
  4. Why Pthreads?
  5. Designing Threaded Programs

The Pthreads API

Compiling Threaded Programs

Thread Management

  1. Creating and Terminating Threads
  2. Passing Arguments to Threads
  3. Joining and Detaching Threads
  4. Stack Management
  5. Miscellaneous Routines

Mutex Variables

  1. Mutex Variables Overview
  2. Creating and Destroying Mutexes
  3. Locking and Unlocking Mutexes

Condition Variables

  • Condition Variables Overview
  • Creating and Destroying Condition Variables
  • Waiting and Signaling on Condition Variables

LLNL Specific Information and Recommendations

Socket Programming in C


Socket Programming Basics

  1. Introduction to Sockets
  2. Coding Sockets in C
  3. Data transfer over sockets
  4. Communicating on the same machine

HTTP Protocol

  1. Introduction to HTTP
  2. Building the HTTP Server
  3. Testing our Web Server
  4. Advance Concepts

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